Pursuant to section 3.12(3) of the Local Government Act 1995, the City of Cockburn gives notice that it intends to make the following new local law: Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2025
The new Public Waste Drop-Off service on Dalison avenue is closed on Wednesdays.
On Thursday 20 February, the public waste drop-off moved to Dalison Avenue.
The reuse shop will be closed on Sundays. The shop is still open Friday and Saturday.
We are working with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to help stop the spread of invasive pest Qfly. Read more.
Heart Foundation Walking is Australia's largest network of free community based walking groups coordinated locally by the City of Cockburn.
Heart Foundation Walking groups makes regular physical activity enjoyable and easy. Walking groups walk at various times and distances. Please contact your local Coordinator if you are interested in participating by emailing [email protected]. Visit the Heart Foundation Walking webpage for more information. If you do not live near a group or prefer to walk on your own, you can join as a ‘Virtual Walker’ and track your progress online. Get active during winter. Get ready to go with our winter workout tips. Visit the Heart Foundation Walking webpage for more information.
If you would like to start a new group then consider becoming a walk organiser. New groups are wanted for all suburbs and all areas, park walkers, slow walkers, fast walkers, parents with prams, early morning and end of day walkers, walk with your dog, or just a reason to walk. To register as a walk organiser please email the Healthy Cockburn Team [email protected]. The table below is a list of our FREE Current Heart Foundation walking groups found throughout City of Cockburn.
Thursday 8.30am
Coogee Cafe, Powell Rd Coogee
Barbara 0415 402 450 or 9418 1897 [email protected] Coogee Cruisers
South Fremantle
Friday 8am
The Meeting Place, 245 South Terrace, South Fremantle
Lis & June 0408 986 395 or 9335 3208 or email [email protected] South Beach Striders
Jacquie 0402 584 443 email [email protected] Phoenix Walkers
Ron 0408 852 925 or Diane 0429 109 992 [email protected] or [email protected]
For more information on healthy living in Cockburn, including the range of programs available, visit Healthy Living or contact the City’s Health Promotion Officer on 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].