Residential Parking Permits

Residential Parking Permits (approved parking precincts only) 

Residential Parking Permits provide fair and efficient parking management when parking spaces are in high demand. Council has approved parking restrictions in designated areas and has identified certain residential properties that may be eligible for a Residential Parking Permit. 

All Parking Permits will expire on 31 December each year. You will need to lodge a Service Request to obtain a new valid Permit.

Approved Residential Parking Permit Precinct

Aubin Grove Station Parking Precinct

  • Permits are issued to the Property Owner or Property Manager 
  • Only one permit is issued per property 
  • Maximum parking time allowed is 24 hours
  • Permits must be displayed at all times
  • Permits can be used by occupants or visitors to their property 
  • Permits are issued and renewed only on application.

How to apply for a Residential Parking Permit 

Lodge a service request to obtain a Parking Permit. Alternatively you may contact the City to have the application posted or emailed to you.

If you have any enquiries you can use the contact us online form or contact Ranger Services on 08 9411 3444 or email



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.