Beach Wheelchair Hire Terms and Conditions


The hirer - is the person completing the application to hire form
The user - is the person with the disability seated in the beach wheelchair
The support persons - are the two adult persons pushing, pulling, steering and aiding the floatation of the beach wheelchair on both land and in water.

Terms and conditions

Chair bookings
  • All bookings must be made in advance, and can be made during office hours

  • All bookings must be recorded on an official application form

  • The City of Cockburn has the right to refuse an application

  • The City of Cockburn has the right to cancel/reschedule the booking at any time

  • The Coogee Beach Surf Lifesaving Club lifeguards have the right to cancel the booking at anytime.


The wheelchair and PFD are available at no cost.

Chair safety

The hirer must:

  • Check the weather conditions, tidal and wave movements prior to hire

  • Check and ensure the user wears a PFD in the water at all times

  • Check and ensure the user is not left unattended when seated in the wheelchair on land or water

  • Check and ensure the user is securely fastened in the harness for safe and stable positioning

  • Check and ensure the user has two support adult persons

  • Check and ensure the two support adult persons are competent swimmers and have the ability to recognise, prevent and respond to emergencies whilst assisting with the use of the floating beach wheelchair.

The wheelchair is:

  • For use only by people restricted in their access to the beach and water (up to 150kg in weight)

  • For use on the beach on hard or soft sand, on grass or surfaced footpaths in low water, and to float in shallow water levels

  • Designed to access low levels of water with two support adult persons to aid floating, where water level should not exceed waist height of the two support adult persons

  • Stabilised by two support adult persons so the wheelchair does not move when the user is about to be seated

  • Not intended for use with currents, strong waves or for use in deep water

  • Not to be removed from Ngarkal Beach/Port Coogee Beach unless agreed with the City of Cockburn’s Disability Access and Inclusion Officer

  • To be hosed down and the PFD rinsed, before returning them to the storage room at Port Coogee

Note: The Wheelchair supplier’s manual is available upon request.

Chair use
  • Two support adult persons are required when entering the water

  • The user must be securely fastened in the harness for safe and stable positioning. The harness is adjustable in length to create a suitable fit

  • The backrest angle can be adjusted into three positions by pulling the looped chain at the back of the chair behind the backrest

  • The wheelchair will begin to float as the water level reaches half way up the balloon tyres. The user will notice a small tilt backwards as the chair transitions into the floating position

  • The wheelchair is designed to access low levels of water with two supporting adult persons to aid floating, where water level should not exceed waist height of the support people

  • Always park the wheelchair on a level surface

  • Gradients steeper than a standard ramp rise are not recommended unless two support adult persons are assisting with pushing/pulling the chair. It is recommended one support adult person pulls the wheelchair using the tow strap at the front, while the second support adult person pushes it from behind

  • Heavy items must not be placed on back of wheelchair

  • Always keep the user informed about what you are intending to do (turning, entering water, crossing road)

  • The wheelchair must not be propelled by towing behind a motor vehicle, kite or other means, other than being pushed/pulled by two support adult persons.

City of Cockburn responsibilities
  • The City does not accept responsibility for any damages, losses, claims and liabilities associated with the use of the wheelchair

  • The hirer/user hold harmless and discharge the City from any damages, losses, claims and liabilities of any nature associated with the use of the wheelchair, except to the extent the City is negligent

  • ​​A verbal induction will be given by City of Cockburn staff or CBSLSC staff to a responsible adult Hirer/Support Person upon pick up of wheelchair regarding safety, operation of wheelchair & responsibilities.

Hirer responsibilities

The hirer is responsible for:

  • Returning the wheelchair and PFD at the designated time and place in a clean and tidy condition

  • Any damages, losses, claims and liabilities as associated with the use of the wheelchair

  • For assessing the suitability of beach, wave, wind, weather and heat conditions before use. A support adult person should enter and check the water conditions (e.g. incoming tides, depth, wave and swell height) for safety before the wheelchair is used in the water

  • Checking and ensuring the user is wearing a PFD at all times

  • Ensuring the support persons are watching the user and propelling the wheelchair in both the water and on land

  • being aware that beach conditions can change rapidly with wind, sand shift and tides

  • Taking note of signage advising of drop-off into deep water.

Pick-up of wheelchair
  •  The wheelchair is located at: Marina Management office, 5 Maraboo Wharf, Port Coogee, WA

  • The floating wheelchair is only available on Saturdays & Sundays from 10:00 - 2pm throughout October to March, during the lifeguard patrol shifts and by appointment only

  • To book, contact the City on 08 9411 3444.


Please make sure you have:

  • Read and understood the Mobi-Chair® Beach Wheelchair safety procedures

  • Viewed and understood the terms and conditions

  • Noted the low water instructions

  • Organised two support adult persons to enter the water to float

  • Checked weather conditions such as wind strength, incoming tides, possible storms and heat

  • Provided an appropriate time to return the wheelchair

  • Noted in an emergency to call 000.

More information and contact

For more information about beach wheelchair hire terms and conditions, please email the Disability Inclusion Officer or phone 08 9411 3444.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.