Integrated Transport Strategy 2020-2030

The aim of the Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) is to facilitate safe, efficient and sustainable movement around the City, managing traffic congestion, advocating for improved public transport and supporting alternative means of transport. The ITS incorporates feedback from extensive community consultation.

The strategy was adopted at the Council’s Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 November 2020 and includes an addition to acknowledge the significance of Manning Ridge and that it be given priority in planning discussions with Main Roads WA for its Cockburn Coast Drive proposal. The ITS will now include a framework for any future planning of Cockburn Coast Drive including:

  • Acknowledging the ecological importance and significant Aboriginal heritage of Manning Ridge
  • Protecting the recreational and community infrastructure along the ridgeline
  • Protecting the environmental values including significant trees on the ridge
  • Considering the European heritage elements and the potential for unidentified sites of significance
  • Ensuring that these factors are given priority in any planning processes and that all reasonable options, alternative solutions and outcomes are explored.

Objectives of the strategy

Six objectives have been developed to guide future transport and land-use planning:

​1.  Improve regional connectivity whilst protecting local needs

  • Ensuring east-west road links are developed to provide regional connectivity
  • Preserve and enhance existing north-south corridors
  • Consideration and planning of HV/freight links (including high/ wide load corridors).

Below are the City’s east-west corridors that need to be upgraded (or extended), preserved and enhanced, or retained as is to provide regional connectivity.

  • Beeliar Drive - will require road upgrades, particularly between Stock Road and Cockburn Road
  • Armadale Road and North Lake Road - currently being upgraded to provide a regional link without severing or impacting the Cockburn Central precinct
  • Russell Road and Rowley Road - need to be preserved and enhanced
  • Farrington Road - due to the need to protect important environmental assets given the road’s location within the Beeliar chain of wetlands, this corridor needs to be retained as is.

Below are the City’s north-south corridors that need to be upgraded (or extended), preserved and enhanced, or retained as is:

  • Stock Road - will continue to provide a freight link as part of the Fremantle to Rockingham Controlled Access Highway
  • Rockingham Road - planned to transition towards a more urban road function, with the first stage being the Rockingham Road Revitalisation project
  • North Lake Road and Spearwood Avenue - will provide the regional connectivity for non-freight vehicles between Kwinana Freeway and the Fremantle area.

The Kwinana Freeway is an important transport link for the City of Cockburn and the City will continue in collaborating and interfacing with Main Roads WA in matters regarding management and modification of the Kwinana Freeway and the associated on/off ramps.

Cockburn Coast Drive has been identified as a future road corridor in the Cockburn Coast District Structure Plan. The City of Cockburn will work with the City of Fremantle and Main Roads WA to determine whether Cockburn Cost Drive is required and if supported then consider its alignment, design and functionality.

2.  Implement green infrastructure into road planning and design

  • Preserve and enhance vegetation along roads and other transport infrastructure
  • Minimise impacts on natural environmental areas.

3.  Enable a transition to sustainable mode choices

  • Plan and develop improved walking and cycling infrastructure
  • Work with the community and state agencies to enable mode shift.

Transitioning to more sustainable modes like cycling, walking and public transport creates a more resilient and future proof transport network, and minimises the negative externalities of excessive private vehicle reliance.

4.  Improve public transport access and service levels across the City

  • Pursue a future rapid public transit corridor from Cockburn to Fremantle
  • Advocate for improved public transport service and coverage.

With the addition of Aubin Grove Station and the ongoing Thornlie- Cockburn Link project, the City’s heavy rail network has seen significant improvement. Furthermore, the City has a long-standing aim for a rapid transit corridor to be developed between Cockburn Central and Fremantle. The City sees this objective as a medium-long term ambition, and will advocate to and work with state government agencies towards this objective.

5.  Plan transport networks to support where people live and work

  • Interface transport networks with Activity Centre plans and strategies
  • Develop a movement and place framework and apply to strategic centres and corridors.

It is key that future transport infrastructure projects, as well as the relevant transport plans that sit under the ITS, fully consider and are integrated with the relevant activity centres. These centres require special consideration from a transport perspective to ensure the network supports and enhances their functionality as places where people congregate, socialise, shop, access services and engage in other opportunities.

6.  Continue to enable the best precinct outcomes for Cockburn Central and Aubin Grove Train Stations

  • Implement the changes recommended in the Station Access Strategies;
  • Continue to support density and transit-oriented development outcomes in station surrounds.

The Public Transport Authority, as part of the Rail Growth Plan is producing Station Access Strategies for all stations across their network. These strategies will determine both how passengers currently access the station, as well as setting targets and identifying infrastructure and measures for how passengers should access the stations in the future. The City will work with the PTA and other stakeholders to implement these strategies.

More information and contact

To find out more about the Integrated Transport Strategy 2020 - 2030, read the document below under 'Related Documents', the City's media release, call 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected]

Related Documents

Document name Downloadable files
Integrated Transport Strategy 2020 - 2030PDF document



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.