Walking, Cycling and Public Transport

Walking and cycling are great ways to get around the City of Cockburn. Use our Explore Cockburn map to plot the best bicycle route or download a TravelSmart Guide below which shows information on all of the walking and cycle paths in Cockburn. 

Cycling in Cockburn

Many of the City’s conservation reserves also contain cycle paths. The City has produced TravelSmart Guides which show cycling paths, walking trails, public transport, and places of interest across Cockburn. Download a TravelSmart Guide under related documents below. You can also join the Cockburn Bicycle User Group. The City hosts several bike-friendly events throughout the year.

If you want to ride with others, start up a local community ride near your home and invites others to join. There are lots of tips and tricks on the Love to Ride website. 

Cockburn Bicycle user group

You can join the Cockburn Bicycle User Group. The City hosts a number of bike friendly events throughout the year.

If you want to ride with others, you can also start up a local community ride near your home and invites others to join. There are lots of tips and tricks on the Love to Ride website. 

The City works with a number of different groups to promote travel behaviour change. This includes residents, visitors, workplaces and schools. The City works on the Cycling and Walking Network Plan, planning and designing paths to help encourage travel behaviour change.

Walking in Cockburn

Walking is a great way for people of all ages and abilities to be physically active. Children, adults and seniors can all get involved in walking which is an enjoyable, low impact activity. A simple brisk walk for at least 30 minutes on most days can have significant health benefits.

To help you become familiar with different walking routes in your area, Be Active Cockburn has produced a Walking in the City of Cockburn booklet. You can download this booklet under Documents below. It contains 18 walking routes which cover the majority of suburbs in Cockburn. A printed copy of the booklet is available at all City of Cockburn libraries.

Walking guide

Document name Downloadable files
Cockburn Walk Guide BookletPDF document

Walking groups

The City of Cockburn is part of the Heart Foundation Walking (HFW) program. HFW is Australia's largest network of free community-based walking groups. These walking groups are based throughout Cockburn and take place each week at various times. With the supervision and guidance of a trained Walk Organiser, the walks provide an excellent opportunity for residents to improve their physical and mental health, and well-being.

Explore Cockburn bike map

Our Explore Cockburn map allows you to find out and plot the best bicycle route to get to your chosen location in Cockburn. Find out where all the paths, trails, dedicated bike lanes and bike friendly roads are in the City, and choose what suits you. Discover all the great places in Cockburn that you can explore by bike or by foot.

Access Explore Cockburn Bike Map

Your Move Program

The City runs the Your Move program with the Department of Transport that promotes walking, cycling and public transport in Cockburn. The program offers support and advice to help you find other ways to get to and from school, your workplace and around your local area.

You can get involved by walking, riding and using public transport whenever possible. By swapping a few car trips a week for walking, cycling and catching public transport, you can build more physical activity into your life, find more quality time to spend with friends and families, and save money to spend on things you enjoy.

Visit the Your Move website for ideas, resources and tools to get you and your family moving.

Getting to school

Learn why walking and riding to school is so much easier and better for you than getting into a car and trying to find a car park.

For accessibility purposes the transcript of the following video is linked in the 'related documents' area below.

Share the Space campaign

The East Metropolitan Regional Council and its member Councils in partnership with the City of Cockburn, Town of Cambridge and City of Vincent have launched a campaign to encourage predictable and courteous behaviours and to discourage distractions while walking, cycling and driving on our roads, shared paths, trails and footpaths. The 'Share the Space' campaign identifies behaviours that can help reduce conflict and safety issues. 

Key tips to sharing the space whether you are riding a bike, walking or driving a vehicle include:

  • Ringing your bicycle's bell when overtaking pedestrians
  • Walking and riding on the left hand side of paths
  • Giving way to others when turning
  • Avoiding being distracted while driving, walking or riding
  • Paying attention when backing out of driveways
  • Walking your dog on a short lead and on the left hand side of paths
  • Allowing plenty of room when overtaking other people riding bicycles
  • Bike riders slowing down on busy shared paths
  • Bike riders and people walking moving to single file to allow others to overtake, when it is safe to do so.
Share the Space - be safe

Share the space with comedians Matt Storer and Famous Sharon.

When riding, walking or scooting around Cockburn, don't forget to 'share the space like you share the fresh air'.

For accessibility purposes a word transcript titled 'Share the space - video transcript' is available under 'Related Documents' at the end of this page.

Share the Space - be predictable

Learn how to be more predictable when in your car, walking or on your bike. By ringing your bell when you're going past on a bike and staying to the left, you can be more predictable on the road, bikeway or footpath.

For accessibility purposes a word transcript titled 'Word Transcript: Share the Space - be predictable 2017 is available under 'Related Documents' at the end of this page.

Share the Space - be courteous


Learn how to be more courteous when driving, walking or on your bike. Keep your dog close, give plenty of space when passing and slow down when others are using the same space as you. 

For accessibility purposes a word transcript titled Word Transcript: Share the Space - be courteous 2017 is available under 'Related Documents' at the end of this page.

Share the Space - avoid distractions

Learn how to avoid distractions when driving, walking or on your bike. Focus on the road ahead when driving, keep your eyes peeled when walking and look right when crossing roads. 

For accessibility purposes a word transcript titled Word Transcript: Share the Space - avoid distractions 2017 is available under 'Related Documents' at the end of this page.

For more information, visit the Share the Space website.

Share the Space - more tips

WestCycle, the peak body for cycling and bicycle riding in Western Australia, have produced  series of Best Practice Guides to Cycling. The Best Practice Guides do not outline road rules - they communicate principles that you won't find in a rulebook and it is hoped that they are widely adopted within the cycling community. Visit the WestCycle website for more information.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.