View the purpose of the meeting and live stream link.
Read more about the waste collection times.
View the operating hours over the festive season for the Administration Centre, Henderson Waste Recovery Park, Reuse shop, Libraries, Seniors Centre, Youth Centre and ARC.
The City of Cockburn invites expressions of interest to be part of Council’s Design Review Panel. Find out more.
Cockburn volunteer organisations can reward their volunteers with a Cockburn Volunteer Discount Card. The card entitles volunteers to discounts from participating local Cockburn business. The card is renewed annually.
To be eligible for a Cockburn Volunteer Discount Card you must actively volunteer with a Cockburn local organisation or not-for-profit group supporting the Cockburn community. It is the responsibility of the group to register its individual volunteers with the Cockburn Volunteer Resource Centre (CVRC) to receive their Cockburn Volunteer Discount Cards.
To obtain a Cockburn Volunteer Discount Card, complete the online form below. We will contact you with regard to your application. Cockburn Volunteer Discount Card form