Cockburn Youth Centre Membership Form

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Cockburn Youth Centre Membership Form

All fields are required except where indicated
Cockburn Youth Centre memberships are for young people aged 10 – 24 yrs.
Membership is free and it enables you to book into our great programs each school term and school holidays. You can also receive emails with our programs and current news about things to do in cockburn.

Participant details

Note: street number and street name are needed for all addresses

Add me to the email list:
Medical information:
Are there any medical or physical conditions that need to be brought to the attention of the supervisors?
Ambulance cover:
Do you have ambulance cover?
Emergency services permission:
Do you give the City of Cockburn permission to contact emergency services in case of an emergency?

Information for parents/guardians

Cancellation procedure

If members are unable to attend their class, the centre must be notified 24 hours prior to the beginning of class. Credits will be given to participants if they notify the centre within this timeframe. If participants do not notify the centre of their absence they are not eligible for a credit. A credit can be used within 3 months (that term/holiday period) of the cancellation date. If the youth centre, for unforseen reasons, cancels a term class the member will automatically be issued with a credit which can be used by liaising with the centres bookings and activities officer for an alternative arrangement.

Behaviour and consequences

Misbehaviour will be dealt with using our warning system. Usually there will be 3 warnings given. On the third warning the young person will be asked to leave the youth centre immediately, and will be given a ban for a specific period of time depending on the severity of the incident and at the discretion of the youth centre staff. The warning level may also be automatically escalated depending on the severity of the breach.

Rules and regulations

For a full explanation of our rules and regulations please see the bill of rights attached (which your child will need to sign). In summary the rules are:
  • No bullying of any kind
  • No swearing
  • No racist or sexist language
  • No verbal abuse or threats to peers or staff.
  • No fighting or aggressive behaviour
  • No weapons or illegal items are to be brought into the centre or any program
  • No deliberate damage to any property
  • No stealing
Members are expected to treat staff, equipment and each other with respect at all times. Under no circumstance will anyone that appears the influence of any substance be allowed in the Cockburn Youth Centre.

Duty of care

The City of Cockburn youth centre aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment and our staff will do all they can to make sure all young people are safe and taken care of whilst at the youth centre or participating in our programs. Please note the City of Cockburn staff do not hold the authority to keep young person’s at the centre at the request of parents. The City of Cockburn does not take responsibility for young person’s whom leave the youth centre or who are not on the premises. 



Parent / guardian declaration

I agree that in a medical emergency my child will be given appropriate medical assistance and I agree to meet any expenses incurred for medical treatment or transport. My child has read the 'Cockburn Youth services bill of rights' and understands the conditions. I agree that my child may be sent home at the discretion of Cockburn Youth services staff. If my child is sent home due to inappropriate behaviour I agree that refunds will be denied and I will meet any costs incurred. I acknowledge that the City of Cockburn will not be liable for loss, damage or injury to property or person that may occur whilst attending the Cockburn Youth Centre or other Cockburn Youth services programs or activities. I also acknowledge my child will be held accountable for any damages to equipment he/she hires while at the youth centre. This includes hired items that are not returned.

Photo disclosure

Participant contract

Bill of rights

Everyone attending Cockburn Youth Centre programs and activities has the right to:
  • Be treated with courtesy, kindness and respect.
  • Express their feelings and opinions assertively.
  • Relax and recreate in an atmosphere of harmony and co-operation.
  • Feel secure and safe in a supportive environment.
  • Expect that Cockburn YouthCentre rules are fair, consistently implemented and respect the rights of all involved.
  • Be valued for their individuality including that of race, gender, culture, age, physical or intellectual diversity.
To support these rights we all agree to:
  • Make all people feel welcome and ask them to join in our activities, or be part of our group.
  • Treat others with courtesy, kindness and respect.
  • Listen to other people and try to understand their points of view.
  • Talk and discuss instead of yelling and arguing.
  • Help each other and be co-operative.
  • Watch out for each other to ensure everyone is safe and secure.
  • Be responsible for our own actions.
  • Apologise if we hurt someone’s feelings.
  • Value others for their individual differences.
  • Respect each other’s property.
  • Support the Cockburn Youth Centre rules

Cockburn youth services rules

As someone attending cockburn youth centre programs and activities I will
  • Follow the directions of Cockburn Youth Centre staff.
  • Respect the youth centre and its property.
  • Treat all others as I would like to be treated.
I will not
  • Be mean to people, call them names, put them down, spread rumours about them or do anything else which I know would make them uncomfortable or would upset them.
  • Use racist or sexist language or insult people on the basis of their religion, sexual orientation, physical or intellectual disability or physical appearance.
  • Use violent or aggressive behaviour - hitting, punching, kicking, scratching, tripping, spitting, or by any other way.
  • Threaten to hurt anyone
  • Bring weapons of any kind into the youth centre and its programs.
  • Deliberately damage any property including tagging, scratching, spit balls and other forms of vandalism.
  • Touch or take any property that does not belong to me unless I have permission from the owner.
  • Bring alcohol or any other illicit substances into the youth centre or on any of its programs.
  • Be under the influence of any substances. If I am I will be asked to leave and if I refuse the police may be called.

Behaviour and consequences

Misbehaviour will be dealt with using our warning system. Usually there will be 3 warnings given. On the third warning the young person will be asked to leave the youth centre immediately, and will be given a ban for a specific period of time depending on the severity of the incident and at the discretion of the youth centre staff. The warning level may also be automatically escalated depending on the severity of the breach.


I have read and understood the Cockburn Youth Centre rules and bill of rights and agree to abide by them. I also understand that if I break any clause in this contract I may be sent home immediately and / or barred from all future cockburn Youth Centre activities and the Cockburn Youth Centre. I also understand that if I break any laws that the police will be notified

If you have any questions or queries please contact the Youth Development Officer on (08) 9411 3882 or email [email protected].

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City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.