10/12/2024 |
2024/0316 |
Intersection of Powell Road and Cockburn Road, Coogee - Road Safety Concerns |
Cr Kevin Allen |
That Council:
(1) NOTES feedback received regarding safety and congestion at the intersection of Powell Road and Cockburn Road, Coogee;
(2) NOTES Council endorsed the draft Coogee Beach Land Use Master Plan be advertised for public comment, which considers infrastructure staging priorities for the area;
(3) REQUESTS the Chief Executive Officer to undertake new traffic surveys in February 2025 on Peri End and Powell Road to confirm any changes in traffic volumes;
(4) REQUESTS the Chief Executive Officer to continue to advocate for Main Roads WA to plan for and consider upgrade requirements for Cockburn Road |
That Council:
1. NOTES feedback received regarding safety and congestion at the intersection of Powell Road and Cockburn Road, Coogee
2. REQUESTS the City undertakes new traffic surveys in early 2025 on Peri End and Powell Road to confirm any changes in traffic volumes, queuing and congestion
3. REQUESTS that the City enters discussions with Main Roads WA about the upgrading of the Powell and Cockburn Road intersection to accommodate left-and right turning lanes exiting onto Cockburn Road
4. REQUESTS that the City enters into discussions with Main Roads WA about the delineation of a ‘keep clear’ area on Powell Road prior to the intersection with Cockburn Road and to move the stopping line back to its previous position
5. REQUESTS the City enters into discussions with Discovery Parks regarding the creation of a southern egress point from the caravan park, to allow access onto Poore Grove
6. Requests the City write to Mr David Scaife, Member for Cockburn, requesting his assistance with advocating for this issue. |
12/11/2024 |
2024/0283 |
Public Pontoon at Ngarkal Beach |
Deputy Mayor Stone |
That Council:
(1) AUTHORISES the City to undertake public consultation on the removal of the public pontoon at Ngarkal Beach with the broader community, including beach users and the Port Coogee Residents Association;
(2) PREPARES a report to Council on the results of the public consultation;
(3) NOTIFIES those residents who are signatories of the petition of the Council’s decision |
That Council:
(1) AUTHORISES the City to undertake immediate removal of the public pontoon from Ngarkal Beach for the 2024/25 summer
(2) NOTIFIES the signatories of the petition regarding Council's decision
(3) AMENDS the FY25 Annual Budget by allocating an additional $12,000 to the operational budget for Ngarkal Beach Nourishment and Maintenance (OP 6266), funded from the Port Coogee Waterways WEMP Reserve. |
08/10/2024 |
2024/0234 |
Victor Kailis Oval (Cockburn ARC) - Host Local Cockburn Football Team Grand Finals |
Deputy Mayor Stone |
12/03/2024 |
2024/0071 |
EM Professional Development Policy /
EM Attendance at Events Policy / Council Meeting Procedures Policy |
Deputy Mayor Stone submitted the following Notice of Motion on 11 March 2024:
That Council:
Requests that the following policies come to the next GovCo for review:
• EM Professional Development Policy
• EM Attendance at Events
• Council Meeting Procedures
Reason The Council would like to review these policies.
That Council:
(1) REFERS the review of the following policies to the June 2024 Governance Committee for recommendations to Council:
- EMProfessional Development; and
- Attendance at Events.
(2) REQUESTS a review of the Policy Framework and Formal Introduction & Review of Council Delegated Authorities and Policies Policy in FY25 to the Governance Committee. |
As recommended |
12/03/2024 |
2024/0031 |
City of Cockburn Owl Friendly |
Cr Corke submitted the following Notice of Motion on 19 February 2024:
That Council DECLARES the City of Cockburn ‘owl friendly’ and actively supports the protection of wildlife by discouraging the use of rodenticides that can poison our local native animals.
Reason Not only can non-target animals eat these baits, but they can also be harmed – and often killed – when they eat a mouse or rat that has died or is moving slowly from the poison. By publicly declaring our City ‘owl friendly’, we hope to discourage the use of these rodenticides and increase the uptake of more humane, environmentally sensitive methods and products. There would be no associated cost to the City as BIRDLIFE Australia has already prepared a Council Action toolkit with a wide range of resources that participating LGAs can use to promote ‘owl friendly’ status through their websites. |
That Council DEFERS any decision to become owl friendly until such time as investigations are undertaken and a report and recommendation is prepared for submission to the Tuesday 9 April Ordinary Council Meeting.
As recommended |
12/03/2024 |
2024/0030 |
Elected Member Travel Register |
Mayor Howlett submitted the following Notice of Motion on 16 February 2024:
That Council:
(1) Create an on-line public register of elected member travel under the following categories: Overseas Travel, Interstate Travel, and Intrastate Travel.
(2) Each category to show comprehensive travel details, which elected member(s) were involved, associated costs, and outcomes of the travel undertaken.
(3) Each category to include details of those who nominated to travel, those who nominated and subsequently withdrew, if any, and those who showed some form of intent and subsequently declined.
(4) The register to include details from the date of each sister city visit from the inaugural establishment of each sister city agreement.
That Council:
(1) AMENDS the Elected Member Professional Development Policy to include provision for the publication of the cost information published on the Register of Elected Member Training and Professional Development to categorise it by training, travel, accommodation, and other costs;
(2) AMENDS the Attendance at Events Policy to include provision for publication of a register on the City’s website for any other Elected Member travel, exclusive of Training and Professional Development for financial year that includes the following information:
Elected Member
Travel type (Overseas, interstate, intrastate)
Dates (inbound and outbound)
Cost (categorise by travel, accommodation, other)
Purpose (Sister City, other)
Elected Member benefit
Alignment with the Act, Council Policy, or Strategic Community Plan
Proposed outcomes;
(3) AMENDS the Sister City Relationships and Engagement Policy to include provision for the publication of a register on the website of delegates for each Sister City visit from the establishment of each Sister City agreement; and
(4) AMENDS the Sister City Relationships and Engagement Policy to include provision for the publication of a report for any outbound Sister City delegation to include:
Dates (inbound and outbound)
Cost (categorise by travel, accommodation, other)
Elected Member benefit
Alignment with the Act, Council Policy, or Strategic Community Plan
Proposed outcomes
Recommendation of the Sister City Reference Group
Elected Member’s expressions of interest.
Delegates attending outbound delegation. |
That Council:
(1) DIRECTS the City create an Elected Member Travel Register for travel since July 2022, excluding professional development, to publish on the City website, with the provisions as outlined in the original motion by no later than July 2024;
(2) DIRECTS the City to create a Sister City Travel Register for each Sister City visit since establishment of the agreements to publish on the City website with the provisions as outlined in the original motion by no later than July 2024;
(3) REFERS relevant policies to the Governance Committee for updating.
12/03/2024 |
2024/0029 |
Sister City Arrangements |
Cr Widenbar submitted the followoing Notice of Motion on 15 February 2024:
That Council:
(1) Does not authorise any delegation to Split in 2024
(2) Requests the Sister City Reference Group review the purpose and justification of Sister City Relationships, with a report tabled at a Council meeting before January 2025
(3) Not enter any new Sister City arrangements until the review has been completed. |
That Council:
(1) REFERS the request to the Sister City Reference Group for consideration; and
(2) REQUESTS a recommendation from the Sister City Reference Group for consideration by Council. |
That Council:
(1) DOES NOT AUTHORISE any delegation to Split in 2024;
(2) REQUESTS the Sister City Reference Group review the purpose and justification of Sister City Relationships, with a report tabled at a Council meeting before January 2025;
(3) DOES NOT ENTER any new Sister City arrangements until the review has been completed. |
12/03/2024 |
2024/0028 |
Reivew Council Policy: Establishment of Markets on Land Owned & Controlled by the City - and Automatic Extension of Existing Market Operations |
Deputy Mayor Submitted the followoing Notice of Motion:
(1) That Council requests the Policy ‘Establishment of Markets on Land Owned and Controlled by the City of Cockburn’ comes to the next GovCo meeting for review; and
(2) That all markets currently operating in the City of Cockburn are given an extension until April 2024. |
That Council REQUESTS the City undertake a review of the ‘Establishment of Markets on Land Owned and Controlled by the City of Cockburn’ Policy, with a report presented at the April Governance Committee Meeting. |
As recommended |
14/12/2023 |
2023/0338 |
Multicultural Reference Group |
Cr Corke submitted the following Notice of Motion on 16 November 2023:
That a report be brought to the March 2024 meeting of the Expenditure Review Committee looking at the need for creating a Multicultural Action Plan (MAP) for the City of Cockburn and detailing budgetary requirements for creating said Plan. |
N/A |
As recommended |
14/09/2023 |
2023/0234 |
Elected Member Invitations |
Mayor Howlett submitted the following Notice of Motion on 10 August 2023:
That invitations and their subsequent acceptance/declined status that are received by all Elected Members from all sources appertaining to the role of an Elected Member, be placed on the City’s website to ensure transparency and accountability to the community on the activities undertaken by their elected representatives throughout their terms.
Reason The opportunity for Elected Members to demonstrate their activity in the community through an online notification facility on the City’s website is long overdue.
The details of all invitations, including tickets to community, sporting, cultural, service, faith group etc events need to be identified, including the value associated with the invitation need to be on the public record to ensure transparency and accountability to the community.
That Council REQUESTS a review of the Attendance at Events Policy to consider incorporating a provision for publication of an invitations register on the City’s website.
That Council REQUESTS a review of the Attendance at Event Policy to consider incorporating a provision for publication of an invitations register on the City’s website be presented to a future Governance Committee meeting. |
13/07/2023 |
2023/0185 |
Royal WA Historical Society Inc. - State History Conference of Affiliated Societies - September 2025 |
Mayor Howlett submitted the following Notice of Motion on 20 June 2023:
That Council give consideration to hosting the Royal Australian Historical Society Inc. (WA) – State History Conference of Affiliated Societies in September 2025 in conjunction with the Historical Society of Cockburn.
Reason The City hosted the State History Conference event in 2009 and it would be fitting to host the event in 2025 given it will be the centenary year of the official opening of the Hamilton Hill Memorial Hall.
It would provide an opportunity to showcase Cockburn’s history to a wide audience of historians.
A decision of Council is required before the scheduled 2023 State History Conference in Bridgetown (1 – 3 September 2023) as nominations will be called at that conference for the 2025 year. Normally the local government hosting the conference would hold a welcome reception for the delegates.
That Council:
1. RECEIVES the proposal to give consideration to hosting the Royal Australian Historical Society - State History Conference of Affiliated Societies in September 2025; and
2. ENDORSES the Mayor to nominate the City to host the Royal Australian Historical Society – State History Conference in September 2025. |
That Council: (1) RECEIVES the proposal to give consideration to hosting the Royal Western Australian Historical Society - State History Conference of Affiliated Societies in September 2025; and
2. ENDORSES the Mayor to nominate the City to host the Royal Western Australian Historical Society – State History Conference in September 2025.
13/07/2023 |
2023/0184 |
Intersection of Spearwood Avenue and Beeliar Drive - Investigation |
Deputy Mayor Widenbar submitted the following Notice of Motion on 21 June 2023:
That Council, following the completion of the City of Cockburn District Traffic Study 2024, REQUESTS the City to undertake investigation of the intersection of Spearwood Avenue and Beeliar Drive to assess both road safety and congestion (intersection performance) characteristics, with a report back to Council indicating potential upgrade options, costings and required timelines for delivery of the required upgrades.
Reason The intersection of Beeliar Drive and Spearwood Avenue is a very important junction of two District Distributor roads.
The intersection has experienced increasing congestion and incidences of accidents in recent years and with continued growth in the local area and seemingly limited upgrade options requires long term planning to ensure this intersection may continue to appropriately serve the local community. |
That Council REQUESTS the City undertake investigation of the intersection of Spearwood Avenue and Beeliar Drive.Investigation purpose is to assess both road safety and congestion (intersection performance) characteristics, with a report back to Council indicating potential upgrade options, costings and required timelines for delivery of the required upgrades. Timing of the report to Council to be within 12 months of the Council endorsement of the updated District Traffic Study.
As recommended |
09/03/2023 |
2023/0077 |
Elected Member Training |
Deputy Mayor Widenbar submitted the following Notice of Motion on 22 February 2023:
That Council:
(1) Endorses Deputy Mayor Tom Widenbar's request for additional professional development of public speaking coaching.
Reason: The current Elected Member Professional Development Policy states that Elected Members are encouraged to attend professional development opportunities that will improve their skills and knowledge that is essential to fulfil their duties and responsibilities on Council.
My latest request for ongoing public speaking coaching was denied by the Acting Chief Executive Officer with the reason given I had undertaken sufficient training already.
Given the request is directly linked to my role as Deputy Mayor, is by a City recommended provider, that the scope has been determined in consultation with the Executive Corporate Affairs, myself and the speaking coach, and is continued professional development, I believe the training fits our Policy and should therefore be approved. |
That Council
(1) ACCEPTS/REJECTS the public speaking coaching professional development application request by the Deputy Mayor. |
That Council
1) ACCEPTS the public speaking coaching professional development application request. |
09/02/2023 |
2023/0025 |
Shark Fishing |
Cr Corke submitted the following Notice of Motion on 13 January 2023:
That Council REQUESTS a review of City of Cockburn (Local Government Act) Local Laws 2000 clause 3.3 (d) be brought to the April meeting of GovCo that considers the following proposed amendments:
3.3 (d) Prohibited Activities
A person shall not on a reserve, foreshore or beach, fish for sharks by use of:
· wire trace or a monofilament trace exceeding 1mm in diameter
· hooks that exceed a shank length greater than 56mm and a gape greater than 23mm
· a combination or gang of hooks that are joined by threading the point of one through the eye of another
· balloon fishing.
The following must not be used for berley or baiting:
· blood
· bone
· meat
· offal
· animal skin.
If a person hooks a shark or ray inside the mouth the line must be cut as close as is safely possible to the hook and, prior to being landed, the shark or ray must be immediately released.
A person shall not kill or intentionally disfigure a shark and throw it back into the ocean.
A person shall not use a drone for shark spotting or to carry or drop bait when fishing.
Any person found to be in contravention of this local law will be subject to a fine of up to $500.
Additionally, the use of non-stainless steel circle hooks, wire cutters and suitable gloves is recommended.
It is also recommended that all anglers carry a tool capable of cutting line to ensure quick release.
Once the changes have been endorsed by Council the prescribed process for amending a local law to be immediately commenced.
In March 2022, while some other local government authorities introduced penalties in their local laws for shark fishing, we unanimously deferred this proposed amendment to our consolidated local laws.
This was because the State Government was ‘urgently’ reviewing the Fish Resources Management Act 1994 to specifically address the issue of shark fishing.
The only change that the Government has made so far is prohibiting fishing with wire trace, only applies to Port and Leighton beaches.
Meanwhile, shark fishing on our beaches, specifically at Ammunition Jetty, both continues and appears to be increasing.
The number of shark carcasses being mutilated and discarded there, to be found by divers and snorkelers, is extremely concerning.
It is believed that shark fishing from the shore or jetty, in a manner that encourages sharks to hunt and feed in these areas, may be dangerous to swimming and other water-use activities in these locations.
The City is currently undergoing a review of its consolidated local laws but there are a great many laws to be reviewed and it will take a substantial amount of time.
This minor review needs to commence as soon as possible to alleviate both potential risk and suffering.
In 2018 we banned shark fishing in the City of Cockburn.
This was a good decision. Now we need to clearly define exactly what this ban means, remove any confusion regarding prohibited activities, and attach penalties to give our local law force in the interim period prior to the State Government amending the Act. |
That Council:
(1) NOTES a report will be presented to the April 2023 Governance Committee meeting; and
(2) AUTHORISES the City to write to the relevant Minister seeking an update following the May 2022 correspondence. |
As recommended |
09/02/23 |
2023/0024 |
Parking - Progress Drive |
Cr Stone submitted the following Notice of Motion on 10 January 2023:
That the City investigates options to create formalised verge parking along Progress Drive, between Gwillam and Bibra Drive, like that closer to the Adventure playground, with options to make this a paid parking area given its popularity in peak summer periods, to be presented back to Council for consideration for the 2023/24 budget.
Every day in summer this verge is used by people going to Adventure World, due to lack of available parking in the area.
It is dusty, it looks inconsistent with the rest of the area, and could be made to look so much better to potentially attract more visitors to the entertainment facilities in the precinct, such as Adventure World, Ice Arena, and in future, the Aboriginal Cultural and Visitor Centre.
Public transport to this precinct is terrible, so this lack of parking issue is never going to get any better.
By making this paid verge parking, it should encourage patrons to seek the unpaid parking options first. |
That Council:
(1) NOTES this report;
(2) NOTES that $40,000 for a proposed feasibility study will be added to the FY24 draft municipal budget for Council’s future consideration.
As recommended |
10/11/22 |
2022/0256 |
Cockburn Sound Reef Forestation |
Deputy Mayor Widenbar submitted the following Notice of Motion on 27 October 2022:
That Council:
Investigate a reef forestation project in Cockburn Sound, to determine costing and suppliers for a pilot program to be implemented.
As we embark on the journey of our blue economy, we should ensure we are across all aspects.
Marine ecosystem restoration of Cockburn Sound should be investigated to determine if we can undertake a reef forestation project, potentially on natural or man-made reefs. |
That Council:
(1) Receives the report;
(2) DOES NOT SEEK to determine the costs or suitable suppliers for a pilot reef forestation project until such times as a feasibility study has been undertaken. |
That Council:
(1) RECEIVES the report;
(2) INSTRUCTS the City to investigate the costs involved in undertaking a study to determine the feasibility of coral reforestation in coastal waters managed by the City, with a view to considering a pilot project if the feasibility study demonstrates that coral reforestation is viable and beneficial. |
10/11/22 |
2022/0255 |
Industrial Development - 1 Quarimor Road, Bibra Lake |
Deputy Mayor Widenbar submitted the following Notice of Motion on 27 October 2022:
That Council approach the owners of the industrial development located at 1 Quarimor Road, Bibra Lake, to determine if a mural can be painted on the exterior of the large building and investigate if there are any grants available to assist funding a mural.
Reason: The industrial development at 1 Quarimor Road, Bibra Lake has become infamously known as ‘the esky’ or ‘the fridge’, given its white appearance and location.
Given the impact this has on the area’s social surrounds, completing a mural on the exterior would significantly reduce the impact that the development has on the regions visual amenity. |
That Council:
(1) AUTHORISES the City to contact the owners of 1 (Lot 1000) Quarimor Road, Bibra Lake, to determine if they would be prepared to paint a mural on the exterior of the warehouse;
(2) AUTHORISES the city to investigate the availability of any grants that could be accessed to assist in the funding of such a mural. |
As recommended |
10/11/22 |
2022/0254 |
Proposed Reschedule of Meeting Date - Audit Risk and Compliance Committee (ARC) |
Cr Allen submitted the following Notice of Motion on 18 October 2022:
The Audit Risk and Compliance meeting to be held on 24 November 2022 be moved to 1 December 2022 and the required notice be effected.
Reason: The Chair of the Audit Risk and Compliance Committee is on leave on 24 November 2022 and still wishes to chair the meeting. |
That Council RESCHEDULES the Audit Risk and Compliance Committee Meeting scheduled for 24 November 2022 to 1 December 2022, to commence at 6:00pm, and the required notice be effected |
That Council
RESCHEDULES the Audit Risk and Compliance Committee Meeting to Wednesday 7 December 2022. |
complete |
10/11/22 |
2022/0253 |
Elected Member Portal (HUB) Downloading and Printing Confidential Information |
Deputy Mayor Widenbar submitted the following Notice of Motion on 17 October 2022:
That Council amends the current document control permissions for Elected Members (EMs), to allow EMs to download all documents, confidential or not, that are relevant to their roles.
Reason: Currently EMs are restricted from downloading confidential documents from the application used to distribute information and documents to EM’s.
EMs are currently only able to view documents deemed as confidential on the application, however, are not prevented from taking a screenshot of any document.
The current access parameters are crude and do not provide any improved security around confidential documents, instead they act as an unnecessary roadblock for EMs to perform their function. |
That Council NOTES the Report |
That Council:
(1) NOTES the report;
(2) AMENDS the document control permissions for Elected Members to allow Elected Members to download all documents hosted on the hub;
(3) INSTRUCTS the City to provide a report to Council at a future meeting or Committee Meeting on potential software solutions that would allow increased security control on confidential information, such as unique identifiers on documents. |
10/11/22 |
2022/0252 |
Playground Strategy |
Cr Stone submitted the following Notice of Motion on 17 October 2022:
That Council develops a Playground Strategy.
Reason: The City has over 200 playgrounds scattered throughout local suburbs.
Each playground has an individual Asset Management Plan, and the City is constantly replacing older playgrounds that have reached their end of life on a like for like basis.
In recent years, the City has started to engage with local residents when replacing playground assets by offering three replacement options, and letting residents select the one they like best.
But what this process does not take into account is whether the playground is well utilised, appropriately placed, still age appropriate for the demographic, and whether it would be beneficial to remove a playground that isn't used and redirect that money from that asset renewal into creating a large playground at a more centralised location.
Having a Playground Strategy would assist with these issues.
The Strategy would also guide the City on classifications of playgrounds according to a tiered structure, informing which would be appropriate for further infrastructure, including BBQs and toilets, and ensure adequate playground coverage across the City for our growing families |
That Council:
(1) DEFERS commencement of a Playground Strategy until FY24:
(2) INCLUDES the provision of a framework for new, renewal and upgrades to playgrounds when the Public Open Space Strategy is reviewed in 2024. |
As recommended |
No action required |
10/11/22 |
2022/0251 |
United Nations Sustainability Development Goals |
Cr Stone submitted the following Notice of Motion on 6 October 2022:
That Council commits to and becomes a signatory to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.
Reason: As a member of the United Nations, Australia is a signatory to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The SDGs form a roadmap for global development efforts to 2030 and beyond.
They focus on improving health and education, reducing inequality, and promoting economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
Each goal has a set of indicators to help measure progress.
Recently, the City of Nedlands was the first Local Government in Western Australia to become a signatory to the UN SDGs.
Given that so many of the SDGs align with our Community Strategic Plan, it makes sense that the City of Cockburn also seeks to become a signatory to the SDGs, reaffirming this global commitment for sustainable development. |
That Council:
(1) Receives the report;
(2) the City COMMITS to noting the UN Sustainable Development Goals aspirational intent in strategic documents without becoming a signatory |
As recommended |
No action required |
10/11/22 |
2022/0250 |
Library of Things |
Cr Stone submitted the following Notice of Motion on 6 October 2022:
That Council investigates implementation of a Library of Things into our local library services.
Reason: A Library of Things is any collection of objects loaned, things that are useful occasionally but cumbersome to store.
Objects often include kitchen appliances, tools, gardening equipment, electronics, games, craft supplies, musical instruments, and recreational equipment.
City of Swan has one in operation. It would be great to have something similar across the three Cockburn Libraries, promoting sustainability and helping residents. |
That Council:
(1) RECEIVES this report;
(2) ALLOWS Officers to further investigate options for the implementation of a Library of Things service in 2023/2024 |
As recommended |
10/11/22 |
2022/0249 |
Bushfire Risk Management Plan - Indigenous Engagement |
Cr Stone submitted the following Notice of Motion on 5 October 2022:
That Council requires a review of the City's Bushfire Risk Management Plan with Indigenous engagement and co-design to incorporate traditional land management principles.
Reason: As Traditional Owners of the land, our First Nations people have valuable knowledge of traditional land management practices, including traditional burning and bush food harvesting that should be incorporated into the City's Bushfire Risk Management Plan |
That Council NOTES the report |
As recommended |
No action required |
10/11/22 |
2022/0248 |
Crime Prevention Strategy - Justice Reinvestment Principles |
Cr Stone submitted the following Notice of Motion on 5 October 2022:
That Council requires justice reinvestment principles be incorporated into the next review of the Crime Prevention Strategy.
Reason: Justice reinvestment seeks to address underlying causes of offending through a co-designed place-based approach |
That Council NOTES the report |
As recommended |
No action required |
13/10/22 |
2022/0213 |
Multi-Storey Car Park - Cockburn Central |
Deputy Mayor Widenbar submitted for the following Notice of Motion:
That Council investigate the viability of a multi-storey car park in Cockburn Central, on both the western and eastern sides of the Freeway.
Reason: Parking in and around Cockburn Central is limited at the best of times, and the increase in development and addition of Metronet is only going to compound the current issue. |
That Council:
(1) ENDORSES Option ___ as outlined below. |
That Council:
(1) DEFERS investigations until FY24. This would allow appropriate planning for the project and identify the priority rating for this project against others listed for FY24 to ensure available resourcing. |
13/10/22 |
2022/0212 |
Request from Banjup Residents Group for New LPP 'Banjup Preservation' |
The following Notice of Motion request was received from Cr Kirkwood on 13 September 2022:
The City of Cockburn affirms that:
(1) The City’s continuing strategic intent for Banjup that its natural landscapes maintain a positive and memorable rural appearance.
(2) Banjup is a highly appreciated, rural locality whose character and amenity will be preserved by the City.
(3) Banjup will be advocated as a highly appreciated, naturally rich, rural locality to:
a) State and commonwealth governments, particularly when planning its long-term future
b) Property developers contemplating changes to Banjup’s rural status.
(4) Only land uses consistent with residential dwellings on the Jandakot Water Mound will be supported by the City. Applications for any other land uses will be strongly opposed.
(5) Occupiers making unauthorised use of land in Banjup will be vigorously pursued and required to remediate any such misuse.
(6) The City will earnestly seek to resolve the zoning anomaly in the southwest corner of Banjup.
(7) The intended function of the roads in Banjup is for traffic within its local area and not for traffic between outside areas, and they will be managed as such.
(8) Reserves in Banjup will be preserved as accessible places of peace and quiet with rich flora and fauna.
(9) Linkages within and between reserves in Banjup will be developed and maintained for the enjoyment and amenity of residents and visitors.
(10) The City will continuously encourage and inform Banjup landowners in the safe and sustainable stewardship and preservation of their lands so that future generations living in Banjup can enjoy increasingly richer flora and fauna.
Reason: Banjup is a very significant area within the City of Cockburn and is facing increasing pressures from expansion and encroachment on its rural lifestyle.
A Policy can help preserve rural lifestyle and specific environmental protection and is strongly championed by the Banjup residents.
The points listed above, formulated by the Banjup Residents, will assist in setting the direction for a Banjup Preservation Policy.
It fulfils the very specific requests from the Banjup community and complies with our Strategic Direction of listening and leading and ensuring a vibrant, healthy, safe and inclusive connected community, while protecting the rural living amenity into the future.
Council is responsible for setting direction and the Banjup Residents have made their wishes very clear, it is incumbent on Council to ensure as much as possible is achieved to preserve the amenity and lifestyle enjoyed by Banjup residents. |
That Council:
(1) NOTES the submission made to Council by the Banjup Residents’ Group, dated 13 September 2022; and
(2) ADVISES the Banjup Residents Group that:
1. Adoption of a policy on Banjup would be premature and unlikely to be supported by the WA Planning Commission given the City’s Local Planning Strategy is currently under review.
2. The City’s current Local Planning Strategy, Town Planning Scheme, and Local Planning Policy 2.1 – Rural Subdivision already supports, in broad terms, the desire to retain the rural and environmental qualities of the Banjup area.
3. The City’s Local Planning Strategy is the appropriate document to set out long-term objectives and changes to development across Cockburn. While still in draft form, it does not propose any changes to planning for the Banjup area.
4. Consultation for the Draft Local Planning Strategy commences on 22 September 2022 and runs until 21 November 2022.
5. In responding to any strategic planning proposals, the City is guided by the overarching strategic direction given by Perth and Peel @3.5M and the Sub-Regional Planning Framework which currently indicates Banjup as rural.
6. Denying traffic permeability along roads within Banjup will transfer pressure on other areas, such as Aubin Grove, which is a breach of Road Safety Guidelines where risks must be appropriately managed and not just transferred to other areas. The request to treat all roads within Banjup as ‘local roads’ is not supported. |
That Council:
(1) NOTES the submission made to Council by the Banjup Residents Group, dated 13 September 2022;
(2) AFFIRMS the following set of principles for the preservation of Banjup:
1. The City’s continuing strategic intent for Banjup that its natural landscapes maintain a positive and memorable rural appearance
2. Banjup is a highly appreciated, rural locality whose character and amenity will be preserved by the City
3. Banjup will be advocated as a highly appreciated, naturally rich, rural locality to:
(i) State and Commonwealth governments, particularly when planning its long-term future
(ii) Property developers contemplating changes to Banjup’s rural status
4. The City will earnestly seek to resolve the zoning anomaly in the south west corner of Banjup
5. The intended function of the roads in Banjup is for traffic within its local area and not for traffic between outside areas and they will be managed as such
6. Reserves in Banjup will be preserved as accessible places of peace and quiet with rich flora and fauna
7. Ecological linkages within and between reserves in Banjup will be developed and maintained for the enjoyment and amenity of residents and visitors
8. The City will continuously encourage and inform Banjup landowners in the safe and sustainable stewardship and preservation of their lands so that future generations living in Banjup can enjoy increasingly richer flora and fauna; and
(3) REQUESTS the City to write to the Minister for Transport, Planning, Ports to express Council's strong desire for there to be no change in recommended land use for the Banjup area, and for it to remain zoned for rural residential use. |
8/9/22 |
2022/0191 |
WALGA Convention 2022 - Guest Speakers |
Cr Stone submitted the following Notice of Motion Request on 18 August 2022:
That Council approves a letter being sent to WALGA and the Minister expressing the Council’s dissatisfaction with the lack of gender diversity and inclusiveness in the selection of Keynote speakers at the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) Local Government Convention 2022.
That Council also call on WALGA to ensure there is at least one female keynote speaker for ALL future conferences, conventions and events requiring speakers.
Reason: The Australian Local Government Women's Association WA Branch are extremely disappointed at the lack of female keynote speakers at the 2022 WALGA Local Government Convention. The gender issue is the 5 keynote speakers are all male.
Communities look to Local Government for leadership. We know that gender bias exists, and women continue to miss out on the highest levels of leadership and decision making.
We also know that if society doesn't see women in positions of power, they start to think that only men can be leaders, and women are then less likely to pursue leadership roles.
Local Government still to this day remains a male dominated industry and this needs to change. Gender equity starts with us! |
That Council NOTES the Report |
As Recommended |
No Action Required |
11/8/2022 |
2022/0171 |
Key Nyungar Place Names - Dual Naming |
Cr Corke submitted the following Notice of Motion on 26 July 2022:
That Council:
1. Recognises that many features and places within the City of Cockburn have Nyungar names.
2. Provides in principle support to develop a partnership with the relevant organisations and local Nyungar knowledge holders to identify key Nyungar place names and their stories across the City.
3. Supports the introduction of dual naming across the City once the key Nyungar place names have been identified.
Reason: Formal recognition and signage for the Nyungar place names in our district is well overdue.
Right now, there is a potential Community Arts Network grant funded Indigenous Languages and Arts Program to deliver community arts and cultural development programs across Nyungar Country.
The City is supportive of this, and we have agreed to connect CAN with the ARG if they secure funding.
This project would identify key Nyungar place names and their stories.
CAN has previously secured funding for Fremantle and Melville to undertake a similar language, cultural and arts Nyungar place naming project, so we are hopeful that Cockburn will be next.
Formal Council approval of the introduction of dual naming will help to expedite the process and make it clear that the investigation and the time spent will have visible, tangible results. |
That Council:
(1) NOTES the report;
(2) INCLUDES dual naming in the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) review process; and
(3) PROVIDES in principle support to developing a partnership with the relevant organisations and local Nyungar knowledge holders to identify key Nyungar place names and their stories across the City.
As Recommended |
11/8/2022 |
2022/0170 |
Interpretive Signage - Historical Sites |
Cr Stone submitted the following Notice of Motion on 19 July 2022:
That Council:
1. Allocates $20k from the FY22-23 budget surplus to work together with key stakeholders to create and install interpretive signage at Emplacement Park WWII gun battery - North Coogee.
2. Write to the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions seeking an update on the installation of the interpretive signage for the WWII Women’s Army Camp, Bibra Lake (reserve 46787) as outlined in the Ordinary Council Meeting (2019/Minute No 0047) and if not planned for delivery in 2022/23 seek to understand how the City could assist in expediting the signage installation.
Reason: These sites are currently being defaced or are at risk of being lost altogether. By raising awareness of these historical WWII sites, the role they played in the defence of our coast and sharing the stories behind them through interpretive signage, it may decrease the risk of them becoming further degraded or subjected to graffiti.
Highlighting these sites will also increase community awareness and sense of place, attracting people to Cockburn as unique points of interest and potentially increasing local economy, especially when incorporated into the upcoming Tourism Strategy. |
That Council:
1. NOTES the report
2. RECOMMENDS the project be listed for consideration in the 2023/24 Draft Capital Works Budget.
As Recommended |
11/8/2022 |
2022/0169 |
Council and Executive Strategy Days - Postpone Until New CEO is Appointed |
Deputy Mayor Widenbar submitted the following Notice of Motion on 17 July 2022:
1. Council defers the proposed Council and Executive Strategy days until a new CEO has been appointed.
2. Once a new CEO has been appointed the location, format and specifics of the strategy days are to return to a future Council meeting to be endorsed by Council.
Reason: The Council and Executive Strategy Days will be most effective if they include the new CEO. |
That Council:
1. DEFERS the proposed Council and Executive Strategy Days until a new Chief Executive Officer has been appointed; and
2. REQUESTS a report to Council following the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer or within 12 months, whichever is the earlier, to determine the location, format and specifics of the strategy days |
As Recommended |
14/7/2022 |
2022/0138 |
Port Coogee Marina Expansion |
Cr Allen submitted the following Notice of Motion on 30 June 2022:
‘That Council defer works until such time and to allow further discussion of the cranes location, necessity and relocation three metres to the west of the current proposed location.
Reason: Clearly when this issue was discussed, the size and impact of the crane on residents was never highlighted. Why was there no consultation with residents?
Further, there has never been consultation on the proposed location or in fact need for such a massive structure to be installed at Port Coogee.
Speaking with pen holders none to date would have a need for such a structure. (no pen holder consultation).
Public consultation is often sought to clarify demand and I not sure to what extent if any.
A review of the proposed crane height and size needs addressing, and a suitable location found if this crane is to be installed.
Was an alternative ever considered?
Other alternative options of cranes need to be investigated such as collapsible ones if at all required at the marina.
Whilst moving the structure may come at a cost, if residents were notified as per above consultation there now may be no additional costs
Cancelling the project may also come at a cost but not always should we go ahead with something if it means that something is not the right decision. |
That Council NOTES the officer Report. |
That Council
DEFERS works on the installation until such time to allow further discussion and a detailed report on options of the crane’s current location, necessity, other smaller crane options, and relocation three metres to the west of the current proposed location, to minimise impacts on residents. |
9/6/2022 |
2022/0118 |
Notice to Revoke a previous Council Decision - OCM 12 May 2022 - Omeo Dive Trail at Coogee Beach - DoT Request |
Notice of Motion submitted by Cr Corke:
On 27 May 2022 Cr Phoebe Corke submitted a Notice of Revocation of Council Decision (Item 21.1, Minute No. 2022/0097), made at the 14 May 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting.
The Notice was countersigned by Cr Kevin Allen, Cr Tarun Dewan, Cr Lara Kirkwood, Cr Philip Eva.
In accordance with the requirements of Regulation 10 (2) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, an Absolute Majority of Council is required for the Revocation Motion to be carried.
Part A:
That Council:
(1) REVOKES Minute No. 2022/0097 – Item 21.1 – Omeo Dive Trail at Coogee Beach – Department of Transport Request – 12 May 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting, as follows:
That Council:
(1) NOTES the concerns raised by the Port Coogee Community Association with respect to the proposed public moorings potentially impacting the Omeo Wreck at Coogee Beach;
(2) Endorses advocating to the Department of Transport to undertake an assessment to remove the 8-knot speed limit area between the southern end of the eco shark barrier and the peninsular east of the Omeo Dive Trail at Coogee Beach up to 150m, making this area boats and jet ski prohibited;
(3) NOTES that the Department of Transport has advised that community consultation is generally included as part of their assessment process; and
(4) CONTINUE with the delivery of the development of the moorings consistent with the application to the Department of Transport.
Part B
(1) NOTES the concerns raised by the Port Coogee Community Association with respect to the proposed public moorings potentially impacting the Omeo Wreck at Coogee Beach;
(2) DEFERS the installation of the proposed moorings until such time the matter has been further investigated;
(3) ENDORSES advocating to the Department of Transport to remove the 8 knot speed limit area between the shark net and the peninsular, east of the Omeo Dive Trail at Coogee Beach, and make this area boat and jet-ski prohibited, with the installation of appropriate signage, subject to the outcomes of additional community consultation being in support of this position;
(4) ALLOCATES a budget of $15,000 to undertake additional public consultation; and
(5) TRANSFERS funds from the FY22 Budget surplus to an OP Account – Public Consultation – Omeo Dive Trail – DoT moorings.
That the officer recommendation be adopted |
09/06/2022 |
2022/0117 |
Veterans Parade, Cockburn Central - Proposed Zebra Crossing |
Notice of Motion submitted by Cr Kirkwood:
“That Council requests the City of Cockburn Chief Executive Officer write to Main Roads WA to approve and install a zebra crossing on Veterans Parade, Cockburn Central, across from Cockburn ARC, with flashing warning pedestrian signage.
Reason: Veterans Parade has become a busy road between Midgegooroo Avenue and Poletti Road.
The ARC is extremely popular.
With varying age ranges and abilities using the facility and surrounding areas, it is a must that we have a zebra crossing for safer and prioritised pedestrian access”. |
That Council:
(1) CONTINUES to monitor traffic, cycling and pedestrian volumes along Veterans Parade, Cockburn Central;
(2) NOTES that Main Roads did not approve the City’s proposal to construct a zebra crossing in front of the Cockburn ARC;
(3) SUPPORTS the need to continue to monitor the traffic, cycling and pedestrian volumes;
(4) REVIEWS this site again in five years when further major development within Structure Plan occurs; and
(5) REAPPLYS to Main Roads WA for the crossing if warrants are met and there is local support for the crossing. |
That the officer recommendation be adopted |
12/05/2022 |
2022/0097 |
Omeo Dive Trail at Coogee Beach - DoT Request |
Notice of Motion submitted by Cr Corke:
That Council:
(1) NOTES the concerns raised by the Port Coogee Community Association with respect to the proposed public moorings potentially impacting the Omeo Wreck at Coogee Beach;
(2) DEFERS the installation of the proposed moorings until such time the matter has been further investigated;
(3) ENDORSES advocating to the Department of Transport to remove the 8 knot speed limit area between the shark net and the peninsular, east of the Omeo Dive Trail at Coogee Beach, and make this area boat and jet-ski prohibited, with the installation of appropriate signage, subject to the outcomes of additional community consultation being in support of this position;
(4) ALLOCATES a budget of $15,000 to undertake additional public consultation;
(5) TRANSFERS funds from the FY22 Budget surplus to an OP Account – Public Consultation – Omeo Dive Trail – DoT moorings. |
That Council NOTES the Report.
That Council:
(1) NOTES the concerns raised by the Port Coogee Community Association with respect to the proposed public moorings potentially impacting the Omeo Wreck at Coogee Beach;
(2) Endorses advocating to the Department of Transport to undertake an assessment to remove the 8-knot speed limit area between the southern end of the eco shark barrier and the peninsular east of the Omeo Dive Trail at Coogee Beach up to 150m, making this area boats and jet ski prohibited;
(3) NOTES that the Department of Transport has advised that community consultation is generally included as part of their assessment process; and
(4) CONTINUE with the delivery of the development of the moorings consistent with the application to the Department of Transport. |
14/04/2022 |
2022/071 |
Reallocation of International Women's Day Funding to Community Groups |
Notice of Motion submitted by Cr Stone:
That Council:
(1) In light of the increasing COVID-19 case numbers in Western Australia, the City’s 2022 International Women’s Day event will not go ahead as originally anticipated:
(2) The $6,000 budget allocated to the event will be evenly donated to the following groups:
a. CWA Cockburn
b. Lucy Saw Women’s Refuge
c. Zonta House Refuge Association. |
That Council:
(1) NOTES Cr Stone’s Motion;
(2) REFERS the request to the Expenditure Review Committee in line with the Officer’s Report.
That the recommendation be adopted. |
10/03/2022 |
2022/0052 |
Shark Fishing |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Corke:
Local Government Act Local Law 3.3 (d) to read:
3.3 Prohibited Activities
A person shall not on a reserve, foreshore or beach, fish for sharks by use of:
• wire trace or a monofilament trace exceeding 1mm in diameter
• hooks that exceed a shank length greater than 56mm and a gape greater than 23mm
• a combination or gang of hooks that are joined by threading the point of one through the eye of another
• balloon fishing.
The following must not be used for berley or baiting:
• blood
• bone
• meat
• offal
• animal skin.
If the shark or ray is hooked inside the mouth and will not be retained, the line must be cut as close as is safely possible to the hook and immediately released.
Any person found to be in contravention of this local law will be subject to a fine of up to $1,000.
Additionally, the use of non-stainless steel circle hooks, wire cutters and suitable gloves is recommended.
The proposed amendments are to be advertised for a period of six weeks.
Referencing throughout the Local Law be updated to match the amendments. |
That Council:
(1) NOTES this Report;
(2) FORMALLY REQUESTS that the Hon. Don Punch, Minister for Fisheries, includes the entire City of Cockburn coastline in additional shark fishing regulations, under the Fish Resources Management Act 1994; and
(3) DEFERS the proposed amendment to the Local Law until such time the Minister advises of the Fish Management Act 1994 reviews the process.
That the recommendation be adopted |
10/03/2022 |
2022/0051 |
Coogee Beach Parking |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Allen:
That Council:
(1) Create motorbike parking at Coogee Beach,
(2) Amend bus parking only times to, school days only up to midday,
(3) Backdate commencement to 1st January 2022.
That Council:
(1) RECEIVES the report;
(2) APPROVES all regulatory signage and line markings within the attached parking layout designs;
(3) APPROVES those motorcycle infringements issued post 1 January 2022 up to the date of implementation of the changes approved in this resolution, in contravention to the Parking and Parking Facilities Local Laws 2007, to be written off and refunded to those who have paid the amounts imposed;
(4) AMENDS the 2021/2022 Municipal budget to reflect reimbursement repaid up to $200 to affected parties with funds to come from Parking Infringement Revenue; and
(5) AMENDS the Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2007 to reflect that the marked bus bays be made available during school holidays.
That Council:
(1) RECEIVES the report;
(2) APPROVES all regulatory signage and line markings within the attached parking layout designs;
(3) APPROVES those motorcycle infringements issued post 1 January 2022 up to the date of implementation of the changes approved in this resolution, in contravention to the Parking and Parking Facilities Local Laws 2007, to be written off and refunded to those who have paid the amounts imposed;
(4) AMENDS the 2021/2022 Municipal budget to reflect reimbursement repaid up to $200 to affected parties with funds to come from Parking Infringement Revenue; and
(5) AMENDS the Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2007 to reflect that the marked bus bays be made available during school holidays. |
10/03/2022 |
2022/0050 |
Elected Member Leave of Absence |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Dewan:
That Council:
1. Notes that Under the Local Government Act 1995, Elected Members have a right to avail leave subject to Council Approval. The absence of an Elected Member from any ward impacts the serviceability to the residents of the ward (reasons for absence could be genuine and compassionate).
2. Notes that the absence of Elected Members also prevents an additional resource for debates and decision making in Council meetings and other groups.
3. Agrees on a ceiling on the leave period for Elected Members to be 60 days maximum per block of two years, except for maternity or paternity leave, which can be for 90 days subject to Council approval.
4. Agrees application for leave must be given to Elected Members at least four weeks in advance, with the background of previous leave availed by the Elected Member.
5. Agrees that in a block of two years, a maximum of 60 days leave may be permitted to Elected members, subject to Council approval.
6. Agrees that allowances be suspended for the duration of the leave exceeding 30 days per calendar year, except during maternity leave and paternity leave (maximum of 90 days), when all allowances are payable.
That Council:
(1) NOTES the Notice of Motion submitted by Cr Dewan; and
(2) REFERS the relevant Policy “Elected Members’ Leave of Absence” to the Governance Committee of the implications of imposing the conditions, as recommended in the Notice of Motion, on future applications for Leave of Absence by Elected Members.
That the recommendation be adopted. |
9/12/2021 |
2021/0253 |
Elected Members' Record of Activities |
Notice of Motion provided by Mayor Howlett
That Council requires all Elected Members to complete a list of activities they have participated in during each month, starting from the day following the Ordinary Council Meeting of one month, to the day of the Ordinary Council Meeting in the following month, as per the format being utilised by the Mayor.
The information to be provided to the Senior Executive Assistant to the Mayor and Councillors, Civic Services, by 10am on the morning of the Ordinary Meeting of Council. |
That Council invites all Elected Members to submit a list of Council related and community activities they have participated in during each month for display on the Chamber notice board prior to each Council Meeting and on the City’s website. |
That the recommendation be adopted. |
11/11/2021 |
2021/0220 |
Woodman Point Regional Park Management Plan |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Stone:
That Council writes to the Minister for the Environment, the Hon. Amber-Jade Sanderson, the Conservation and Parks Commission, and the Director General of the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions, to request a review of the Woodman Point Regional Park Management Plan inclusive of a State Government managed community consultation process.
That Council:
(1) receives the Notice of Motion from the 9 September 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting, as detailed in the report; and
(2) receives the Officer’s report. |
That Council WRITES to the Minister for the Environment, the Hon. Amber-Jade Sanderson, the Conservation and Parks Commission, and the Director General of the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions, to request a review of the Woodman Point Regional Park Management Plan inclusive of a State Government managed community consultation process |
09/09/2021 |
2021/0165 |
Social and Affordable Housing |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Corke:
That Council writes to the Minister for Housing; Local Government the Honourable John Carey MLA, the Minister for Child Protection; Women's Interests; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services the Honourable Simone McGurk MLA, and the Director General of the Department of Communities seeking the following outcome:
(1) That they provide support to Imagined Futures Housing and Homelessness working group which is comprised of representatives from the City of Cockburn, the Department of the Communities and other relevant agencies to:
1. Investigate options for providing new social and affordable rental homes within the City of Cockburn,
2. Investigate options for working in partnership with the community housing sector to deliver new, affordable housing within the City of Cockburn,
3. Investigate options for providing short to medium term crisis accommodation within the City of Cockburn,
4. Investigate possibilities of building demountable or other such temporary housing on currently vacant Crown, or other, land,
5. Review what can be done in Cockburn in order to help significantly reduce rental stress, homelessness and rough sleeping. |
That Council endorses writing to the Minister for Housing, Local Government the Honourable John Carey MLA, the Minister for Child Protection, Women's Interests, Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence, Community Services the Honourable Simone McGurk MLA, and the Director General of the Department of Communities following outcome:
(1) that they provide support to Imagined Futures Housing and Homelessness Working Group which is comprised of representatives from the City of Cockburn, the Department of the Communities and other relevant agencies to:
1. Investigate options for providing new social and affordable rental homes within the City of Cockburn,
2. Investigate options for working in partnership with the community housing sector to deliver new, affordable housing within the City of Cockburn,
3. Investigate options for providing short to medium term crisis accommodation within the City of Cockburn,
4. Investigate possibilities of building demountable or other such temporary housing on currently vacant Crown, or other, land,
5. Review what can be done in Cockburn in order to help significantly reduce rental stress, homelessness and rough sleeping. |
That the recommendation be adopted. |
09/09/2021 |
2021/0164 |
Leaf Litter during the Autumn and Early Winter Months in Suburbs and Areas with High Amounts of Deciduous Street Trees, such as London Plane Trees |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Stone:
That Council cater for the increased amount of leaf litter during the autumn and early winter months in suburbs and areas with high amounts of deciduous street trees such as London Plane Trees by:
(1) increase the green-waste bin collection schedule frequency to weekly during this period,
(2) increase the street sweeper schedule in these areas to a weekly service,
(3) provide a weekly bag (1m3) service to residents who require additional support to manage excessive leaf litter. |
That Council receives the Officer’s report. |
That the recommendation be adopted. |
09/09/2021 |
2021/0163 |
12 Month Trial - Free Electric Vehicle Charging - Spearwood Library Electronic Vehicle Charger |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Widenbar
That Council:
(1) request Chargefox to change the fee of the Spearwood Library Electric Vehicle Charging Station on their network from $0.45/khw to $0 for a period of 12 months, to commence in or before October 2021;
(2) provide a report to Council prior to the completion of the 12 month period, consisting of at least nine months of usage data, on the usage of the Electric Vehicle charging; and
(3) identify within the City of Cockburn, that may then be considered for inclusion in the 2022/2023 budget. |
That Council:
(1) adopts a fee of $0.45 per kWh (via the Chargefox app) for the City’s Electric Vehicle (EC) Charging Stations located at Cockburn Central and the Spearwood Library carpark;
(2) amends the Fees and Charges Schedule with the inclusion of the EV charging fees for both locations; and
(3) requires additional locations to be researched and presented in the draft 2022-23 capital budget for consideration |
That Council:
(1) adopts a fee of $0.45 per kWh (via the Chargefox app) for the City’s Electric Vehicle Charging Station located at Cockburn Central;
(2) adopts a fee of $0.00 per kWh for the City’s Electric Vehicle Charging Station located at the Spearwood Library carpark;
(3) amends the Fees and Charges Schedule with the inclusion of the Electric Vehicle charging fees for both locations;
(4) requires additional locations for installing Electric Vehicle Charge stations to be researched and presented in the draft 2022-23 capital budget for consideration; and
(5) reviews the status and usage of the Spearwood Library carpark Electric Vehicle Charging Station after one year. |
12/08/2021 |
2021/0142 |
Advocate for the Upgrade of the Kwinana Freeway from Four Lanes to Six Lanes from Gibbs Road to Thomas Road |
Notice of Motion provided by Deputy Mayor Kirkwood on 3 August 2021.
Deputy Mayor Kirkwood raised the following motion on behalf of the Banjup Reference Group:
That Council and the CEO advocate for the State Government, specifically local Members of Parliament in the districts of Cockburn, Kwinana and Jandakot for the upgrade of the Kwinana Freeway from two lanes to three lanes from Gibbs Road to Thomas Road. |
That Council:
(1) notes the report;
(2) writes to the City of Kwinana seeking their support for the Kwinana Freeway to be upgraded from four lanes to six lanes between Gibbs Road and Thomas Road;
(3) writes to the Minister for Transport, Rita Saffioti, MLA, the Member for Kwinana, Roger Cook, MLA and the Member for Cockburn, David Scaife, MLA seeking their support for the Kwinana Freeway to be upgraded from four lanes to six lanes between Gibbs Road and Thomas Road;
(4) writes to the Director General of Transport seeking confirmation as to the timing for the upgrading of Kwinana Freeway from four lanes to six lanes between Gibbs Road and Thomas Road. |
That Council adopts the recommendation subject to the inclusion of clause (5) as follows:
(5) writes to the Federal Member for Fremantle and Federal Member for Brand, seeking their support for the Kwinana Freeway to be upgraded from four lanes to six lanes between Gibbs Road and Thomas Road |
Correspondence forwarded to relevant authorities to address Council decision |
12/08/2021 |
2021/0141 |
South Fremantle Power Station |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Terblanche on 19 July 2021.
Cr Terblanche requested the following Notice of Motion be prepared:
That Council writes to the Minister for Energy, the Honourable Bill Johnston, MLA, the Member for Fremantle, Simone McGurk, MLA and Western Power seeking the following outcomes in relation to the South Fremantle Power Station site:
1. The State Government and City establish a joint steering group to:
a. Facilitate and coordinate community and stakeholder engagement and determine overarching planning principles,
b. Review opportunities, in conjunction with the State’s preferred proponent(s), to activate the former South Fremantle Power Station building to achieve community, tourism and industry benefits,
c. Review opportunities to relocate the Western Power substation and major powerlines away from the coast to facilitate improved development outcomes, and
d. Review opportunities, with the relocation of Fremantle Port Operations to Westport in Kwinana, to review the rail line and future options for public transport between Fremantle (via Port Coogee) to Cockburn Central;
2. The State transfers control and responsibility for the former South Fremantle Power Station and adjoining landholdings to Development WA, as part of the Cockburn Coast planning and development framework; and
3. The State appropriately fund and resource this initiative. |
That Council writes to the Minister for Energy, the Honourable Bill Johnston, MLA, the Member for Fremantle, Simone McGurk, MLA and Western Power seeking the following outcomes in relation to the South Fremantle Power Station site:
(1) the State Government and the City of Cockburn establish a joint steering group to:
1. Facilitate and coordinate community and stakeholder engagement and determine overarching planning principles,
2. Review opportunities, in conjunction with the State’s preferred proponent(s), to activate the former South Fremantle Power Station building to achieve community, tourism and industry benefits,
3. Review opportunities to relocate the Western Power Substation and major powerlines away from the west coast to facilitate improved development outcomes, and
4. Review opportunities, with the relocation of Fremantle Port Operations to Westport in Kwinana, to review the rail line and future options for public transport between Fremantle (via Port Coogee) to Cockburn Central;
(2) the State transfers control and responsibility for the former South Fremantle Power Station and adjoining landholdings to Development WA, as part of the Cockburn Coast Planning and Development Framework; and
(3) the State Government appropriately funds and resource this initiative |
That Council writes to the Minister for Energy, the Honourable Bill Johnston, MLA, the Member for Fremantle, Simone McGurk, MLA and Western Power seeking the following outcomes in relation to the South Fremantle Power Station site:
(1) the State Government establish a joint steering group, comprising of representatives from the City of Cockburn, Development WA and relevant State Government agencies to:
1. Facilitate and coordinate community and stakeholder engagement and determine overarching planning principles,
2. Review opportunities, in conjunction with the State’s preferred proponent(s), to activate the former South Fremantle Power Station building to achieve community, tourism and industry benefits,
3. Review opportunities to relocate the Western Power Substation and major powerlines away from the west coast to facilitate improved development outcomes, and
4. Review opportunities, with the proposed relocation of Fremantle Port Operations to Westport in Kwinana, to review the rail line and future options for public transport between Fremantle (via Port Coogee) to Cockburn Central;
(2) the State transfers control and responsibility for the former South Fremantle Power Station and adjoining landholdings to Development WA, as part of the Cockburn Coast Planning and Development Framework; and
(3) the State Government appropriately funds and resource this initiative |
Correspondence forwarded to relevant Ministers and Western Power in accordance with Council decision. |
08/07/2021 |
2021/0115 |
Information Displayed on the City of Cockburn Website |
Notice of Motion provided by Mayor Howlett on 9 June 2021:
That Council displays on its website information that informs the community of various activities that would normally only provided on annual basis or not at all. |
That Council:
(1) RECEIVES the information;
(2) AGREES to include the following non–statutory information when updating the official City of Cockburn website in future:
1. Elected Member attendance at:
i. All Formal Briefings held by the City,
ii. Reference Group and External Organisation Meetings as an appointed delegate of the City, and
(3) DEFERS consideration of specifically posting on the City’s website details of any formal arrangements made between the City of Cockburn and third parties related to land matters, pending further investigation of any legal implications. |
That the recommendation be adopted. |
Relevant information published on website. |
10/06/2021 |
2021/0091 |
Proposed Revocation of Previous Council Decision - 12 November 2009 (Minute No 4085) - Agenda Briefing |
Notice of Motion provided by Mayor Howlett on 14 May 2021:
In relation to a decision of Council made on 12 November 2009, which provides for the Agenda Briefing Sessions, conducted by the City's senior officers to Elected Members for the purpose of explaining the items to be considered at the following week's Council meeting, to be held in private. |
That Council revokes the following Council decision made on 12 November 2009, in accordance with the attached Notice of Motion:
'That Council Agenda Briefing Sessions not be open to the public in future and that they be conducted under the same procedures as those which operated prior to being open to the public' |
That Council adopt the Officer recommendation. |
Motion was lost due to lack of an absolute majority. |
13/05/2021 |
2021/0072 |
Digital Assets |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Terblanche on 29 April 2021:
That Council requests WALGA South Metro Zone to recommend to WALGA State Council that it:
1. Investigate the possibility of Local Governments in WA utilising Digital Assets to facilitate:
a: investing par tof their Reserve Funds/ Investment Portfolios into the Digital Assets Market,
b. accepting Digital Assets as a payment form for services and rates; and
2. Identify what changers would be required to the Local Government Act and the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations to facilitate such undertakings |
That Council receives the report. |
That Council adopts the Officer Recommendation |
No further action required |
11/03/2021 |
2021/0033 |
Investigate a Parking permit Scheme for Employees of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services in Cockburn Central |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Stone at the February 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting:
"That Council Investigates the implementation of parking permits specifically to DFES employees exempting them from any timed parking limits within Cockburn Central.
That Council:
(1) RECEIVE the report and notes that the Department of Fire and Emergency Services does not support a scheme which provides for its staff to be offered exemptions from timed parking limits within the Cockburn Town Centre area; and
(2) DOES NOT implement a parking permit scheme specifically for Department of Fire and Emergency Services Cockburn Central employees accordingly
That Council adopt the officer recommendation |
No further action required |
11/02/2021 |
2021/0015 |
Corporate - Strategic Planning and Budget Policy Amendment - Contingency Funds |
Notice of Motion provided by Cr Stone at the December 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting:
“That Council amends the Corporate Strategic Planning and Budget Policy Clause 1 (6) by establishing and incorporating a set of guidelines for the use of budgeted Contingency Funds.” |
That Council note the report and refer the attached ‘Corporate Strategic Planning and Budget’ Policy to the Delegated Authority and Policies Committee for consideration. |
That Council adopt the officer recommendation. |
Policy referred to 25 February 2021 Delegated Authority and Policies Committee Meeting |
11/02/2021 |
2021/0014 |
Cr Separovich - Proposed Policy to Appoint Elected Members to External Committees, Reference Groups and Sub Committees |
By email received on 10 December 2020, Cr Separovich submitted the following Notice of Motion:
‘That Council have a new policy drafted to govern the process by which Elected Members are selected and appointed to external committees, reference groups and council subcommittees, with the proposed policy to be submitted to the first DAP Committee meeting in the new year, for consideration and referral to Council.
That Council:
(1) notes the information in relation to the appointment of Elected Members to Council Standing Committees, Reference Groups and External Organisations; and
(2) refers the attached Policy “Elected Members Appointments and Training – Standing Committees, Reference Groups, Boards and External Committees” to the Delegated Authority and Policies (DAP) Committee for further consideration |
That Council adopt the officer recommendation |
Policy renewed and report presented to Policy Committee Meeting 25 February 2021 |
10/12/2020 |
2020/0263 |
Delegate - South West Corridor Development Foundation (Inc.) (SWCDEF) |
By email received 18 November 2020, Cr Smith formally resigned as Council appointed delegate to the SWCDEF (Inc.), citing her inability to attend the meetings, due to conflicting work commitments.
In her notice of resignation, Cr Smith stated she had discussed the matter with Cr Widenbar, who had expressed his interest in being formally appointed to SWCDEF by Council as its delegate. Accordingly, Cr Smith has formally nominated Cr Widenbar as the City’s SWCDEF delegate. |
That Council:
(1) notes the resignation of Cr Lee-Anne Smith as its appointed delegate to the South West Corridor Development Foundation (Inc.) (SWCDEF);
(2) appoints Cr Tom Widenbar as its delegate to SWCDEF; and
(3) advises the South West Group accordingly. |
That Council adopt the officer recommendation |
South West Corridor Development Foundation (Inc.) advised that Cr Widenbar is now Council Delegate. |
10/9/2020 |
2020/0199 |
Bus Service to Calleya Estate |
(1) Liaise with Main Roads Western Australia and the Public Transport Authority to secure a full access at Ghostgum Avenue and Armadale Road intersection, which will provide the best outcome for the public transport operation within the estate;
(2) Seek feedback from the Treeby Residents Association on the proposed potential future bus routes presented within the Treeby Public Transport Strategy and an alternative alignment for bus services provided by the Public Transport Authority for the public transport operations within the estate;
(3) Write to all residents within the Calleya Estate seeking feedback on the proposed potential future bus routes presented within the Treeby Public Transport Strategy and the alternative alignment for bus services provided by the Public Transport Authority for the public transport operations within the estate;
(4) Advise the Treeby Residents' Association of the outcome; and
(5) Write to the Minister for Transport to exercise best endeavours to include the proposed bus route in the next stage budget. |
That a report be prepared to a future Council Meeting on potential bus routes within the Treeby locality and the timing of the provision of those routes, following consultation with the Public Transport Authority and the Minister for Transport's office. |
That Council adopt the officer recommendation. |
Options in relation to the bus routes and timing of the provision of those routes being investigated. |
9/7/2020 |
2020/0154 |
Cultural Awareness Training |
(1) That cultural awareness be included in the Elected Member induction process, within one month of being elected to Council; and
(2) Write to WALGA seeking to include cultural awareness as a unit in the Elected Member compulsory training package. |
That Council:
(1) ensure the Cultural Awareness Training, as specified in Action 8(b)iv of the City of Cockburn Reconciliation Action Plan, be arranged for all Elected Members and Executive Staff, by December 2020;
(2) require the training to be repeated every two years, in the two months following each Ordinary Council Election; and
(3) proposed that the 'Effective Community Leadership' Training Module conducted by the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) includes a component for 'Cultural Awareness' to be a mandatory learning outcome. |
That Council adopts the Officer recommendation with the inclusion of the following:
(4) reaffirms its commitment to the City of Cockburn Reconciliation Action Plan (2018-2020);
(5) reaffirms its commitment to fostering a diverse and connected community, one where everyone feels safe and included;
(6) condemns all forms of racism, hate, bigotry and discrimination; and
(7) writes to the Aboriginal Reference Group to advise of these outcomes. |
Training arranged for Elected Members during August/September 2020. Diarised for follow up after 2021 Council Elections.
WALGA contacted to consider incorporation of Cultural Awareness Training as an essential module to its training program for Elected Members of all local governments in the State.
The Aboriginal Reference Group has been advised of Council decision. |
14/5/2020 |
2020/0104 |
WALGA Forum - Environmental Vandalism & Anti-Social Behaviour - Regional Parks |
The City write to the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) to express support to an initiative proposed by the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Community Advisory Committee for a forum to be convened to discuss options to address environmental damage, vandalism and anti-social behaviour that is affecting Regional Parks.
During the past year at the quarterly Regional Park Community Advisory Committee Meetings discussion has focused on the serious ongoing issue of escalating damage to regional parks due to illegal access, malicious damage to property and theft of flora and flora.
To seek ways to address these issues, the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Community Advisory Committee has requested support from the other respective Community Advisory Committees (8) through a joint letter to WALGA, requesting that WALGA convene a forum to discuss options to address vandalism and anti-social behaviour affecting Regional Parks.
The City should be seen to support the request given it has responsibility for managing portions of the Beeliar, Jandakot and Woodman Point Regional Parks. The issue is of particular concern at the moment to the Treeby area residents, particularly in the Calleya Estate.
In order for the City’s delegates to raise the matter at the next WALGA zone meeting, a resolution of Council is required |
That Council write to the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) to express support to an initiative proposed by the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Community Advisory Committee for a forum to be convened to discuss options to address environmental damage, vandalism and anti-social behaviour that is affecting Regional Parks. |
That Council adopt the recommendation subject to including Clause (2) which reads as follows:
(2) advise the Resident Associations of Council decision:
1. In particular Treeby that includes Regional Parks joining or included in their suburbs;
2. The Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Community Advisory Committee; and
3. The Beeliar and Jandakot Regional Park Committees and Cockburn Environmental Groups |
Correspondence forwarded to WALGA. |
14/5/2020 |
2020/0102 |
Proposed Amendments to Policy 'Community Engagement; |
That Council adopt the amendments to the City’s Community Engagement Policy by including new items (2) Principles of Consultation, (3) Timeframes, (4) Council and (5) Accountability as outlined below; and changing the numbering on the current policy items - Diversity and Community Engagement Framework to (6) and (7) respectively.
1. The City will identify stakeholders by considering any persons, groups or organisations that could be affected by, or are interested in, the matter under consideration.
a. Where there is an active resident group representing an area, that group is to be included in the consultation.
b. A minimum area of impact radius of 500m is required for all stakeholder identification and engagement activities.
2. The City will identify and implement the most appropriate methodology to both meet the needs of stakeholders and to best inform the City’s decision-making processes. Methods of engagement could include questionnaires, meetings, focus groups, interviews, forums or workshops, amongst others.
3. The City will endeavour to make appropriate background information and contextual material available to consultation participants to support understanding of the relevant legal, statutory, strategic and/or local context.
4. The City will employ sound social research and data collection methods and will adhere to professional, ethical standards and codes of practice for the analysis and reporting of consultation outcomes
(3) Timeframes:
1. The City will ensure that the timing and duration of consultation activities has due regard for conflicting priorities such as public holidays, school holidays, Council elections and/or other consultation activities.
2. Where practicable, no engagement is to take place between the last Council Meeting of the calendar year and the first Council Meeting of the New Year, unless specified by Council or a legislated requirement.
3. Unless otherwise stipulated by statutory regulations, a minimum of 28 days for community consultation will be required.
(4) Council
1. Elected Members are to be made aware of any community engagement occurring within the City where appropriate.
2. Projects with a high level of media interest, operational or financial implication are to be considered by Council prior to engagement.
(5) Accountability
1. Community Engagement will be included in relevant reports to Council.
2. Major community engagement projects are to have a feedback loop to participants.
3. The City will ensure that consultation outcomes are shared with the community where appropriate.
4. All Community Engagement activities are to be reported in the City’s Annual Report.
The City of Cockburn has experienced a number of instances where lack of community consultation has caused a high level of angst in the community, and Council has had to defer making decisions on items due to the lack of community consultation. Specifically, this occurred as recently as the April OCM where the Council motioned for deferral of its decision to approve a Child Care development in Beeliar to allow for further community consultation on this project.
A further example includes a residential development on Berrigan Drive in South Lake, where a public meeting was required to discuss concerns from the perceived lack of community consultation. Even the City’s resident groups frequently ask why they were not approached for comment in relation to items that were out for public comment in the suburb which they represent.
Upon comparison of the City’s Community Engagement Policy with other Local Government Community Engagement policies such as City of Wanneroo, City of Joondalup and City of Armadale, it is very evident that we are missing a number of key details for community consultation. Whilst our Policy outlines IAP2 core values, it does not specifically give direction or guidance on application of these values.
The proposed amendments in this motion seek to help resolve the issues that the City is experiencing with the community consultation, and ensure a clearly defined policy with a higher level of accountability when conducting Community Engagement. |
That Council:
(1) receive this report; and
(2) following the lifting of restrictions surrounding COVID-19, invite the City’s Community Engagement Advisor and a planning representative to meet with Elected Members and present the City’s Community Engagement processes and Development Application provisions in more detail. |
That Council:
(1) seeks public comment on the proposed amendments as outlined below to the City’s Community Engagement Policy by including new items (2) Principles of Consultation, (3) Timeframes, (4) Council and (5) Accountability; and changing the numbering on the current policy items - Diversity and Community Engagement Framework to (6) & (7) respectively.
(2) Principles of Consultation:
1. The City will identify stakeholders by considering any persons, groups or organisations that could be affected by, or are interested in, the matter under consideration.
a. Where there is an active resident group representing an area, that group is to be included in the consultation unless otherwise stipulated by statutory regulations.
2. The City will identify and implement the most appropriate methodology to both meet the needs of stakeholders and to best inform the City’s decision-making processes. Methods of engagement could include questionnaires, meetings, focus groups, interviews, forums or workshops, amongst others.
3. The City will endeavour to make appropriate background information and contextual material available to consultation participants to support understanding of the relevant legal, statutory, strategic and/or local context.
4. The City will employ sound social research and data collection methods and will adhere to professional, ethical standards and codes of practice for the analysis and reporting of consultation outcomes.
(3) Timeframes
1. The City will ensure that the timing and duration of consultation activities has due regard for conflicting priorities such as public holidays, school holidays, Council elections and/or other consultation activities.
2. Where practicable, no engagement is to take place between the last Council Meeting of the calendar year and the first Council Meeting of the New Year, unless specified by Council or a legislated requirement.
3. Unless otherwise stipulated by statutory regulations, a minimum of 28 days for community consultation will be required.
(4) Council
1. Elected Members are to be made aware of any community engagement occurring within the City where appropriate.
2. Projects with a high level of media interest, operational or financial implication are to be considered by Council prior to engagement.
(5) Accountability
1. Community Engagement will be included in relevant reports to Council.
2. Major community engagement projects are to have a feedback loop to participants.
3. The City will ensure that consultation outcomes are shared with the community where appropriate.
4. All Community Engagement activities are to be reported in the City’s Annual Report.
(2) advertise the proposed amendments to Policy ‘Community Engagement’ for public consultation and then refer the matter to the Delegated Authority and Policies Committee for consideration |
Report to be presented to the November 2020 Delegated Authorities & Policies Committee Meeting to allow enough time for community consultation. |
9/4/2020 |
2020/0074 |
Options for the Control of Roaming Cats |
That Council investigates options for the control of roaming cats in the municipality. Investigations should cover, but not be restricted to:
- Mandatory sterilisation of all cats;
- A total ban initially in greenfield developments, but eventually across the whole of the City of Cockburn;
- Measures of containment of existing domestic cats and methods of enforcement;
- Non-invasive monitoring of native animals prior to and post the introduction of cat containment measures;
- Effective feline trapping methods; and
- Possible rebates for residents compliant with the new measures.
Domestic and feral cats cause severe damage to native wildlife and the
Council needs to address this matter as soon as possible. The
Australian Wildlife Conservancy estimates that more than 75 million
native animals are killed by cats (domestic and feral) every day in
Australia. That's over 27.5 billion each year. Native ARC does not support cats roaming and believe cats should be contained to the owner's property at all times and preferably within the residences. |
That Council:
(1) receives the report;
(2) awaits the completion of investigations into cat control options; and
(3) receive a report to a future Council Meeting with recommendations for the strengthening of Cat Laws within the City of Cockburn and any other measures resulting from the investigations. |
As recommended |
Investigation into options being conducted. |
12/3/2020 |
2020/0052 |
Prepare for a Possible Covid-19 Spread to the City of Cockburn |
Submitted by Cr Terblanche
That Council investigate what, if anything can be done from a Local Government perspective, to prepare for a possible COVID-19 spread to the City of Cockburn and especially the possible non-health related preparations that could be taken in advance if a lock down were to occur. |
That Council note the report. |
As recommended |
No further action required. |
13/2/2020 |
2020/0027 |
Appointment of Members to the Chief Executive Officer Performance & Senior Staff Key Projects Appraisal Committee |
Cr Michael Separovich submitted a Notice of Motion to appoint himself, Cr Eva and Cr Widenbar as members of the CEO Performance & Senior Staff Projects Appraisal Committee, rather than as deputies to the Committee |
That Council:
(1) pursuant to Section 5.11A(1) of the Local Government Act 1995 (The Act), terminates the appointments of Cr M Separovich, Cr P Eva and Cr T Widenbar as Deputy Members of the Chief Executive Officer Performance & Senior Staff Key Projects Appraisal Committee (the Committee); and
(2) pursuant to Section 5.10(1) (a) of the Act, appoints Cr M Separovich, Cr P Eva and Cr T Widenbar as members of the Committee. |
As Recommended |
13/2/2020 |
2020/0025 |
Climate Change Impact on the City of Cockburn |
Notice of Motion Received from Cr Corke:
That Council:
1. Declare we are in a state of climate emergency that requires urgent action by all levels of government, including by local councils.
2. Reaffirm our commitment to collaborate with other Councils and Governing bodies through forums such as WALGA in order to take collective action to reduce the carbon emissions of our municipalities.
3. Recognise that the technology, expertise and capacity exists for humans to mitigate and adapt to this global challenge, but that collaboration and action is essential.
4. Acknowledge that the City of Cockburn is likely to be substantially affected by climate impacts, particularly sea level rise, heat waves, fire, drought and floods.
5. Remain a leader in emission reductions, climate change adaptation and mitigation amongst the local government bodies of Western Australia.
6. Request that the City’s Climate Change Strategy for the next decade, to be developed in 2020, adopt a guiding principle that all Council operations reduce carbon emissions towards the reduction targets contained in the Paris Agreement.
7. Acknowledge the endeavours of young people across the world to highlight the need to take urgent action on the dual crises of climate change and species extinction and ask the CEO to convene a Concept Forum that includes representatives from bodies such as School Strike 4 Climate and Uni Students for Climate Justice together with climate scientists, indigenous representatives, an expert economist specialising in the impacts of climate change and how to mitigate them, community members and other specialists in the field. The findings from the Concept Forum would be presented at a future Councillor briefing session. |
That Council:
(1) note the report;
(2) request WALGA to facilitate and implement a position on climate change initiatives on behalf of all local authorities in Western Australia; and
(3) include public consultation on the declaration of a climate change emergency when reviewing the City's greenhouse emission reduction and adaption plans. |
That Council receive the report. |
No further action required. |
13/1/2020 |
2020/0005 |
Confidential Staff Matter |
Confidential attachment to the Agenda |
That Council considers the Notice of Motion received from Cr Chontelle Stone, as provided under separate confidential cover |
Confidential Staff Matter as contained in the Confidential Report was considered and adopted behind closed doors |
Matter completed by resolution of Council |
12/12/2019 |
2019/0246 |
Proposed Addition to Council Meeting Business Procedures |
That Council includes a provision in the Ordinary Council Meeting agenda for a new item called "Delegates Report" |
That Council:
(1) not amend its business procedure to include the provision of “Delegates Reports” at Ordinary Council Meetings, and
(2) refer the matter to the Delegated Authorities and Policies (DAP) Committee for consideration of including the process in the “Attendance at Conferences, Seminars and Training“ Policy |
Officer's recommendation adopted |
12/12/2019 - Report prepared and submitted to the Delegated Authorities & Policies (DAP) Committee Meeting - 27 February 2020 |
12/12/2019 |
2019/0247 |
Register of Notices of Motion |
That Council develops a Register of Notices of Motion raised by Elected Members that includes a progress status and is published on the City's website |
That Council establishes a Register of Notices of Motion to be published and regularly updated on the City of Cockburn website for a trial period of 12 months, following which public access data be reviewed to determine whether the Register is retained |
Officer's recommendation adopted |
Register implemented and published on City's website effective December 2019 |
12/12/2019 |
2019/0248 |
Adopt-A-Park Programme in Cockburn |
That Council creates an Adopt-A-Park Programme in Cockburn |
That Council note a detailed report will be prepared and presented to the 13 February 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting |
Officer's recommendation adopted |
12/12/2019 - Report prepared and submitted to the Ordinary Council Meeting - 13 February 2020 |
12/12/2019 |
2019/0249 |
Planning Investigation Area Jandakot / Treeby - Sub-Regional Planning Framework |
That Council:
(1) Write to the State Government advocating for land investigation seeking options for Jandakot residents and ratepayers
(2) Bring the date to commence assessment forward from 2023 to 2020.
(3) Seek a briefing for residents, executive and elected members from the State Government outlining their response. |
That Council advocates to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) that the Planning Investigation Area Jandakot/ Treeby within the Sub-regional Planning Framework should be prioritised and undertaken |
Officer's recommendation was not adopted |
No further action as no other motion was carried |