Leaf Bean Machine Barista course for Cockburn Youth Services

The City of Cockburn's response to the Cockburn Gazette, 21 July 2021 about a Leaf Bean Machine Barista course for Cockburn Youth Services

Question: How did the program start? And when did it begin?

  • Young people told us at the Employ Me program how they wanted jobs in cafes
  • Employ Me is a FREE service helping young people with all things career and work related, which is especially useful in these changing times. Young people aged 14-24 can book in for assistance with writing resumes and cover letters, applying for jobs, building interview skills and general career advice in person, phone or online
  • According to consultation with the community we have identified youth employment as a focus area in the Cockburn Youth Strategy 2017–2022
  • Young people asked Cockburn Youth Services to collaborate more with employment service providers and local businesses to target youth unemployment
  • We decided to approach local business in Cockburn and ask if they were willing to take some students for a day and teach them barista skills. After a few refusals, we approached Leaf Beach Machine owner Fleur and was impressed with her motivation to give back to the community. She immediately offered 10 free spots on a barista training course for which there is normally a charge. We received 52 applications in 3 days for those 10 spots and training began on 14 July.
Question: What does it involve? How does the program work?
  • Young people expressed interest and registered
  • We received 52 applications and selected 10 candidates
  • Young people received a certificate and a few have already booked Employ Me sessions to review their resumes, write cover letters and start preparing for interviews.
Question: What is the overall aim of the program?
  • Increase local employment and career opportunities across a range of different employment areas for Cockburn youth
  • Upskill young people in Cockburn
  • Partner with local businesses
  • Increase a sense of community and place for young people.
Question: What has the response to the program been from participants?
  • Young people loved the practical training
  • They prepared different types of coffee
  • Feedback was very positive – young people felt more confident to apply for jobs in local cafes
  • A few young people are now applying for jobs or requesting career coaching in the Employ Me program
  • Leaf Bean Machine is available to continue this partnership.
Question: How important is this initiative?
  • Addresses youth unemployment
  • Upskills young people
  • Develops local partnerships
  • Increases local vibrancy
  • Responds positively to young people’s needs and opinions
  • Potentially a new training course later in the year.
Question: Anything else you’d like to add?
  • Western Australia faced a youth unemployment crisis prior to COVID-19, with young people’s experiences of employment characterised by instability and growing casualisation of work arrangements. In 2017, more than half of all young people aged 15–24 were employed on a casual basis, far exceeding any other age cohort (Source: A Framework for Young People’s Recovery from COVID-19in Western Australia YACWA)
  • Young people were left unemployed by the pandemic in far greater numbers than adults, with the effects being felt worse in lower income countries
  • Young women have tended to be more likely to become unemployed as a result of COVID-19 disruption than young men
  • The equivalent of 255 million fulltime jobs were lost around the world due to the pandemic, according to data from the International Labour Organization (Source: World Economic Forum's Global Risk Report 2021)
  • Local businesses that would like to give back to the community, and specifically to young people, please contact Hugo Jorge, Cockburn’s Youth Development Officer on 08 9411 3882.

For more information contact

Media and Communications Officer
City of Cockburn

Email [email protected]

Phone 08 9411 3551

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
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We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present.