The City of Cockburn is proud of ongoing water efficiency practises at Cockburn ARC which have resulted in its popular aquatic and recreation centre being named a Gold Waterwise Aquatic Centre for the third consecutive year.
The achievement was announced by Water Minister Dave Kelly at a 4 May ceremony for the Waterwise Council Program, an initiative of the Water Corporation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to help local government adopt water-efficient practices.
The event also celebrated participants in the Water Corporation’s Waterwise Aquatic Centre Program created in conjunction with the Leisure Institute of Western Australia Aquatics.
Cockburn ARC was named one of eight centres in Western Australia – four in the Perth metropolitan area – to achieve gold recognition for best practice in water management.
City of Cockburn Head of Recreation Services Andrew Tomlinson said the aquatic and recreation facility, which opened in 2017, was designed and built to achieve a high level of water efficiency, borne out by an independent Water Wise Water Audit in 2018.
“The Centre has eight water bodies, three waterslides, a six-court stadium, three group fitness studios and a high health club space with more than 1 million visitors in 2019-20 alone, making efficient use of water a high priority in terms of sustainability and cost,” Mr Tomlinson said.
“Next year, we plan to apply for platinum accreditation following a capital works project to modify the Centre plantroom.
“This project will replace the chlorine generator with an alternative disinfection system, that will no longer require 24/7 water, which we anticipate will significantly reduce our water use for plantroom operations.”
Some of the water efficiency measures in use at Cockburn ARC include:
- Pool covers on the public outdoor 50m pool and two indoor recovery pools used by Fremantle Football Club
- Daily water meter and leak detection monitoring
- Push button timers on all hand basins and showers
- Flow rates on showers reduced to a minimum of 9L/minute or less
- Flow rates on hand basins reduced to 4.5L/minute or less
- All toilets 6, 3 or 4.5L dual flush models
- Manual flushing, or ultra low-flow or waterless technology urinals
- Bore irrigated mulched water wise gardens