Henderson Waste Recovery Park

Changes to hours and entry at Henderson

The City of Cockburn is relocating the entry to the Public Waste Drop-Off at Henderson Waste Recovery Park. On Thursday 20 Feburary, the service which accepts residents trailer passes will be moved to Dalison Avenue. 

The current Rockingham Road site will close for three days before the new site opens - from Monday 17 Feburary to Wednesday 19 February. During this time, residents will need to plan their waste disposal accordingly. The Rockingham facility at Millar Road is available as an alternative (please note, fees apply).

The Reuse Shop hours have also changed. The shop is now closed on Sundays. It will remain open on Friday and Saturday.

More information

Location and opening hours

The Henderson Waste Recovery Park is located at 920 Rockingham Road in Henderson. (view Google map for directions and opening hours).

The park is open seven days a week, every day of the year except Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and Good Friday.

Opening hours are:

Waste Drop-off to Transfer station (cars, trailers and utilities): 
  • 8am to 4pm from Monday to Sunday
  • Closed Good Friday, Christmas Day and New Years Day
Trucks on weighbridge: 
  • 7am to 4pm from Monday to Friday
  • Closed weekends
Reuse shop:
  • 8am – 4pm (enter by 3.45pm) Friday and Saturday.
Important notes:
  • Fees shown below may be subject to change.
  • Each load will be assessed by the weighbridge attendant whose decision shall be final.

Commercial Waste

Henderson Waste Recovery Park is not accepting commercial quantities of Inert waste until further notice. This is due to maintenance of infrastructure. We are still open for domestic waste and trailer passes. The Reuse shop is open as usual.

Accepted items and conditions

The park accepts:

  • General household including furniture, whitegoods and electronics
  • General commercial waste
  • Construction and demolition waste 
  • Metal
  • Timber
  • Green Waste (this is processed into compost which is free to people visiting the park)
  • Polystyrene - no trailer pass required
  • Cardboard - no trailer pass required
  • E-Waste (e.g. computer, keyboard, laptop, phone, TV) - no trailer pass required

The above items are recycled or reused wherever possible.

Non-commercial cardboard and polystyrene can be delivered by residents and non-residents for free at HWRP, no trailer pass is required.

The park also accepts the following items; however, some conditions and/or additional fees apply:

Henderson Waste Recovery Park does not accept asbestos. Residents can use Millar Road Landfill and Recycling Facility and Ranford Road Resource Recovery and Waste Transfer Station as alternative disposal locations. We advise resdients call these facilities ahead of time to understand their policies around asbestos disposal.
Environmentally sensitive, extraordinary or class II or III

Disposal of environmentally sensitive, extraordinary or Class II or III waste is by negotiation.

Special handling charges apply for non-compliance and/or burials. Please refer to Trailer passes, fees and charges shown below.

Green waste

Domestic quantities of green waste (including branches and pruning suitable for mulching) is accepted at Henderson Waste Recovery Park. This green waste is processed into compost which is free and available to people visiting HWRP.

You can also dispose of green waste at the Regional Resource Recovery Centre (view Google map for directions and opening hours).

Please refer to Trailer passes, fees and charges shown below.

Mattresses (innerspring only)

A maximum of four innerspring mattresses can be disposed of per load (not including base or foam mattresses).

Entry Fee or Pass PLUS $48.00/ea Domestic per mattress

$53.00/ea Commercial per mattress 

Please refer to Trailer passes, fees and charges shown below.

Paint and household hazardous waste

Residents and businesses can dispose of paint and paint containers free of charge via the Paintback scheme.
A maximum of 100 litres in volume will be accepted per visit.
Paint must be in containers no larger than 20 litres.

Household hazardous waste
Residents can dispose of up to 20 litres per day of household hazardous waste, free of charge.
The types of hazardous waste accepted includes:

  • Acids

  • Aerosols – CFC based

  • Aerosols, flammable – paint and lacquers

  • Aerosols, flammable - pesticide

  • Alkali

  • Arsenic based products

  • Batteries – nickel cadmium

  • Batteries – other (excludes Lithium and Thionyl Chloride)

  • Cyanides

  • Engine coolants and glycols

  • Fire extinguishers – non-Halon

  • Flammable liquids - hydrocarbons and fuels

  • Flammable solids

  • Flares

  • Fluorescent tubes, CFL and light fittings

  • Gas Cylinders

  • General household chemicals eg cleaners

  • Heavy metal compounds

  • Inorganic oxidising agents – eg pool chlorine

  • Low level radioactive substances eg smoke detectors

  • Mercury – elemental

  • Organic peroxides

  • PCB materials

  • Pesticides

  • Solvents – halogenated

  • Toxics

  • Unknown chemicals (if they are in a secure, sealed, chemical resistant container).


A maximum of four tyres can be disposed of per load (on or off rim).

Please note there is an additional charge for disposing of tyres.
There is a $11 charge per car tyre and $21 charge per 4WD tyre.
Please refer to Trailer passes, fees and charges shown below.

Trailer passes, fees and charges 

To enter the Henderson Waste Recovery Park, you will require a trailer pass or pay the entry fee. See below for more information.

Additional charges apply for the disposal of mattresses, tyres and Class II and III waste (see below).

Trailer passes

Cockburn property owners receive six trailer passes with their annual rates notices. Trailer passes can be used for standard entry into the Henderson Waste Recovery Park and for green waste disposal. They also allow for green waste disposal only at the Regional Resource Recovery Centre in Canningvale for those that live closer to this area.

If you rent a property, contact your landlord or agent to request a trailer pass.

If you do not have a trailer pass, you will need to pay the entry fee (see below).

How to use your trailer pass

Present your trailer pass at the gate, with the vouchers intact (cut off vouchers will not be accepted).​

Important note: You cannot sell or transfer your trailer passes.

Additional charges

Please note there is an additional charge for the disposal of innerspring mattresses, tyres and class II and III waste. See below.

Trailer Passes cannot be sold or transferred
  1. Trailer passes cannot be sold or transferred to any person or company.
  2. Trailer passes can only be used by the ratepayer who is paying rates for the service
  3. Trailer passes can be cancelled if ratepayers are found to be selling or transferring their passes
  4. The provision of 6 trailer passes is generous and is not provided by any other local government in WA
  5. Why can you not sell or transfer your trailer passes?
    1. Henderson Waste Recovery Park (HWRP) operates seven days per week and delivers numerous services that are costly to maintain
    2. Trailer passes that are sold can be used by non-Cockburnians for waste generated of the Cockburn area. This could potentially lead to higher rates in order to manage the additional waste.
    3. Contractors who purchase trailer passes receive an unentitled benefit while still often charging their customers for waste disposal
Entry fees for cars, utes and trailers (where no trailer pass is presented)
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Load of waste Cost per load (inc. GST)

Per car (sedan) (excluding utes and trailers)


Per utility or trailer up to but not exceeding 1m3


Ute or trailer load not exceeding 1-2.5m3


Ute or trailer load exceeding 2.5m3


Entry fees for trucks (over weighbridge)
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Type of waste Minimum cost per load Cost per tonne (inc GST)
Clean Fill - Not accepted at this time N/A N/A

Inert waste (off liner): Includes sand, concrete, rocks and bricks only. No gyprock or timber.


$189 (inc GST)

Timber packaging (off liner): Includes uncontaminated timber packaging only. No chipboard, cardboard or plastic.


$189 (inc GST)

Mixed waste (on liner): Includes domestic and general waste, plaster, timber, steel and other building material.


$189 (inc GST)

Additional charges

The following charges are in addition to the tip pass or entry fee.

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Waste type Additional charge

Mattress - Innerspring (not including base or foam) (Maximum 4)

Entry Fee or Pass PLUS $48.00/ea Domestic per mattress


$53.00/ea Commercial per mattress 

Tyres: Car (Maximum 4) (on or off rim)

$11.00 each

Tyres: 4WD (Maximum 4) (on or off rim)

$21.00 each

Class II waste*

Rates for disposal of environmentally sensitive, extraordinary or Class II or III waste is by negotiation.  Special Handling fees apply for non-compliance and/or burials.

$216.00 per tonne

Class III waste*

Rates for disposal of environmentally sensitive, extraordinary or Class II or III waste is by negotiation.  Special Handling fees apply for non-compliance and/or burials.

$227.00 per tonne

Frequently asked questions

Why does it cost so much to bring my waste to you?

A seven day a week landfill and recycling operation is expensive. You may not know:

  • Modern, best-practice landfills must not present an environmental hazard for future generations. Constructing and operating a safe and clean landfill costs many millions of dollars.
  • For many decades after the landfill is full, costly environmental protection and monitoring of the site is required.
  • Landfill plant and equipment is highly specialised and expensive to purchase, operate and maintain in the harsh environment.
  • Specialist recyclers charge the City of Cockburn for recycling materials like cardboard, e–waste, tyres and mattresses. In fact, scrap metal and items sold in the Reuse Shop are the only items that generate an income for the City.
  • The City must pay the State Government a landfill levy of $85 + GST for every tonne of waste sent to landfill.

The City’s fees and charges are kept to an absolute minimum.

Why do you not accept items free of charge to the Reuse Shop?

The City treats all items it receives as waste and charges a fee for the following reasons: 

  • Some items dropped at the Reuse Shop can’t be sold for safety reasons. The State Government forbids the sale of certain products such as cots, helmets, baby capsules and cycle machines, even if they’re in great condition.
  • Some items like office chairs are over-supplied and difficult to sell.

The City’s trained staff must assess whether each item is suitable for resale. The feedback from our customers is that they appreciate the high quality of items in the Reuse Shop, which can only be maintained by charging to accept waste items. 

Why is the Reuse Shop not open seven days per week?

During the week, most of the Henderson Waste Recovery Park’s customers are commercial and do not visit the Reuse Shop. Most domestic customers attend the site on the weekends when they have time to browse.

Only opening the shop on weekends when it is busy reduces operating costs and allows us to keep prices low. 

Why should I separate the different types of waste in my trailer?

Separating your waste makes unloading quicker and helps us to recycle more of your waste.

Why aren’t we open longer?
Waste Drop-off to Transfer station (Cars, trailers and utilities)
  • 8am-4pm from Monday to Sunday
Trucks on weighbridge
  • 7am to 4pm from Monday to Friday
  • Closed weekends
Staff start work at least one hour before the first customer arrives, and process waste for an hour after the last customer leaves. This is to ensure the site operates well and complies with its licence conditions.

The City of Cockburn provides its residents with generous additional waste removal and recycling opportunities through bulk verge collections, weekly recycle bin collections and fortnightly garden waste collections (eligible properties only).  
Why can’t I sell or transfer my trailer passes?

Residents receive six trailer passes each year for their own household waste. The annual rates include a waste charge based on how many trailer passes were used in the previous year.  

The City is aware that some residents sell or give away their trailer passes. This leads to additional disposal costs, which will increase everyone’s annual rates in the following year. 

Trailer passes will be cancelled when we believe fraud has occurred. 

More information and contact

For more information on the Henderson Waste Recovery Park, please contact us.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.