The City of Cockburn's response to PerthNow Cockburn about the Indonesian Delegation
Are you able to confirm for me whether the two councillors chosen for the Indonesian delegation at last week’s council meeting (the deputy mayor and Cr Eva) will have their trip covered under their travel budget or is it under a separate budget set aside for this delegation that will cover it?
Answer: Council endorsed Mayor Logan Howlett to attend the Indonesian Delegation in March 2023. Cr Tarun Dewan and Cr Philip Eva were chosen via ballot to also attend. Flights and accommodation will be funded from an allocation made in the City’s operating budget as per a recommendation from the Expenditure Review Committee endorsed at the 8 December Ordinary Council Meeting.
Other Elected Members who may want to join the delegation must elect to do so within a week of the 8 December meeting, using funds from their individual travel allowance to fund their travel expenses.