Cloth Nappy and Sanitary Product Rebate


Did you know that it takes 1 cup of crude oil to make a single disposable nappy, and each nappy takes at least 150 years to break down? Similarly, the average woman uses over 10,000 disposable menstrual products in her lifetime. 

These statistics highlight the pressing need to shift towards more sustainable practices, as millions of these disposable products end up in landfills in Australia each year.

The City’s Cloth Nappy and Sanitary Product Rebate and Subsidies program offers financial support to residents choosing sustainable alternatives to disposable nappies and sanitary products, significantly reducing landfill waste. The rebate is open year-round. 

Disposable vs reusable products

Reusable options are kinder on the planet and more cost effective in the long run, while offering benefits such as reduced waste to landfill and less greenhouse gas emissions.

Despite water and detergent use, reusable products have a much lower environmental impact than disposable options.

Item Avg unit cost No. of uses Cost per use
Tampon $0.50 1 $0.50
Disposable pad $0.04 1 $0.04
Reusable pad $23.00 100 $0.23
Period underwear  $24.00 180 $0.13
Menstrual cup $40.00 432 $0.09
Disposable nappy $0.20 1 $0.20
Reusable cloth nappy $25.00 390 $0.06

Rebates and Subsidies options

Option Amount and details Eligibility criteria How to apply
Reusable sanitary products REBATE A rebate of up to $50 is available for the purchase of new reusable sanitary items. This includes menstrual cups, reusable sanitary pads, reusable incontinence pads, and period underwear.
  • Be residents of the City of Cockburn
  • Provide proof of address along with the receipt of purchase showing the details of the purchase
  1. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and have read the terms and conditions
  2. Purchase your reusable sanitary products
  3. Keep your receipt as proof of purchase
  4. Complete the Sanitary Product rebate application form
  5. Attach the necessary documents and submit your application.
If approved, rebates will be electronically transferred to your nominated bank account.

Apply for Rebate
Cloth nappies and associated products REBATE Residents can apply for a 50% rebate, up to a maximum of $100, for purchasing or hiring modern cloth nappies. This rebate also covers associated products such as cloth baby wipes, nursing breast pads, and wet bags.
  • Be residents of the City of Cockburn
  • Provide proof of address along with the receipt of purchase showing the details of the purchase
  • Attend a Nappy Guru Modern Cloth Nappy workshop or an Earthside EcoBums consultation within 6 months prior to applying (please visit our events page to book your Nappy Guru workshop, or register your interest for an Earthside EcoBums consultation).
  1. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and have read the terms and conditions
  2. Purchase your cloth nappies or related eligible products
  3. Keep your receipt as proof of purchase
  4. Complete the Cloth Nappy rebate application form
  5. Attach the necessary documents and submit your application.
If approved, rebates will be electronically transferred to your nominated bank account.

Apply for Rebate
Earthside Ecobum's Cloth nappies SUBSIDY Residents can choose to receive an Earthside Ecobum's starter kit for the subsidised cost of $60 (saving almost $200).

The kit includes 6 one-size-fits-most nappies and a nappy bag. 
  • Be residents of the City of Cockburn.
  • Provide proof of address
  • Attend a one-on-one online or in-person consultation at a time that suits.
  • Have not applied for the cloth nappy rebate or subsidy previously.
  • Pay $60 to Earthside Ecobums for Nappy Starter Kit. 
  1. Register your interest for a one-on-one consultation with Earthside EcoBums.
  2. Attend consultation and present your proof of address
  3. Pay $60 and postage costs (if not collecting in person) to Earthside EcoBums.
  4. Nappy Starter pack will be posted to you.

Note: The rebate is open year-round.

Limitations and and conditions

  • Each household is eligible for one rebate/subsidy for cloth nappies, and one rebate for reusable sanitary products.
  • Applicants must provide proof of address and a receipt detailing the purchase.
  • For the cloth nappy rebate, applicants must have attended a Nappy Guru Modern Cloth Nappy workshop within 6 months prior to applying.
  • For the cloth nappy subsidy, applicants must have attended a consultation session with Earthside Ecobums.

More information and contact

For more information contact the City on 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].

The Switch Your Thinking's guide to moderen cloth nappies can be downloaded below.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.