Naval Base Shacks

About the Naval Base Holiday Park

The Naval Base Holiday Park comprises six rows of camp sites and 170 holiday shacks settled on the mainland, along Cockburn Road in Henderson.

Since 1933, the Naval Base Holiday Park has a continuous history as a holiday destination and has been used by generations of families from Cockburn and the wider area.

The shacks have no internal running water and no externally supplied electricity. Lessee’s cook and power refrigerators with gas, use solar panels for electrical power and get their water from nearby communal taps. Two ablution blocks are onsite. Although individual shacks have changed since 1933, as a holiday destination, the overall site has a high level of integrity and authenticity.

A formal lease has been in place since 2012 for the sites on Reserve 24308. The lease allows the shack owner to use it for a maximum of 120 days per year. The shacks are not for short term lease, hire or use by anyone other than the shack owner/s. Information relating to the sale of the shacks can be found below.

Naval Base Shacks 2024 Lease

Reserve 24308 where the Naval Base Shacks are located is managed by the City of Cockburn. The reserve land is owned by the Crown (State of WA). The Lease between the City and the current shack owners expired in August 2022. 

Shack Owners are in the process of executing new lease agreements, commencing 1 October 2024. Any queries relating to this process, please contact the City of Cockburn Property Services -
For questions relating to invoicing, please contact the City of Cockburn’s Revenue Department -

Do You Want to Buy or Sell a Shack? The Shack Transfer Process
Request to Carry out Works on a Shack - Minor Repairs and Improvements

Obtaining a Building Permit

The below guidelines provide some general information for the size and design of any proposed structure.

A holiday accommodation (shack) may be constructed on each lease site area. The accommodation may be an enclosed building and shall have an overall floor dimension of no greater than 5.2m x 5.2m, and a maximum height no greater than 2.7m (wall) and 3.0m (ridge).

Patio/pergola - A patio or pergola may be constructed on the east or west side of the shack. The patio or pergola shall be attached to the shack and be no greater than 1.8m wide. The patio or pergola must be open on three sides and not be longer than the shack it is attached to. No building/structure will be permitted to be located closer than 1.8m to another building/structure on an adjacent site area, regardless of the maximum dimensions prescribed for a shack or patio or pergola.

Please note that a building permit must be obtained before any development commences.

Process to obtain a Building PermitGeneral Building Information - Site Overview

Obtaining a Demolition Permit

You need to obtain a demolition permit from the City’s Building Services for demolition work on a whole or part of a building or structure. In addition, there are health requirements that would need to be complied with, particularly for removing asbestos and the decommissioning of septic tanks. Service providers (ie. Water Corporation, Western Power etc.) need to be notified before demolition work is started.

Under the Building Act 2011, a demolition permit is required before any demolition work can commence on a property.
Process to obtain a Demolition Permit

General Information

Naval Base Holiday Park Management PlanNaval Base Holiday Park Planning PoliciesRules In Relation to the Reserve

Frequently Asked Questions - Related to New Lease

Are all shack owners getting new leases?Will the moratorium on selling my Shack continue until the City completes the actions and presents the lease to Council again?How will the new lease be signed?How long will it be until the new lease can be signed?What lease fee do I have to pay between now and the new lease being signed?What are my obligations until the new lease is signed?How did the City come to the rental value of the new lease?What if I don’t agree to the new lease conditions?What should I do if I don’t agree with the projects that are proposed to be undertaken at the Shacks? Why should I have to pay a lease fee to cover upgrades that I don’t want?What was decided at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 11 May 2023?What does the alternative recommendation mean?Will the meeting between the Shack Owners, City Officers and Elected Members be mandatory?What will the actions from the alternative recommendation achieve?What does ‘capital expenditure’ mean?What does ‘operational expenditure’ mean?What is the difference between ‘capital expenditure’ and ‘operational expenditure’?Why did someone get a new lease when they have unapproved works?What is retrospective approval?Is any redevelopment of the ablution amenities planned?Is the Naval Base Shacks Management Plan being updated as well?What happens next?Will the City need to advertise the lease again?Can I keep using my Shack until the new lease is signed?Can I undertake repair works to my Shack before the new lease is signed?Will selling my Shack give the new owner the same rights as me to a new lease?

Frequently Asked Questions - General 

Can I sell my shack? Can I buy a shack?What am I supposed to do every year with my lease?Can I come into the City and speak to someone?What is the breakdown of the lease fee? What does it cover?Why has the cost of the leases and the demolition levy gone up so much?What is the demolition levy?I have paid the demolition levy for 12 years, why do I need to keep paying the demolition levy?What will happen to a shack when a lease is terminated?Why can’t the City keep a shack and sell it instead of demolishing it?The City’s Local Planning Policy 4.5 (LPP 4.5) states that the shacks have heritage character, how does that affect shacks being demolished?What will happen with vacant land cause by demolished shack?What sort of insurance do I require?What happens if I didn’t provide my Public Liability Insurance? Can I still get a lease?Why are we limited to using our Shacks for only 120 days of the year?What is a persistent breach?In what circumstances can the City terminate my lease?Will portable toilets be allowed?Why can’t I use my generator at the Shacks?Why are sprinklers now included in the lease?I can’t be at my shack on the days sprinklers are allowed, how do I water my lawn?I can’t get my hose to connect to the tap so why should I get in trouble for it leaking?Am I permitted to run piping underground from my shack to the communal taps?Will the future port impact any future lease?.Who do I talk to if I don’t know what to do? Can I come into the city to speak with someone?



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.