Project Type
Parks & Playgrounds
Start: Mid 2020
Finish: Late 2026
Beale Park is one of Cockburn’s major soccer facilities and plays an important role in growing community sport. The site is home to the Cockburn City Soccer Club, who has outgrown the current amenities. Upgrades are needed to keep up with the community’s growing needs.
The City commenced planning in 2018 for a site upgrade. The $20m budget includes a $1 million grant from the State Government. To design the upgrades, the City engaged with community and key stakeholders between 2018 and 2021.
What upgrades are proposed?
The proposed park upgrades will support the needs of sporting users and the wider community, and will include:
- Additional car parking;
- Improved access and egress;
- A new multi-purpose sporting and community facility;
- Re-orientation of sporting fields;
- Accessible toilets
- Lighting upgrades.
What our community said
- Prior to draft design development, feedback was sought on the playground, public artwork, and park furniture. Key findings included:
- Preference for a nature themed playground and public artwork.
- Mixed views on the playground’s location, however, many agree that fencing and shade are important.
- Preference for BBQs, picnic settings and drinking fountains.
- Carnaby’s Cockatoos have been sighted at the park, which indicates a potential for roosting sites.
- A draft design was developed, guided by community feedback, trees surveys, Carnaby's Black Cockatoo habitat assessment, project budget and site constraints.
- Community feedback was sought on the draft design as part of a third and final round of consultation. Most respondents said they believe the plan meets their needs, and the needs of the wider community who use Beale Park.
- Where feasible, additional suggestions will be considered in the detailed design process.
Community consultation on the design is now complete. The City thanks community members and key stakeholders for helping to shape the future of Beale Park.
Next Steps
In response to feedback from the Deptartment of Climate Change, Energy the Enviroment and Water (DCCEEW) the City has rescoped the project to strike a balance between infrastructure needs and enviroment considerations.
The updated plans retain the significant Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo roosting trees by shifting the building south, significantly reducing the number of trees to be removed. The six trees identified for removal are non-significant and not used by Black Cockatoos for roosting, additionally the City will be replanting 35 new trees.
This is considered a successful outcome for all involved, and the updated plans ensure the needs of the Cockburn City Soccer Club and other stakeholders are met.
The Tender for this project has been released, with closing date of 3 April. Once the tender process is completed, the City aims to seek Council endorsement in May 2025 to proceed with the successful tenderer. Construction is expected to begin in late 2025, with the goal of completing the project in time for the 2027 soccer season.
For more information about the project and its community consultation please visit
Comment on Cockburn webpage