Read more about the waste collection times.
View the operating hours over the festive season for the Administration Centre, Henderson Waste Recovery Park, Reuse shop, Libraries, Seniors Centre, Youth Centre and ARC.
The City of Cockburn invites expressions of interest to be part of Council’s Design Review Panel. Find out more.
If you are:
then the Cockburn Rotary Spring Fair is for you! Stallholders are required for this event and for a small cost you can sell, fundraise, perform or promote your business to a large market. If lack of insurance is an issue, the Spring Fair committee has organised insurance to cover uninsured stallholders. Spring Fair 2024 will be held on the 27 October at Manning Park 11am-8pm.
To apply to be a stallholder for the Cockburn Rotary Spring Fair please complete the application form below. Applications close COB Monday 7 October 2024. Please read the Cockburn Rotary Spring Fair terms and conditions before completing the form. Spring Fair Stallholder Application Form Once you have completed the form you will need to make payment via bank transfer.
Account Name: Cockburn Rotary Spring Fair BSB: 036 077 Account Number: 159110 Bank: Westpac Bank, Spearwood Please be sure to put your name and organisation as the reference so we can track payment. For more information about the event visit the Cockburn Rotary Spring Fair event information page.
Information and enquiries can be made to either: Bevan Goodreid (Cockburn Rotary) Phone: 0419 193 186 Email: [email protected] Cassandra Cooper (City of Cockburn) Phone: (08) 9411 3433 Email: [email protected]