Australian Magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) are a native and common species to Australia. They usually breed between August to October every year and it is during this period that male magpies will swoop to protect their nests, especially if they feel threatened. Be assured that Magpies only swoop during a very short period of the year, up to 6 weeks and only in proximity to their nest.
How to avoid swooping
Locate the bird and keep watching it when entering its territory. If it swoops, do not crouch in fear or stop. It is best to adopt a confident stride and move through the area quickly without running.
Rainbow Lorikeets (Trichoglossus moluccanus) are not native birds to Western Australia but were introduced in the 1960s. As a parrot species, they are easily identifiable by its bright red beak and colourful plumage. They are widespread and commonly observed in loud and fast-moving flocks.
They are classified as pests because of their negative impacts to the region:
In partnership with BirdLife WA, through the Operation Rainbow Roost project, the City is working to control the Rainbow Lorikeet population by reducing their nesting habitat and conducting palm tree maintenance.