Parks Usage Terms and Conditions

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Park Usage Terms & Conditions

Under the conditions of the Town Planning Development Act, the City of Cockburn is unable to give exclusive use of Public Open Space such as a reserve to an individual or group. Your application for usage acts as a notification to the City of intended usage by your group. While every effort is made to limit dual usage, it is possible individuals or groups will use the reserve during your allocated time without the City’s knowledge.

1.    Time Allocation
As it is public open space no specific area can be booked or held for any one group. The reserves are allocated on a first come first served basis. This policy also applies for BBQ’s and playground equipment.

2.    Bonds
A $500 bond is applicable if erecting any structural items (including but not limited to marquees, bouncy castles, pony rides, excessive tables and chairs). A bond also applies if vehicle access is required or a key needs to be issued. A credit card pre-authorisation transaction for the bond is made three days prior to the function date. If there is any damage caused to the reserve, the bond will be deducted to cover the costs. If the cost is more than the bond, an invoice for the remainder of the charges will be issued to the hirer. The pre-authorisation bond will be released three days after the booking date if there is no breach of the Terms & Conditions.

3.    Cleaning
It is the responsibility of the group to leave the reserve in a clean and tidy condition. All food scraps, rubbish and equipment are to be cleaned up at the end of the use and disposed of appropriately. Removal of any excess waste (more than fits in the bins already on site) is the responsibility of the group making the booking. A cleaning/ protection bond may be incurred at the attending Officer’s discretion (Up to $1000.00).

4.    Consumption of Alcohol
The hirer must comply with provisions of the Liquor Licensing Act 1988. Alcohol may not be consumed on any reserve or any facility without written permission from the City of Cockburn. All empty cans, bottles and glasses must be removed from the reserve and disposed of appropriately.

5.    Smoking
Smoking is restricted to well-ventilated outdoor areas, and any discarded butts must be disposed of appropriately. Smoking is not permitted around playgrounds or less than 6 metres from entry points to any buildings.

6.    Compliance with Legislation
The hirer must comply with the provisions of all relevant State and Commonwealth legislation and in particular, the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the Environmental Protection (Noise regulations) 1997 and Health Act 1911.

7.    Compliance with Local Laws
The hirer must ensure compliance with the City of Cockburn’s local laws.

8.    Tents/ Marquees
No tent or marquee is to be erected at any facility, reserve or public open space area without obtaining prior written consent from the City. No stakes and/or pickets are to be placed into any part of the ground without the City’s written consent in order not to damage reticulation. Please use plastics stakes/pegs. If plastic pegs are not an option, please ensure metal pegs are painted in a clearly visible colour. Any repair of damage to the City’s property will be at the expense of the user.

9.    Waterslides
Due to the environmental impact to the grounds we are unable to permit waterslides in any of the parks.

Manning Park Azelia Ley Homestead Gardens

1.    Unavailable times - Weddings or other gatherings cannot congregate around the Azelia Ley Homestead Gardens on Sundays from 12·30pm onwards due to the museum’s opening hours.

2.    Equipment - The museum has no public access to power, toilets or any equipment. The closest public toilets are located opposite the museum, at the Universal Playground.

3.    Confetti - Confetti cannot be distributed. Flower petals may be used on the reserve/garden as they are biodegradable, but must be swept off all pathways once the function is completed. Flower petals are not permitted to be sprinkled over the verandah.

4.    Food and beverages - Food or beverages are not permitted on the verandahs.

Bibra Lake Regional Playground

1.    Bibra Lake Regional Playground is a public area that cannot be reserved - Visitors to the playground are not permitted to 'reserve' a space within the playground by erecting tables and gazebos. Please note that tables and gazebos are not permitted. In order to maximise the enjoyment of the whole community, the City requires tables and gazebos to be erected outside the perimeter fence of the playground.

2.    Opening Hours
7 days a week
Summer   1 October - 30 April 8.30am - 9pm
Winter     1 May - 30 September 8.30am - 7pm 

3.    Dogs
Assistance dogs are permitted. All other dogs are not permitted inside the fenced area of the playground. Dogs are permitted on a lead outside of the fenced playground area.


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City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.