Elected Members

The City of Cockburn has one Mayor and nine Councillors who represent three wards - East, West and Central. The Mayor and Councillors in Cockburn are elected for four year terms. You can contact the Mayor or one of your local ward Councillors to discuss any matters relevant to your ward.

His Worship the Mayor Logan K. Howlett, JP

Mayor Howlett

Portrait of Mayor Howlett

Logan was popularly elected as Mayor at the March 2009 extraordinary local government election and again in October 2009, 2013, 2017 and 2021.

Logan and his wife Pat have lived in Cockburn for 50 years, although according to some long time pioneers they are considered to be recent arrivals.

They have volunteered in the community for most of that time and believe in engaging with and serving the ratepayers and residents in the true Cockburn tradition.

They are passionate about Cockburn, it's people, it's history, cultural diversity and it's future as a place where dreams can be realised.

The mayoral role involves Logan and Pat being 'out and about' seven days a week and most nights as they seek to ensure their commitment to the community is maintained, enhanced and focused on achieving great outcomes for a growing community.

In their opinion, there is no greater contribution one can make than to serving their community with the values of trust, respect, honesty, integrity, personal engagement wherever possible, and inclusiveness, being priorities.

Logan says there are so many great things happening across Cockburn. As opportunities unfold I will continue to work to ensure Cockburn continues as a leader in service delivery and that those special places within our neighbourhoods that makes us proud to call Cockburn our home, our place of work and/or small business ownership continue to be enhanced.

It is about people and their interaction with each other that builds resilience, sustainability and peace of mind and that lay the foundations that make Cockburn the 'best place to be'.

Logan is a Justice of the Peace, Fellow of the Australian College of Health Service Managers, has proven executive level experience, represented Industry and small business at state and national levels and previously served nine years as a councillor (1990 to 1999).


Term Ends October 2025
Address PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake WA 6965
Mobile 0407 337 650
Phone 08 9411 3444
Email [email protected]

The wording on this page has been provided by the Elected Member.

Mayor's speeches

Mayor's Calendar

Cockburn Councillors

The City’s Councillors are elected for four year terms.

The City of Cockburn is divided into three wards – West, Central and East and three Councillors represent each Ward. Please see Our People and Suburbs for more information on which suburbs are in which ward and City demographics in Cockburn.

You are encouraged to contact any or all of your ward Councillors to discuss issues regarding your ward.

East Ward Councillors

Cr Tarun Dewan
Portrait of Councillor Tarun Dewan

Tarun is a dedicated and active Councillor who is deeply committed to serving the interests and needs of the residents of Cockburn. Here are some key points that highlight his commitment and contributions:
  1. Full-time commitment: Tarun has been serving as a full-time Councillor since his election in October 2021, indicating his strong dedication to his role and responsibilities.
  2. Engineering background: His engineering background likely equips him with analytical and problem-solving skills that are valuable in addressing various issues and challenges faced by the community.
  3. Active participation: Tarun actively contributes to debates on various agendas, ensuring that he is engaged in the decision-making process and representing the interests of the residents effectively.
  4. Resident-focused: He consistently prioritizes the interests of the residents, with the aim of improving the quality of life for all residents in the city.
  5. Community engagement: Tarun is actively engaged with community members, regularly attending Council meetings and resident group events to understand and address residents' concerns and priorities.
  6. Multiple roles and responsibilities: His involvement in various committees and groups, including his election as Deputy Presiding officer for the Organisational and Performance Committee, demonstrates his commitment to overseeing and improving the city's operations.
  7. Transparency and accountability: Tarun is responsible for communicating Council decisions and actions back to the community, ensuring transparency and accountability in the council's operations.
  8. Collaboration: He has demonstrated his ability to work collaboratively with various stakeholders, including State and Federal members, fellow Councillors, executives, staff, and community groups, leading to effective outcomes for the city and its residents.
  9. Recognition and respect: Tarun's active presence and engagement at community events have earned him recognition and respect among the residents, indicating that he has built strong relationships within the community.
  10. Sustainability and carbon reduction: His commitment to promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions in the city aligns with contemporary environmental goals and demonstrates his forward-thinking approach to governance.
Overall, Tarun's background, dedication, and active involvement in the community make him a valuable asset to the residents of Cockburn and contribute to the betterment of the city's quality of life.
Term ends  October 2025
Mobile  0433 875 350
Email  [email protected]

The wording on this page has been provided by the Elected Member.

Cr Carol Reeve-Fowkes
Portrait of Councillor Carol-Reeve-Fowkes

First Elected in 2007, then 2011, 2015 and 2022, I have been honored to represent the residents of Cockburn for over 13 years. Previously I have served as Deputy Mayor for 4 years and have fought hard to make Cockburn a great place for everyone.

Having lived in Cockburn for over 30 years, I'm passionate about our City and have brought up my own family here. With a recent career with WA Police and South Metropolitan Health Department, I bring extensive local knowledge, experience and a grounded, balanced and diligent approach to our Council Meetings and decision making.

I am currently serving on:- 

Governance Committee
Organisational Performance Committee
CEO Selection Committee
Expenditure Review Committee
Local Emergency Management Committee

I was Chairperson of the Delegated Authorities, Policies and Procedures Committee for six years.

Service on other Committees, over multiple years include:-

Audit and Strategic Finance Committee
CEO Performance Review Committee
Cockburn Coast Steering Committee - Ministerial Appointment.
Cockburn Sound Management Council - Ministerial Appointment.
Cockburn Council representative on the Joint Development and Assessment Panels - Ministerial Appointment.
Local Emergency Management Committee
Bush Fire Advisory Reference Group.
WALGA South Metropolitan Zone
Sister City Committee
Grants and Donations Committee
Community Events Committee
Woodman Point Wastewater Environmental Community Group
Alcoa Environmental Improvement Group
Cockburn Cement Community Environment Group
Woodman Point Recreational Park Committee
Multiple Local Community Residents Associations.

I am dedicated to ensuring a better, sustainable future for our families, while maintaining a responsible financial balanced Budget.​
Term ends  October 2027
Mobile  0435 900 236
Email  [email protected]
Cr Carol Zhang

Portrait of Councillor Carol Zhang 

Carol was an active volunteer and passionate community leader before serving as a councillor in 2023. Carol came to Australia as an overseas student and has worked in WA public hospitals since 2008. Her family have called Cockburn home since 2010.
Carol is a community-focused and hands on person. She has been volunteering in tree planting, book reading, Christmas carols, BBQs, Community Eats, cultural celebrations, quiz nights, beach clean-ups, gift wrapping…Through active participation and engaging, Carol has gained first-hand knowledge and met numerous community members.
With 30 years nursing and frontline clinical leadership, Carol brings analytical thinking, evidence-based practice and informed decision-making philosophy to the Council table, and always strives the best for our City.
Carol commits to working constructively with the Mayor, fellow councillors and community groups to tackle traffic congestion, anti-social behaviour, and improve landscapes and community connectivity.

Term ends October 2027
Mobile  0411 738 554
Email [email protected]


West Ward Councillors

Cr Kevin Allen

Portrait of Councillor Kevin Allen

Kevin, along with his wife Debbie and their family, has been a resident of Cockburn for over 40 years. In addition to serving as a West Ward Councillor, Kevin is employed in private industry as a State Manager in the financial institution arena. Before being elected to Council in 2000, Kevin was active in community issues, as the President of the Coogee Beach Progress Association and a community representative on the State Government's Coogee Master Plan committee.

Term ends October 2025
Phone 08 9434 9193
Mobile 0419 901 735
Email [email protected]

The wording on this page has been provided by the Elected Member.

Cr Michael Separovich

Portrait of Councillor Michael Separovich

I am Councillor Separovich, and I have been on council since 2017 and have just been re-elected for a second term. I have lived my entire life in Cockburn, and many West Ward residents will have met me, my grandparents through their market garden and work with the Dalmatinac Club, or have been taught by my mother at Coogee Primary School where she has been a long serving teacher. 

In my time on Council I have been representing you through the following Committees; Delegated Authorities and Policies; Audit and Strategic Finance and the CEO Performance Review. I also sit on external committees such as the Woodman Point Wastewater Treatment Plant CRG, Woodman Point Recreation Park CAG, Development WA’s Cockburn Coast Steering Committee, and the Alcoa Residue Management Committee. 

I am dedicated to ensuring the city runs well. I want to ensure your rates are not being wasted, that your services run well, and that the policies and procedures adopted by the city are fair, common sense, and reasonable. 

Term ends October 2025
Mobile 0432 653 369
Email [email protected]

The wording on this page has been provided by the Elected Member.

Cr Phoebe Corke

Portrait of Councillor Phoebe Corke

Serving on Council is an honour and responsibility I take very seriously. I care deeply about our community, the environment, sustainability and maintaining the incredible lifestyle we enjoy in Cockburn. My priorities are protecting our natural environment, preserving canopy and biodiversity, acknowledging and respecting culture and heritage, and looking after residents' interests by improving safety, services and facilities while keeping rates low.

I reply to every phone call and email I receive and sit on numerous committees and reference groups, including chairing the City's Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee and acting as Deputy Chair for the Perth South West Environment Forum. I firmly believe that, as a councillor, you should always act with honesty, integrity, kindness, responsibility, accountability and transparency.

I have lived in Hamilton Hill for nearly 20 years and am actively involved in a number of community groups including Save Beeliar Wetlands and the Cockburn Community Wildlife Corridor. I also attend all the residents’ groups meetings in the west ward and work closely with committee members on a range of issues.

I am not affiliated to any political group and am truly independent. I am a tutor at Notre Dame University, an academic editor and a musician. I was an award-winning journalist in the UK and have also worked extensively in arts and events, including as a festival director and artist manager. I have an MA in Law from Cambridge University, studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London and am a recent (2023) graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Council Committees:
Audit, Risk and Compliance (Chair)
Expenditure Review Committee (Deputy Chair)
Governance Committee
Organisational Performance Committee
Code of Conduct Complaints Committee
CEO Selection Panel

Reference Groups:
Aboriginal Reference Group
Crime Prevention Reference Group
Sustainability and Environment Reference Group
Multicultural Reference Group
Sister Cities Reference Group

External Groups:
Neighbourhood Watch (Chair)
Perth South West Environment Forum (Deputy Chair)
Cockburn Coast Liaison Group
Cockburn Coast Steering Committee
Elected Member Sustainability Network
Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) (Dep)
WALGA South Metropolitan Zone (Dep)
Woodman Point Regional Park Community Advisory Committee (Dep)

Other (non-Council)
Save Beeliar Wetlands (Deputy Convenor)
Cockburn Community Wildlife Corridor Committee
Beeliar Regional Park Community Advisory Committee
Rehabilitating Roe 8 Advisory Committee
Nuclear Free WA (Responsible person)

Term ends October 2027
Mobile 0407 606 696
Email [email protected]

The wording on this page has been provided by the Elected Member.

Central Ward Councillors

Cr Philip Eva JP
Portrait of Councillor Philip Eva
Term ends October 2025
Mobile 0410 274 000
Email [email protected]

The wording on this page has been provided by the Elected Member.

Deputy Mayor Cr Chontelle Stone

Portrait of Deputy Mayor Cr Chontelle Stone

Chontelle Stone is a passionate and dedicated local leader who has served on the Cockburn City Council since 2017. She has always been focused on making a positive impact in her community and has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of residents in her area.

As a successful businesswoman, Chontelle has a wealth of experience in leadership, management, and strategic planning. She has a track record of improving services and infrastructure in her community, always with an eye toward innovation and sustainability.

Driven by a passion for environmental sustainability, social justice, and equality, Chontelle's commitment to her community is evident in both her professional and personal life. She is heavily involved in volunteering and community organisations, always looking for new ways to contribute and support her neighbours. She is also a caring mother, and her deep commitment to her family and community is reflected in everything she does.

Chontelle is committed to building on her previous successes and working towards a brighter future for her community. She is dedicated to improving public safety, supporting local businesses, and fighting for equity and justice for all residents.

Chontelle has the vision, experience, and dedication needed to keep Cockburn moving forward.

Council Committees:
Governance Committee (Chair)
Organisational Performance Committee
Expenditure Review Committee

Reference Groups:
Cockburn Bush Fire Advisory Committee (Chair)
Cockburn Aboriginal Reference Group

Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP)
WALGA South Metropolitan Zone
Australian Local Government Women's Association WA Branch

The Wetlands Centre Cockburn
Cockburn CRC
Coolbellup Sports Associaition 

Term ends October 2025
Mobile 0411 612 382
Email [email protected]

The wording on this page has been provided by the Elected Member.

Cr Tom Widenbar

Portrait of Councillor Tom Widenbar 

Tom is a dedicated community leader known for his passion for the environment and his commitment to public service. Serving as a Councillor for the City of Cockburn, Tom brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to local governance, particularly in the realm of environmental management. Tom is currently the Deputy Chair of Perth NRM, and also works an environmental consultant, working on regulatory approvals and conservation management for a range of industries. In addition to his environmental work, Tom is deeply involved in various other community initiatives aimed at enhancing the well-being of residents. Whether it's advocating for better infrastructure, promoting youth development programs, or supporting local businesses, Tom is dedicated for making Cockburn the best place to be.

Tom was a proud South Lake local of 8 years, before recently moving to Beeliar with his wife and 2 young kids. You’ll see him out and about in our community, often chasing after one of his kids, or volunteering with a local community or sporting group.

Term ends October 2027
Mobile 0437 002 021
Email [email protected]

The wording on this page has been provided by the Elected Member.​



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Language Support

Fire Danger Rating

Social Media

Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present.