View the purpose of the meeting and live stream link.
We are working with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to help stop the spread of invasive pest Qfly. Read more.
Since around 9pm on Christmas Day we have had an issue with the City’s online forms.
In mid-February, the public waste drop-off will move to Dalison Avenue.
Please note:
Ready-to-eat food – food that is ordinarily consumed in the same state as in which it is sold
Process - activity conducted to prepare food for sale; including chopping, cooking, drying, fermenting, heating, pasteurising, or a combination of these
Small business - Is a business that employs less than 50 people in the ‘manufacturing sector’ or less than 10 people in the ‘food services’ sector 4 Vulnerable persons – refer to Standard 3.3.1 Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code