The City coordinates a variety of activities, events and programs for, and inclusive of, people with disability. These range from regular activities, annual events and services throughout the City.
If you have any specific access queries or requests for any of our activities, events or programs, please don't hesitate to contact the City to discuss.
The City of Cockburn offers a range of inclusive activities for all ages and abilities, including:
Celebrate Ability event
Celebrate Ability is an annual event in December to celebrate the International Day of People with Disability.
The event has lots of fun activities, including an animal farm, bouncy castle, kites, face painting, arts and dance.
Please visit the City’s Events Calendar for more information.
Creating accessible events
If you are holding a community event, you need to ensure access and inclusion for all. Please make sure your event complies with the Department of Communities - Accessible Events Checklist. This will help you to make sure your event follows disability access requirements.
Specific access requests for events
If you have any specific access requests for City of Cockburn events (e.g. require an Auslan interpreter), please contact the City at least two weeks in advance so we can make the arrangements.
Library Services
The Cockburn Libraries (Spearwood, Coolbellup and Success) are all accessible facilities which run a number of inclusive activities and programs for all ages.
The Cockburn Libraries also offer a Home Library Service, which delivers books and other materials on loan to readers who are housebound. The service also includes a fortnightly bus that transports readers to the Success Library.
The Coolbellup library has an Adaptive Technology Centre with equipment to assist people with disability, including a Kurzweil Omni (which converts text to speech using a scanner), a Starview magnifier and a speech synthesiser.
Cockburn Care
Cockburn Care provides a range of respite, support and social services to people with disability living in Cockburn.
Cockburn Care services can be funded for eligible people by WA NDIS, Home and Community Care (HACC), Home Care Packages, or they can be self-funded.
For more information, contact Cockburn Care on 08 9411 3780 or email [email protected]
For more information on activities, events and programs for people with disability, please contact the City of Cockburn on 08 9411 3444 or at [email protected].
If you have a hearing or speech impairment you can use the National Relay Service to contact the City of Cockburn at no charge. Call 13 36 77 or visit the National Relay Service website.