If you need to cancel or make a change to your booking, you can do so by logging into the online booking system in which you originally made your booking.
What is the capacity of the room? Is this standing or seating and does it only include adults?The capacity of a room is based on people standing, which includes adults, children and babies. This is regulated by the City’s Environmental Health Department.
What is included in the booking times?When organising your function please remember to include your set up and pack up time in your hall hire time. All deliveries and collections to the hall are to be included in this time. Preparation and drop off-of items cannot be made outside the booking time.
What equipment is provided at the facility?All of our facilities include trestle tables, chairs and either kitchen or kitchenette facilities. Domestic size fridge/freezer, oven, microwave and urns are also provided in our kitchens. Please check with the Community Venues Officers regarding facilities with kitchenettes. Portable outdoor appliances such as gas heaters, barbecues and gas bottles are not allowed within any of the facilities.
Do I need to provide my own cleaning equipment or are there any bins?Mops, buckets, broom, dustpans and bins are provided in all facilities, but it is advised that you bring your own in the event that these have been unexpectedly removed. You will be required to provide cleaning products, cloths and bin liners.
If toilet paper runs out is any stock left on the premise?Typically toilets will be well stocked with toilet paper. Excess toilet paper will need to be supplied by the hirer.
What is the expectation of how the room is to be left?All rooms must be left in a clean and tidy condition with no equipment left in the room. Floors are to be swept (and spot mopped if required). Tables and chairs are to be wiped down and returned to the designated storage areas. Food is to be removed from fridge/freezer. All rubbish needs to be placed in the outside bin compounds which hirers will have key access to. If for some reason there is no access to bin compound excess rubbish is to be removed from the premises.
Are balloons and decorations allowed?Helium balloons are permitted as long as they are anchored. Please deflate at the end of your booking and place in rubbish bins. Balloons can have a damaging impact on wildlife and environment. Please do not release balloons into the sky as most of our facilities are located near flight paths at Jandakot Airport.
Free standing decorations are permitted provided they are cleaned away at the end of the functions. Please no confetti or similar materials. .
You may tape decorations to the windows, please remove them at the end of your hire. Please do not tape decorations to any painted walls or ceilings, as they cause damage to the interior of the building.
Can I have a live band and a smoke machine?No, these are not permitted.
Can I view the room before hiring it?We encourage people to view our facilities before hiring. Viewings can be conducted during the hours of 8.30am – 3.00pm, Tuesday – Thursday. Please visit our online booking system to book a viewing time.
What are the size of the tables and chairs?Nearly all of our facilities have trestle tables which are a standard 6ft or W 736 H 736 L 1835.
The function rooms at three venues have round tables:
- Success Regional Sporting Facility - round tables W 1500 H 736
- Frankland Park Sporting and Community Facility - round tables W 1830 H 736
- Treeby Community and Sports Centre - round tables W 1500 H 736
Are kids tables/chairs provided?Only some of our facilities will have children tables and chairs. Please contact our Community Venues Officer on 9411 3444 regarding which rooms.
What is the latest I can hire a room?Due to noise and Health Department restrictions the latest a room can be hired to is 1.00am (Friday and Saturday nights) which includes cleaning and pack up time. All other nights the latest is 10pm.
Can I advertise my function on social media?Under no circumstances can an event to be held in one of the City of Cockburn’s Community facilities be advertised on social media or the internet without approval from the City.
I want to have a jukebox but it can only be collected on Monday? Can I leave the jukebox in the room?All deliveries and collections to and from the hall are to be included in the agreed booking time. We are unable to store any equipment.
Are there any audio visual systems in the centre?We do not supply any Audio Visual systems including pa, projectors or laptops. Wi-Fi to any of our facilities is supplied by a dongle at the hirers cost.
What is the latest date I can make a booking?Applications must be made through the City's online booking system a minimum of ten business days prior to the booking date. This is required to allow staff to make sure all the necessary arrangements (security, cleaning etc.) are in place to allow the City to adequately service your booking.
Is there any central heating or air conditioning in the Centre?Heating and cooling systems vary in all of our facilities. Please check with the Community Venues Officers regarding the facilities.
Does the City accept birthday parties that are in the 16th – 25th category?The City does accept 16 – 25 year old birthday parties in four facilities only - Jandakot Hall, Beeliar Community Centre, Len Packham Reserve Clubrooms and Yangebup Community Centre. Please contact a Community Venues Officer on 9411 3444 for restrictions and additional requirements. A minimum of 4 weeks notice is required to make a booking.
If I happen to have a booking outside of business hours is there an out-of-hours contact I can call in case of an issue?For any access or security issues please call CoSafe on 1300 26 72 33
Facility Issue - Electrial, plumbing etc please call 9411 3444 (24 hours service)
How do I pay for the hire of the venue?Payment is pre-authorised by providing credit/debit card details at the time the booking is made and there must be sufficient funds available on the card at that time. When the booking is approved by a Community Venues Officer, the funds will be deducted.
How do I pay the bond?Bonds are payable through the online booking system, as a pre-authorisation from the same card details provided for paying the hire charges. This will be transacted three days prior to the booking date and will be released within 7 days if there are no breaches to the Terms & Conditions of Hire.
Can I access the room the night before / early morning to drop off items or decorate?No. All activities must be included in your booking time. Items must not be left in the facilities overnight.
Can I bring animals, bouncy castles and the like to the venue?Animals and amusement rides are not permitted inside the City's venues.
Talk to a Community Venues Officer if you plan to use an area outside the venue for additional activities. Insurance or other information and/or approval may be required for some structures or activities. An additional bond may be required if there is a structure or fixture being used on the grounds such as:
- catering equipment
- bouncy castles and mechanically operated amusement rides
- water slides and flying foxes
- marquees, tents
- pony rides
- animal farms
- vehicles entering reserve areas
Some amusement activities / devices will require submission of:
- Copy of Public Liability Insurance
- Copy of Annual Inspection Certificate
- Copy of Worksafe Plant Registration
In many cases, the device owner/operator will be able to supply these.
Talk to your Community Venues Officer about exactly what is required.