View the purpose of the meeting and live stream link.
We are working with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to help stop the spread of invasive pest Qfly. Read more.
Since around 9pm on Christmas Day we have had an issue with the City’s online forms.
In mid-February, the public waste drop-off will move to Dalison Avenue.
Sustainability is as much about community as it is about the environment. The City hosts a number of sustainability and conservation programs for the community throughout the year. You can get involved with local conservation groups and programs and meet like-minded people in your community.
The City publishes a biannual Sustainable Living Events Series, which is packed full of fun community events suitable for young and old. Each edition includes over events and workshops to inspire sustainable living in your home. Most events are free or heavily subsidised. To discover what's on offer each month, please visit the Events and Workshop or download the Sustainable Living Events Series broschure. View the Sustainable Living Events Have your say! Share your activity or workshop ideas with us, and help to shape future Sustainable Living Events programs.