The City's response to PerthNow Cockburn about Cockburn Council's decision to remove the public pontoon at Ngarkal Beach, Port Coogee Marina, 26.11.24
Question: What date was the pontoon removed from Ngarkal Beach?
Answer: Wednesday, 20 November 2024.
Question: Has the city made a decision as to where the pontoon will be relocated? Is there a possibility it will be disposed of completely?
Answer: The pontoon is now being stored at City’s storage facility at Quarimor Road, Bibra Lake.
The City is looking for alternative locations to deploy the pontoon ahead of the 2025–2026 summer season. The City is aiming to provide a report to Council in early 2025 including an assessment of installation costs, public safety risks and required approvals for a range of possible locations.
Question: We understand a petition will be presented to council for the return of the pontoon with equal/more signatures to the petition asking for its removal. How do you respond?
Answer: Elected Members are notified when petitions are received. The City may propose a variety of actions in response to petitions, depending on the specifics. However, we are unable to develop a response until we receive the petition in question.
Question: How do you respond to residents’ claims there was a lack of public consultation over the removal of the pontoon?
Answer: Council’s decision was based on a range of factors and the debate and reasoning on the motion can be listened to on the City’s recording of the meeting:
Council Meeting Video Recordings - City of Cockburn
Question: Has a new pontoon been placed at the Omeo Wreck?
Answer: Yes. The City has deployed four recreational pontoons for this summer, including a new pontoon on the Coogee Maritime Trail.
This is a new pontoon that was constructed specifically for installation on the trail in order to reduce ongoing damage to the Omeo wreck by providing a resting point for swimmers and snorkellers and to limit the number of people using the wreck as a diving platform. The Omeo is a federally protected wreck.
It is also hoped that the new pontoon will encourage more people to explore the outer sections of the dive trail.