Naval Base Shacks

About the Naval Base Holiday Park

The Naval Base Holiday Park comprises six rows of camp sites and 170 holiday shacks settled on the mainland, along Cockburn Road in Henderson.

Since 1933, the Naval Base Holiday Park has a continuous history as a holiday destination and has been used by generations of families from Cockburn and the wider area.

The shacks have no internal running water and no externally supplied electricity. Lessee’s cook and power refrigerators with gas, use solar panels for electrical power and get their water from nearby communal taps. Two ablution blocks are onsite. Although individual shacks have changed since 1933, as a holiday destination, the overall site has a high level of integrity and authenticity.

A formal lease has been in place since 2012 for the sites on Reserve 24308. The lease allows the shack owner to use it for a maximum of 120 days per year. The shacks are not for short term lease, hire or use by anyone other than the shack owner/s. Information relating to the sale of the shacks can be found below.

Naval Base Shacks 2024 Lease

Reserve 24308 where the Naval Base Shacks are located is managed by the City of Cockburn. The reserve land is owned by the Crown (State of WA). The Lease between the City and the current shack owners expired in August 2022. 

Shack Owners are in the process of executing new lease agreements, commencing 1 October 2024. Any queries relating to this process, please contact the City of Cockburn Property Services - [email protected]
For questions relating to invoicing, please contact the City of Cockburn’s Revenue Department - [email protected]

Do You Want to Buy or Sell a Shack? The Shack Transfer Process
Once the process is completed the below method will be used for transferring a shack.
  1. Execution of the Request to Undertake Assignment Form

    • The Seller/s advise the City they wish to sell their shack and transfer their list to the buyer/s.
    • Buyer/s must contact the City to complete a New Lessee Vetting Application Form. To apply please email or contact the City directly.

    Note: The buyer/s must pass the City's vetting application to be approved to enter into a lease agreement with the City. 

    If the buyer/s are approved by the City to enter into a Naval Base Shack Lease:
    • ​The buyer and seller must fill out the required details.

    The City and all stakeholders are required to meet to process an assignment of the lease. This can be completed at the City of Cockburn Administration Centre upon appointment only. 
    Address: 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood 

    Please see the Naval Base Sgack Assignment Request - check List for more information.
    To request a copy of this form please email or call 08 9411 3444.
  2. Verification of Identity

    • Both the seller and buyer are required to visit the City's Administration office and present the following identification documents:

    • One form of identification with a photograph (such as a passport, driver's license, or proof of age card); or

    • Two forms of original identification without photographs.

  3. Payment of Fees

    A $250 transfer fee must be paid along with any unpaid shack fees. Buyers and sellers should discuss and agree upon responsibility for covering this fee. It's crucial to consider any outstanding fees during negotiations, as the shack cannot be transferred if there are unpaid dues.
  4. Public Liability Insurance

    Purchaser to provide a certificate of currency as evidence of public liability insurance.
  5. Gas Certificate or Declaration

    Requires a gas safety certificate to be provided if gas is connected to the shack

    • If gas is not connected to the shack, the vendor and purchaser must make a declaration confirming this.

  6. Evidence of a Smoke Alarm

    • Please supply a photo of the smoke alarm installed at the shack.

  7. Occupancy Log

    Requires the City officer to explain the use of an occupancy log at the shack.

    • Occupancy logs are required as the shack cannot be occupied for over 120 days in any 12 month period.

  8. Vendor and Purchaser Execution of Assignment Document

    The buyer and seller sign the assignment document

  9. City/Ministers Consent and Execution

    Requires the City to execute the assignment document and the Minister to consent to the assignment.

  10. Advice to Vendor and Purchaser that Assignment has been finalised.

    A copy of the executed assignment documents will be provided to the vendor and purchaser.

Request to Carry out Works on a Shack - Minor Repairs and Improvements

Minor works may be defined as works that do not fall within the definition of building/development work. Such work generally will not require development approval or a building permit. However, the City’s consent is required for minor works, and a Form NBHA 1 must be submitted to the Property & Lands Officer. The detailed scope of work/specification for the proposed other works. Subject to the level of works the City’s Property & Lands Officer will advise you if you will be required to submit any further applications. Some examples of other works are:

  • Recladding of existing walls.

  • Recladding of an existing roof.

  • Replacing/repairing gutters/downpipes.

  • Antenna (less than 1.8m above roofline if fixed to a roof)

  • Repainting

    Request to Carry out works

Obtaining a Building Permit

The below guidelines provide some general information for the size and design of any proposed structure.

A holiday accommodation (shack) may be constructed on each lease site area. The accommodation may be an enclosed building and shall have an overall floor dimension of no greater than 5.2m x 5.2m, and a maximum height no greater than 2.7m (wall) and 3.0m (ridge).

Patio/pergola - A patio or pergola may be constructed on the east or west side of the shack. The patio or pergola shall be attached to the shack and be no greater than 1.8m wide. The patio or pergola must be open on three sides and not be longer than the shack it is attached to. No building/structure will be permitted to be located closer than 1.8m to another building/structure on an adjacent site area, regardless of the maximum dimensions prescribed for a shack or patio or pergola.

Please note that a building permit must be obtained before any development commences.

Process to obtain a Building Permit

If you are proposing to build a structure or carry out works you will generally be required to obtain a Building Permit from the City’s Building Services Division prior to carrying out the building works onsite. Please follow the process below when applying for a Building Permit:

  1. The completed Certified Building Permit Application Form is required to be executed by the Minister for Planning, Lands & Heritage as the owner of the land. The City's Property and Lands Officer will arrange for this when the application is submitted to the City.
  2. You MUST obtain a Certificate of Design Compliance from a registered independent building surveyor. The Certificate of Design Compliance confirms that if the building or works are carried out in accordance with the certified plans, the building works will be compliant with each building standard that applies to the building.

Application to carry out works

You will need to have a registered consultant building surveyor of your choice carry out this process for you. Please note that this service is at commercial rates as negotiated by you with the independent building surveyor. The City of Cockburn cannot offer this service. A list of registered consultant building surveyors is available from the Building Commission website.

Request to Carry out works

General Building Information - Site Overview
  • The City of Cockburn is of the opinion the shacks are best compared to a Class 3 building for the purposes of the Building Code of Australia Volume 1 (BCA - Part A3)

  • The applicable building standards are as defined in Specification A1.3 of BCA Volume 1

  • It is to be noted that the City’s Health and Engineering requirements must all be met prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.

Obtaining a Demolition Permit

You need to obtain a demolition permit from the City’s Building Services for demolition work on a whole or part of a building or structure. In addition, there are health requirements that would need to be complied with, particularly for removing asbestos and the decommissioning of septic tanks. Service providers (ie. Water Corporation, Western Power etc.) need to be notified before demolition work is started.

Under the Building Act 2011, a demolition permit is required before any demolition work can commence on a property.
Process to obtain a Demolition Permit
The Demolition Permit Application Form (BA5) is required to be executed by the Minister for Planning, Lands & Heritage as the owner of the land. The City's Property and Lands Officer will arrange for this when the application is submitted to the City. You MUST have a valid Planning/Development Approval for the proposed demolition works. 

To apply for a demolition permit, you need to submit the following:

  • A completed Demolition Permit application form (BA5) and prescribed application fee (refer to Building Application Fee Schedule).
  • The Demolition permit application form (BA5) is available on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website.
  • A scaled (min 1:200) site plan clearly indicating the building/s or section/s of the building/s to be demolished and the structures to be retained
  • Demolition Contractor Worksafe Registration or proof of a valid legislative exemption
  • A rat baiting certificate from a licensed pest control company.

You may need to submit a Notice and Request for Consent of Work Affecting Other Land (Form BA20) if the proposed demolition work is likely to adversely affect adjoining land or buildings. In the event that you are unable to gain consent from the affected adjoining land owners, a Court Order to carry out the proposed demolition work must be obtained instead and lodged with your demolition permit application.

For further information, Visit the City's Demolition Permit webpage.

General Information

Naval Base Holiday Park Management Plan

The 2024 Naval Base Shacks Management Plan was developed in conjunction with shack lessees, City of Cockburn staff and Elected Members. The management plan sets out the administration of future improvements to the site.

Some infrastructure works have commenced under the management plan, including:

  • Improved street lighting
  • Bench seats installed
  • Line markings.  
  • Ablution upgrades
Naval Base Holiday Park Planning Policies
Local Planning Policy 5.1 – Public Open Space and Local Planning Policy 4.5 Naval Base Holiday Park – Heritage Area guide development at the site. They can be viewed on the Local Planning Policies page.

Local Planning Policy 5.1 provides a strategic overview of how public open space should be managed in relation to structure plan and subdivision application assessments.

Local Planning Policy 4.5 is a statutory policy that will guide development at the Naval Base Holiday Park including future additions or changes to existing structures, and how new structures should be built.
Rules In Relation to the Reserve

Boats, Caravans, or Trucks
(i) The Lessee must not and must not suffer or permit a person to park a boat, caravan or motor vehicle exceeding 3.5 tonnes in gross weight or 1.9 metres in height on the Land unless prior permission has been provided by the Lessor.

(ii) The Lessee must not and must not suffer or permit a boat to be parked on any other site within the Reserve, any boat parked must be parked within the lease area of the owner or users site.

(iii) The Lessee must not and must not suffer or permit a boat to be parked on any other site within the Reserve, any boat parked must be parked within the lease area of the lessee or users site.

(iv) The Lessee must not and must not suffer or permit a person to store a boat, caravan or motor vehicle on the Land

(i) The Lessee acknowledges and agrees that it must at all times comply with the Dog Act 1976, including without limitation the requirement for all dogs to be on a leash at all times.

ii) City of Cockburn Rangers are to be contacted on 08 9411 3444 or in an emergency after hours 1300 658 877.

Anti-social or Noisy Behavior​
(i) The City’s CoSafe service regularly patrols the area for noisy or antisocial behaviour. 

(ii) Concerns regarding the Naval Base Shacks can be reported to CoSafe on 1300 267 233 (24 hours), the Police on 131 444 or 000 in the event of an emergency.  

Grassed Areas
(i) It is the Lessees responsibility to maintain the areas surrounding each shack.

(ii) All grassed areas must be kept clear to enable people to walk through with ease.

(iii) Vehicles, boats etc may only be parked on one side of each shack unless agreed to by the neighboring property.

(iv) Every site must be surrounded by grass unless prior written approval has been provided by the neighboring Lessees and formal approval provided by the City to replace the grass.

(i) The Lessee must not and must not suffer or permit any person to extend the City’s reticulated water system. Any illegal plumbing will be removed by the City at the cost of the Lessee.

Fire Restrictions
(i) No open fires are permitted on the Reserve at any time.

(ii) Wood Fired BBQ's are permitted during low fire risk times however any fire warnings must be strictly adhered too.

(iii) No rubbish is to be burnt off at anytime.

(i) The internal roads are to be used for the movement of licensed vehicles only. Any boat, caravan or motor vehicle exceeding 3.5 tonnes in gross weight or 1.9 metres in height will NOT be permitted on the roads unless prior permission has been provided by the Lessor.

Emergency Procedure
(i) These will be displayed on the Notice Boards installed at both the northern & southern ablution blocks.

Frequently Asked Questions - Related to New Lease

Are all shack owners getting new leases?
No. Shack Owners who have not maintained a compliant profile (such as failing to pay their lease fees or provide their annual insurance documents) will not be offered new leases.
Will the moratorium on selling my Shack continue until the City completes the actions and presents the lease to Council again?
The moratorium was put in place to allow the City to facilitate the smooth transition from the existing lease to a new lease. If a Shack Owner is able to demonstrate a legitimate or urgent need to undertake a transfer prior to the new lease being finalised, it will be considered by the City on a case-by-case basis. 

While a new lease has not been finalised, the City is allowing exemptions to the moratorium on shack transfers where justified.
How will the new lease be signed?
If you have supplied your email address to the City then you will receive a digital version of your lease to sign. Once you sign the document City Officers will be able to finalise the agreement and you will then receive a fully signed copy.

The City is using this method of signing leases to make sure you get your lease as quickly as possible once fully signed and to minimise the use of paper.

The City will be offering hard copy paper leases to those who prefer to sign the document in this way.
How long will it be until the new lease can be signed?
The City will update the timeline on the website when it is available.  
What lease fee do I have to pay between now and the new lease being signed?
Until a proposed new lease fee is finalised, the lease is holding over on the same terms as are currently agreed ($2500 annually). Please ensure that you are up to date with your payments and do not fall into arrears, as this may impact your eligibility to be offered a new lease.
What are my obligations until the new lease is signed?
The lease is holding over on the same terms as are currently agreed. You must continue to provide your public liability insurance documents annually (within 14 days of expiry); remain up to date with your lease fee payments; occupy the Shacks for less than 120 days per calendar year and otherwise comply with the terms in the lease. 
How did the City come to the rental value of the new lease?
An independent licensed property valuer provided the City with a market valuation. Licensed valuers are bound under the Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978 and they operate under a stringent framework. A land valuer determines market value of land which is based on current market evidence. This opinion is recognised as an expert opinion by financial institutions, state and local government departments.
What if I don’t agree to the new lease conditions?
If you do not agree with the new lease conditions the City encourages you to email [email protected] with your concerns so we can discuss them with you.
What should I do if I don’t agree with the projects that are proposed to be undertaken at the Shacks? Why should I have to pay a lease fee to cover upgrades that I don’t want?
Given the number of stakeholders on the site, it is not possible for everyone to agree on every outcome. Individual Naval Base Shack Lessees are welcome to submit their feedback regarding capital expenditure projects when invited to do so by the City’s Officers. Each suggested project will be discussed as a separate item at which point you can voice your support or aversion to a particular project. 
What was decided at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 11 May 2023?
Council endorsed the following alternative recommendation: 
That Council:  
  1. DEFERS endorsing the lease agreement for the Naval Base Shacks to a future Ordinary Council Meeting, once the following has been completed:  
  2. Development of indicative costings for capital upgrades at the site and the impact each project would have on the required rental fee. 
  3. Feedback from shack owners on which capital upgrades, and the subsequent impact on required rental values, are supported by shack owners. 
  4. Investigates splitting lease fees into operational expenditure and capital expenditure 
  5. Schedules a meeting with interested shack owners, City officers and Elected Members.  
What does the alternative recommendation mean?
The alternative recommendation means that a lease agreement between the Shack Lessees and the City will not be finalised until the City has undertaken the outlined in the alternative recommendation. 
Will the meeting between the Shack Owners, City Officers and Elected Members be mandatory?
This (non-mandatory) meeting was held on the 10th of April 2024. For a copy of this presentation, please email [email protected]         
What will the actions from the alternative recommendation achieve?
The formula which the City proposed to use to determine the lease fee ($3250) was a Market Valuation. This formulation was not supported in the submissions received from the Naval Base Shack Owners.  
The actions outlined in Council’s alternative recommendation will allow a lease fee to be proposed which will be based on  
  1. the operational costs of running the site; and 
  2. the costs for delivering Capital Works projects that the Naval Base Shack Lessees wish to be delivered at the site.  
What does ‘capital expenditure’ mean?
Capital expenditure means the cost involved in upgrading the site and/or delivering projects. This cost would include but is not limited to developing a scope of works; planning; seeking relevant approvals; any required consultation; labour; materials; site works and formulating future asset management/maintenance. 
What does ‘operational expenditure’ mean?
Operational expenditure means the cost involved in managing and maintaining the Naval Base Shack site. This includes but is not limited to the cost of reactive maintenance to assets; preventative/scheduled maintenance to assets; utility consumption; site and contractor management; Emergency Services Levy; waste services; daily cleaning of facilities and administration of the site.
What is the difference between ‘capital expenditure’ and ‘operational expenditure’?
Operational expenditure is the ‘day to day’ costs to keep the site; while ‘capital expenditure’ is the cost to improve or add to the site. 
Why did someone get a new lease when they have unapproved works?
The City has prioritized the completion of the new lease for 2024 to prevent any further delay and to ensure that Shack Owners feel secure in their tenure. Due to resourcing, a comprehensive analysis of each shack and their additions was not possible but will be undertaken in the future. The City encourages all Shack Owners who have undertaken unapproved works at the site to seek retrospective Planning and Building Approval to ensure that their lease is not jeopardized when such works are uncovered in due course.
What is retrospective approval?
Retrospective approval is when you submit an application for approval of your works after they have been completed. This means you will need to submit an development application and/or building permit application for approval of the works you have completed.
The outcome of retrospective approvals could require additional works requested for approval to be granted. It is also possible that approval is not granted and you will be required to remove any additions that have been made without approval.
Is any redevelopment of the ablution amenities planned?
Redevelopment of the northern and southern ablution blocks was identified as a potential project. More consultation will be undertaken with Lessees in due course.
Is the Naval Base Shacks Management Plan being updated as well?
Yes. This will be submitted to Council for approval.
The proposed changes in the Management Plan include administrative changes and inclusions to the sites history as well as the new lease details.
The Plan also details potential items for upgrades or development including:
  • Roads
  • Drainage
  • Street lighting
  • Beach Access
  • Pontoon
  • Laundry building demolition; and
  • Redeveloped ablution buildings
A draft of the updated Management Plan will be included in the item to Council in June 2024. The Council agenda and attachments are available on the City's website.
What happens next?

Now that the items in the alternative recommendation have been completed, the City will seek to take the proposed new lease to Council to seek endorsement.  

Once the lease is endorsed, the City will consult the Minister for Lands to seek consent from the State; advertise the lease and arrange for the new lease to be signed by the Shack Lessees.  

Will the City need to advertise the lease again?
Yes. The lease fee needs to be included in advertising, so this will need to be undertaken again when a new figure is proposed.
Can I keep using my Shack until the new lease is signed?
Can I undertake repair works to my Shack before the new lease is signed?
Yes. Please refer to the documents on the Naval Base Shack website on applications to carry out works.  
Will selling my Shack give the new owner the same rights as me to a new lease?
In instances where a Shack Owner demonstrates a genuine urgent need to sell their Shack prior to the new lease being finalised, this can be considered by the City. However, the City is not able to warrant that a new lease will be available, or the terms of a new lease. The new lease requires the consent of the State, and endorsement by Council. As such, while the City can assign the current lease over to a new Shack Owner, it is not able to guarantee that they will be given a new lease, and the terms of any subsequent lease arrangement. 

Frequently Asked Questions - General 

Can I sell my shack? Can I buy a shack?

Please send through any details regarding yourrequest to undertake a transfer/purchase.

Before a lease agreement can be assigned, Purchasers are required to complete and pass a vetting process. Please apply via email at [email protected]

What am I supposed to do every year with my lease?
Shack Owners do have certain obligations under their lease that they are required to do each year. While the City will remind Shack Owners when possible, Shack Owners are responsible for these obligations regardless of whether the City follows it up.
The annual obligations will include:
  • Payment of lease fee and demolition levy
  • Providing a copy of current Public Liability Insurance
Can I come into the City and speak to someone?
Property Services Officers are available by appointment. To make an appointment please email [email protected]
Do not attend the City without an appointment as its likely that an Officer won’t be available to meet with you without advance notice.

What is the breakdown of the lease fee? What does it cover?
The lease fee is used to cover the following costs associated with the Naval Base Shacks:
  • General maintenance
  • Capital improvements
  • Cleaning
  • Utilities – water and electricity
  • CCTV and security
  • Waste removal via shared bins/bins provided on site (not tip passes)
  • Emergency Service Levy

The lease fee does not include Council Rates. The shack owners do not pay Council Rates.
Why has the cost of the leases and the demolition levy gone up so much?
The City has only increased the cost of the lease twice in 12 years and the market has risen during that time. The proposed fee increase equates to $27 per day for the 120 permitted days.
The demolition levy has been increased by Consumer Price Index only so that the fee is in line with inflated costs should demolition be required.
What is the demolition levy?
The demolition levy was introduced in 2010-11 to cover the City’s costs in instances where a shack had to be removed and the leaseholder does not pay for its removal. This was implemented so that the City would not have to resort to expensive civil litigation to recover any outstanding debt or use municipal funds to remove private assets. The City quarantines these funds.  At the end of a lease, if the owner removes their shack and makes good they receive the total of the levy they have paid back. Otherwise, the City will use the levy for the demolition of shacks.
I have paid the demolition levy for 12 years, why do I need to keep paying the demolition levy?
The costs of any works continue to increase each year in line with inflation, supply and demand. The payment of an annual demolition levy ensures that the funds the City holds in quarantine for the purpose of demolition (if required) will adequately cover costs incurred.
What will happen to a shack when a lease is terminated?
If a lease is terminated the Shack Owner will be required to remove their shack from the site as required under the lease conditions. If the Shack Owner does not remove their shack the City will use the demolition levy to demolish the shack and make good the land.
Why can’t the City keep a shack and sell it instead of demolishing it?
The City has sought legal advice regarding this which has determined that the Shacks belong to the Shack Owners and are not the City’s property to keep and sell regardless of a lease being terminated.
The City’s Local Planning Policy 4.5 (LPP 4.5) states that the shacks have heritage character, how does that affect shacks being demolished?

The intention of LPP4.5 is to protect the heritage nature of the whole the shacks at Naval Base Holiday Park with regard to their uniformity of scale that creates a unique landscape, and gives the place significant aesthetic appeal, especially when combined with the coastal setting. LPP4.5 does not remove or minimise the need to manage the site with regards to demolishing unleased shacks.

What will happen with vacant land cause by demolished shack?
The Naval Base Management Plan will include consideration of engaging an independent planning consultant to advise the most appropriate use of vacant shack sites.
What sort of insurance do I require?
Under the conditions of the new lease Shack Owners will be required to have Public Liability insurance.
Most providers do offer these three insurances in a package for holiday accommodation.
It is up to each individual Shack Owner to decide whether they want to procure Building and Contents Insurance.
What happens if I didn’t provide my Public Liability Insurance? Can I still get a lease?
All Shack Owners should be aware of their obligation under the lease to provide annual insurance documents to the City. If a Shack Owner has failed to do this then a new lease will not be offered. The City has attempted to assist Shack Owners in this regard by requesting that a copy of their Public Liability insurance be provided. If the City has not received a copy of your current Public Liability insurance, then a new lease will not be offered. 
Why are we limited to using our Shacks for only 120 days of the year?
Kwinana is the State‘s major heavy industrial area. Many of these industries are located in Kwinana because they are potentially dangerous and they could not be located anywhere else in/near Perth. The recommended (by EPA) buffer from residences to a typical heavy industry is 1km to 5km. This is to provide protection to the residents by ensuring that any emissions are able to be diluted in the atmosphere before they reach the residential areas. It is also to provide some protection to these major industries of state and sometimes national significance so that they are not required to invest significant funds in excessive emission control and operational safety systems. The City's requirement is that the Shack is to be used for 120 days in any year no matter who is staying in the shack. The City is not supportive of some lessees using their shack for longer than 120 days in any year whatsoever, based on public health reasons.
What is a persistent breach?
A persistent breach means that if you break the conditions of your lease three times and receive a breach notice from the City for breaking the lease conditions. Three breaches provides the City with the option of terminating the lease if it is considered in the best interests of the site and community as a whole.
In what circumstances can the City terminate my lease?
If you are continually breaching the conditions of your lease and those actions are causing damage to the site or hardship to other tenants then the City will consider terminating the Lease.
A breach of lease can include breaking of any condition of your lease, such as failing to pay your lease fee and demolition levy; not annually providing public liability insurance and breaching of any other condition in your lease.
Will portable toilets be allowed?
No. There are no dumping facilities for portable toilets at Naval Base Shacks. There have been incidents of inappropriate dumping of portable toilet contents on site and as a result, portable toilets will not be approved.
Why can’t I use my generator at the Shacks?
It is a common requirement at holiday sites where users are located in a close proximity to one another that generator use be limited as it affects the enjoyment of the site by others. The restriction on the generators was agreed to during consultation with the original Naval Base Shack Community Reference Group (NBSCRG) as it was recommended by the group that the noise level was intolerable due to the close proximity of the shacks. Alternative power sources (solar and wind) that do not affect the enjoyment of the site by others are permitted.
Why are sprinklers now included in the lease?
Abiding to sprinkler days set by the Water Corporation have always been a condition of the Naval Base Shack leases as it’s a statutory obligation.
The reason they have now been included in the lease under their own section is to make clear tenants obligations when it comes to using Sprinklers.
The water usage at the Naval Shacks has been excessive with a total of 19,222,000 being used in the last 12 months (equal to 8 Olympic swimming pools). Sprinkler usage outside of the boundaries of approved watering days has contributed to that usage.
I can’t be at my shack on the days sprinklers are allowed, how do I water my lawn?
Like any ownership of holiday accommodation, you will need to make arrangements to maintain the surrounding area of your shack within the boundaries of the lease conditions.
I can’t get my hose to connect to the tap so why should I get in trouble for it leaking?
The City understands that there are taps on site that are aged and it’s hard to find hose connections that fit and do not leak. The City is working through replacing and updating taps.
Am I permitted to run piping underground from my shack to the communal taps?
No. It is impossible for the City’s contractors to locate leaks with the amount of underground piping that has developed over time. Shacks can connect to the communal taps via hoses that are above ground only, similar to a caravan connection at a Caravan Park. The expectation is that shack owners will disconnect and store their hoses when not in use.
Will the future port impact any future lease?.
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and Westport have indicated that there is currently no impact of Westport to the Shacks site.
Who do I talk to if I don’t know what to do? Can I come into the city to speak with someone?
If you have any questions about lease conditions or what you need to do please email [email protected] and a Property Services Officer will assist you with your questions.

Property Services Officers are available by appointment. To make an appointment please email [email protected]
Do not attend the City without an appointment as its likely that an Officer won’t be available to meet with you without advance notice.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.