Minor Capital Works Grant (Sporting Clubs)

Grant overview

The City of Cockburn owns a range of facilities throughout the municipality that are utilised and managed by local sporting clubs who play an important role in keeping our local community active.

The Minor Capital Works Grant reflects Council’s commitment to support local sporting clubs by contributing to minor capital works projects carried out on Council owned property. The purpose of providing funding is to support sporting clubs to undertake the timely development and upgrading of infrastructure and aid in upgrading sporting equipment with the aim to increase community participation in sport and recreation.

Eligibility criteria

The Minor Capital Works Grant is open to incorporated sporting clubs that:

  • Are based or operating within the City of Cockburn
  • Are under a lease or seasonal licence on Council owned property
  • Service a significant number of local residents.

Grant amount and details

The maximum amount available is $4,000 per project. Please note that the City’s contribution towards minor capital works projects will not exceed 50 per cent of the total project cost (unless financial harship can be demonstrated).

It is important to note that contributions of voluntary labour and donated materials (in-kind contributions) can be recognised as a component of the applicant’s contribution towards projects in this category. Further information is provided under 'Limitations and conditions' below.

Project examples include:

  • Extension of a patio area
  • Extension or construction of storage space
  • Minor Lighting upgrades
  • Baseball or cricket nets
  • Court cleaning.
All applications for funding will be assessed against the following criteria:
  • Project justification: Has the applicant provided sound justification of the need for the project?
  • Community benefit: Who and how many people will benefit from the project?
  • Planned approach: Is the project the result of some form of planning undertaken by the applicant? Have the relevant approvals been granted.
  • Management planning: Has the applicant described how it is intended that the project will be managed and do they have the capacity to deliver what they say they will provide?
  • Financial viability: Is your club financially viable and growing?
  • Ongoing costs: Will there be ongoing costs and as a result who will meet these costs?
  • Coordination: Has the applicant consulted or gained support with other clubs and that may be affected by the proposed project?
In addition to assessing applications against these criteria, projects will also be given a rating against the following statements: 
  • A: Well planned and supported by the City.
  • B: Well planned and needed by the applicant.
  • C: Supported by the City, more planning required.
  • D: Needed by the applicant, more planning required.
  • E: Not recommended.

When and how to apply

Applications are open all year round

To apply:
  1. Contact the City's Club Development Offficer to determine if whether the project you are seeking support for is eligible for funding.
  2. Submit your application using the link below.
Successful/unsuccessful applicants will be notified. The process will take approximately two months from time of application until the allocation of funds.

Apply for Minor Capital Works Grant (Sporting Clubs)

Limitations and conditions

  • ​Clubs may only apply for this grant once per financial year.
  • Voluntary labour and donated materials (in kind contributions):
    • The combined value of voluntary labour and donated materials may not exceed 50% of the applicant’s contribution towards the project.
    • Voluntary labour may be calculated at a rate of $20 per hour for unskilled labour, $35 per hour for qualified tradesmen, and $50 per hour for professional services (e.g. structural engineer, architect etc.)
    • Successful applicants will be required to record voluntary hours worked on a particular project on a form provided by the City for inclusion with grant acquittal information.
    • The value of donated materials will be calculated as the difference between the normal retail value of the materials and the cost at which the organisation is able to secure the product or service. For example, if the organisation was planning to undertake extensions to a patio with the normal retail cost of steel associated with the project being $1,000 and they had a sponsor that was willing to provide the steel at a cost price of $500, then the difference between the retail price and the price at which the goods were secured (in this case $500) will be recognised as a contribution in donated materials.
  • The Recreation Services Team may suggest that a prospective applicant liaises with other Council Officers in the preparation of their application. For example, for works that involve extensions to a City facility, the applicant will be required to liaise with the City’s Building Coordinator.
  • Assessments will be undertaken by Delegated Officers and presented to a Delegated Committee for consideration. Assessments and the Committee’s allocation of funding will be final and there will be no grounds for appeal or dispute.
  • Successful applicants fwill receive the full funding amount on the commencement date of the project, nominated on the application form.
  • All funds are to be expended as per items approved in the funding application within three (3) months from the commencement date with unspent funds returned to the City along with the Acquittal report. Failure to acquit funds will result in no further funding in the future.

More information and contact

For more information or to apply, please contact the Club Development Officer on 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.