Planning Application

How do I lodge a Planning Application?

  1. Apply for planning approval

    To lodge a Planning Application, you need to complete the following steps:

    1. Complete and upload all forms in the application package for planning approval
    2. Submit a Planning Application via eProperty

    If you have previously lodged a Planning Application use your login email and password.

    Submit a Planning Application

    Document name Downloadable files
  2. Gather documents

    • Current copy of Certificate of Title 
    • Site Plan, Floor Plan and Elevations to scale
    • Lots identified in bushfire prone areas
    • Detailed written statement.

    Read the planning application checklist below for further information.

    If you have previously lodged for a Planning Application use your login email and password.

  3. Fees and charges


    Determination of the development application (other than for an extractive industry) where the estimated cost of the development is:

    Cost of Development ($) Cost

    Under 50,000


    50,000 - 500,000

    0.32% of the estimated cost of development

    500,000 - 2.5 million

    $1,700 + 0.257% for every $1 in excess of $500,000

    2.5 million - 5 million

    $7,161 + 0.206% for every $1 in excess of $2.5 million

    5 million - 21.5 million

    $12,633 + 0.123% for every $1 in excess of $5 million

    More than 21.5 million


    Planning Services Fees and Charges - Development

  4. Timeframe

    Your application will be processed within the statutory timeframe between 60 to 90 days (depending on advertising and the period of time for advertising as required), in accordance with Section 52 (2) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015.

  5. Track your application

    You can view the progrress of your application here:

    Track my application

What type of applications are there?

Joint Development Assessment Panel applications
Certain types of Planning Applications are required to be determined by the Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP). Under the regulations, each JDAP will determine development applications that meet certain type and value thresholds as if it were the responsible authority under the relevant planning instrument, such as the local planning scheme or regional planning scheme.

The regulations state that JDAP applications cannot be determined by local government or the Western Australian Planning Commission.

For more information on the JDAP process, please refer to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
Subdivision Applications
The Western Australian Planning Commission is responsible for approving all subdivision applications and certain classes of strata subdivision applications in our State.

Information and comment from the relevant local government, any public authority or utility services provider are also included in this assessment prior to a decision being made on the proposed plan.

For further information on lodging a subdivision application and the relevant forms, refer to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
Subdivision clearance applications

Once conditional subdivision approval has been granted by the Western Australian Planning Commission and works have been completed, developers are required to lodge an application for clearance with the City.

Part of the subdivision clearance process, is for the developer to demonstrate compliance with their subdivision conditions.

Lodging a subdivision clearance application

To lodge a subdivision clearance application, you need to complete the following steps.
  1. You can submit an application for subdivision clearance online via eProperty.

Application for Subdivision Clearance

Built Strata Applications

A built strata generally will have already received approvals from the City and where relevant, state authorities during the planning and building process.

This means only an additional approval from the City is needed to ensure the development is in accordance with the planning approval.

The built strata approval is issued in two parts by the City, one being the Form 15A which ensures compliance with the original plans of approval, and the other being the Form 15C, which ensures all conditions of planning approval have been complied with.

Complete Application 15C - Completion of Approval Conditions

Local Development Plan Applications
Local development plans are used in limited situations to guide the design and development of small and constrained lots or to achieve particular design outcomes. Local development plans are often required as a result of a subdivision condition imposed by the Western Australian Planning Commission for subdivision approval.

Lodge Local Development Plan Application
Schedule 6 Application - Form Advertising (Signage)Hope Valley Wattleup Form 1

Latitude 32 is one of Australia’s largest industrial redevelopment projects and is located in the Hope Valley-Wattleup area. It is managed by the WA State Land Developer, Development WA.

Latitude 32 was formerly known as the Hope Valley Wattleup Redevelopment Project and is being planned and coordinated by the WA Government's land specialist, Development WA. Latitude 32 is one of the largest industrial redevelopments undertaken in Australia. 

Visit Latitude 32 webpage for further information.

Massage Service

A Massage service is a service where the business carries out the massage, massage therapy or therapeutic/ remedial massage on a client.

Depending on the number of consultants proposed and the information provided, this will determine the class of use under the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS 3) and the way in which the assessment is conducted.

A Massage Service falls under the definition of an ‘Unlisted’ use under LPS 3, which means that the proposal would require planning approval from the City of Cockburn in all zones.

For more information about what forms, fees and information is required, please read the Planning Application Checklist. Please note that additional information contained below is required to be provided for all proposed Massage Services.

Document name Downloadable files
Home Office/Occupation/Business

What is a Home Office? 

A Home office means a home occupation limited to a business carried out solely within a dwelling by a resident of the dwelling but which does not:

  • Entail clients or customers traveling to and from the dwelling
  • Involve the advertising signs on the premises, or
  • Require any external change to the appearance of the dwelling.

What is a Home Occupation? 

A Home occupation means an occupation carried out in a dwelling or on land around a dwelling by an occupier of the dwelling which:

  • Does not employ any person that is not a member of the occupier's household
  • Will not cause injury to or adversely affect the amenity of the neighbourhood
  • Does not occupy an area greater than 20 square metres
  • Does not display a sign exceeding 0.2 square metres
  • Does not involve the retail sale, display or hire of goods of any nature
  • In relation to vehicles and parking, does not result in the requirement for a greater number of parking facilities than normally required for a single dwelling or an increase in traffic volume in the neighbourhood. It also does not involve the presence, use or calling of a vehicle more than two tonnes tare weight, and does not include provision for the fuelling, repair or maintenance of motor vehicles; and
  • Does not involve the use of an essential service of greater capacity than normally required in the zone.

What is a Home Business? 

A Home business means a business, service or profession carried out in a dwelling or on land around a dwelling by an occupier of the dwelling which:

  • Does not employ more than two people not members of the occupier's household
  • Will not cause injury to or adversely affect the amenity of the neighbourhood
  • Does not occupy an area greater than 50 square metres
  • Does not involve the retail sale, display or hire of goods of any nature
  • In relation to vehicles and parking, does not result in traffic difficulties as a result of the inadequacy of parking or an increase in traffic volumes in the neighbourhood. It also does not involve the presence, use or calling of a vehicle more than 3.5 tonnes tare weight; and
  • Does not involve the use of an essential service of greater capacity than normally required in the zone.

Do they all require Planning Approval?

A home office does not require planning approval from the City of Cockburn.

A planning approval from the City of Cockburn is required for all home businesses. For more information about what forms, fees and information is required download the Planning Application Checklist. Please note that additional information under 'Required Documents' below is required for all proposed businesses.

Document name Downloadable files

More information and contact

Please contact the City’s Statutory Planning Services for more information on 08 9411 3444 or at [email protected].



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Fire Danger Rating

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.