The City of Cockburn's response to Fremantle Herald on 16 November 2021 about fireworks in Manning Park
Question: To what point has a policy on fireworks progressed, as per the motion approved on March 11, 2021.
Answer: The City is in the process of developing a policy in relation to fireworks, it is expected to be finalised in 2022.
It is likely the fireworks display at the Cockburn Rotary Spring Fair held at Manning Park is low impact as it is brief and only held once a year.
The Desktop Review and Impact Assessment (DRIA) commissioned in 2021 determined the impacts associated with the Manning Park fireworks are likely to be minimal, and that it is unlikely a single firework display would produce contaminants in concentrations high enough to cause a negative impact.
The City intends to have the soil tested to establish a base level and monitor any potential accumulation of contaminants from fireworks, for any changes into the future.
Loud noises, such as those produced by fireworks, are likely to cause a fear response for most animals such as flight, running or cowering, but medium or long-term impacts are unlikely.
Study findings suggest the fireworks are similar to a thunderstorm, with animals returning to their habitats afterwards.
In an earlier study to examine impacts of fireworks on the park’s birdlife, birds were counted in the week before, during the spring fair immediately after the fireworks, the next day and the week following the fireworks, and birds had returned to nests, with no deaths attributable to the fireworks.
To further minimise impacts, about 25 per cent of the 2021 Manning Park fireworks display was silent.
Question: Has the council looked into alternatives to fireworks and have any suitable ones been identified?
Answer: The City will continue to seek alternatives that are economically viable.
As part of Fremantle Biennale, the City has contributed $60,000 for two 15-minute choreographed light shows featuring a fleet of more than 160 drones.
These light shows will take place at Coogee Beach this weekend, on 19-20 November.
The current cost of the Manning Park fireworks is around $5,000. Based on past investigations, the current cost of some of the alternatives to fireworks far exceeds the entire Manning Park Spring Fair budget which is currently $73,000.
Question: Has the City formed a view on how long the “phasing out” of fireworks will take?
Answer: Not as yet. In March 2021, Council adopted a recommendation that the City continue to investigate alternatives to fireworks with the aim of phasing out City-sponsored fireworks in the long term.
The City would cease using fireworks once it has sourced a viable alternative or when our community advises us that they are no longer supported.