Building and Planning Fees

Please be aware of the City’s building and planning services fees, including application fees and types and retrospective fee charges.

Building Application Fee Schedule


Building Application Type 

Fees Payable

CERTIFIED application for a building permit (s.16(l)) –
(a) for building work for a Class 1 or Class 10 building or incidental structure;
(b) for building work for a Class 2 to Class 9 building or incidental structure



Class 1 & 10  application fee

  • 0.19% of estimated value of works, min fee payable $110.00

Class 2 – 9 application fee

  • 0.09% of estimated value of works, min fee payable $110.00

Building Services Levy

  • Work value $45,000 or less - $61.65
  • Work value over $45,000 – 0.137% of estimated value of works 

Construction Training Fund Levy (payable only if value of works is more than $20,000)

  • 0.2% of estimated value of works

UNCERTIFIED application for a building permit (s.16(l))

Application fee – 0.32% of estimated value of works, min fee payable $110.00
Building Services Levy

  • Work value $45,000 or less - $61.65
  • Work value over $45,000 – 0.137% of estimated value of works 

Construction Training Fund Levy (payable only if value of works is more than $20,000)

  • 0.2% of estimated value of works

Application for a demolition permit (s.16(l)) –
(a) for demolition work in respect of a Class 1 or Class 10 building or incidental structure;
(b) for demolition work in respect of a Class 2 to 9 building

Class 1 & 10 application fee - $110.00
Class 2 to 9 application fee - $110.00 for each storey of the building
Building Services Levy

  • Work value $45,000 or less - $61.65
  • Work value over $45,000 – 0.137% of the estimated value of works 

Construction Training Fund Levy (payable only if value of works is more than $20,000)

  • 0.2% of estimated value of works

Application to extend the time during which a building or demolition permit has effect (s. 32(3)(f))

Application fee - $110.00
No Building Services Levy payable

Application for an Occupancy Permit for a completed Class 2 – 9 Building (s.46)

Application fee - $110.00
No Building Services Levy payable

Application for a temporary Occupancy Permit for an incomplete Class 2 – 9 Building (s.47)

Application fee - $110.00

Building Services Levy - $61.65

Application for modification of an Occupancy Permit for additional use of a building on a temporary basis (s.48)

Application fee - $110.00
No Building Services Levy payable

Application for replacement Occupancy Permit for permanent change of building’s use, classification (s.49)

Application fee - $110.00

Building Services Levy - $61.65

Application for an Occupancy Permit or Building Approval Certificate for registration of strata scheme, plan of re-subdivision (s.50(1) & (2))

Application fee is $11.60 for each strata unit covered by the application, but not less than $115.00 payable
Building Services Levy - $61.65

Application for an Occupancy Permit for a building in respect of which unauthorised work has been done (s. 51(2)) - Class 2 - 9 buildings

Application fee – 0.18% of estimated value of works, min fee payable $110.00

Building Services Levy

  • Work value $45,000 or less - $123.30
  • Work value over $45,000 – 0.274% of estimated value of works
Construction Training Fund Levy - payable only if the estimated value of the works is $20,000 or over
  • 0.2% of estimated value of works

Application for a Building Approval Certificate for a building in respect of which unauthorised work has been done (s.51(3)) - Class 1 &10 buildings

Application fee – 0.38% of estimated value of works, min fee payable $110.00

Building Services Levy

  • Work value $45,000 or less - $123.30
  • Work value over $45,000 – 0.274% of  estimated value of works
Construction Training Fund Levy - payable only if the estimated value of the works is $20,000 or over
  • 0.2% of estimated value of works

Application to replace an Occupancy Permit for an existing building (s. 52(1))

Application fee - $110.00
Building Services Levy - $61.65

Application for a Building Approval Certificate for an existing building where unauthorised work has not been done (s.52(2))

Application fee - $110.00
Building Services Levy - $61.65

Application to extend the time during which an Occupancy Permit or Building Approval Certificate has effect (s. 65(3)(a))

Application fee - $110.00
No Building Services Levy payable

Application as defined in regulation 31 (for each building standard in respect of which a declaration is sought)

Application fee - $2,160.15

New Swimming Pool (First inspection) fee

Applicable fee - $224.12

Private Swimming Pool (Periodic inspection)
(Note: annual fee of $56.03 [rates notice] x 4 years = total of $224.12 per inspection

Local government approval of battery powered smoke alarms

Application fee - $179.40

 More information and contact

For more information on the Building Services fee schedule, please call Building Services on 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].

Planning Services Fees and Charges - Development

Determination of development application (other than for an extractive industry) where the estimated cost of the development is

Under $50,000


$50,000 - $500,000

0.32% of the estimated cost of development

$500,000 - $2.5 million

$1,700 + 0.257% for every $1 in excess of $500,000

$2.5 million - $5 million

$7,161 + 0.206% for every $1 in excess of $2.5 million

$5 million - $21.5 million

$12,633 + 0.123% for every $1 in excess of $5 million

More than $21.5 million


Retrospective planning application fees

Please note: if the development has commenced or been carried out, by way of penalty an additional retrospective fee will apply that is twice the amount of the original fee payable for determination of the application.

(e.g. development under $50,000.00 original fee will be $147.00 + $294.00 (retrospective fee) = $441.00 total fee).

Change of Use


Application for alteration or extension or change of a non-conforming use
(and, if the change of use, the alteration or extension or change of non-conforming use has commenced, the fee is by way of penalty, twice that fee).


Renewal/Modification or Cancel of Development Approval $295
Home Occupation/ Home Business
(and, if the home occupation is already commenced an additional amount of $444 by way of penalty)
Extractive Industry
(and, if the development has commenced or been carried out, the fee above plus by way of penalty, twice that fee $1,478)

Advertising of development

0-10 Letters

No Charge 

11-50 Letters 


51-100 Letters 


101-150 LEtters 


151+ Letters $400

Subdivision clearances

Not more than five lots

$73 per lot

More than five lots but not more than 195 lots

$73 per lot for the first 5 lots then $35 per lot

More than 195 lots  


Local development plans

Local Development Plan   


Modification to Local Development Plan



Zoning Statements/Zoning Certificates


Reply to a property settlement questionnaire


Issue of written planning advice
Also applies to research and written information not associated with a current development, subdivision or rezoning application.


Section 40 Liquor Licensing Certificates


Built Strata 

Not more than 5 lots

$65 per lot + a base rate of $656

Fee per lot in excess of 5 lots

$43.50 per lot for 6 – 100 + base rate of $981

More than 100 lots                                    


Please note: while this list describes application fees, please be aware you may be subject to development contributions if your proposal is approved. For more information visit the Developer Contributions page.

More information and contact

For details on planning services fees and charges, please call Statutory Planning Services on 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Language Support

Fire Danger Rating

Social Media

Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.