Setting up a Food Business


All food businesses must: The type of approval(s) required depend on whether you want to:
  • Set up a new food business or alter an existing food business
  • Take over an existing food business
  • Prepare and/or sell food from home (i.e. a home-based business).
The following sections provide advice on the steps required to obtain the necessary approvals and register your food business.

Setting up a new food business or altering an existing food business
  1. Determine if you require Planning or Building approval

    Refer to the Planning Application page for more information.
    Refer to the Building Permit Application page for more information.

    Or contact the City's Statutory Planning and Building Departments on 08 9411 3444

  2. Complete the application

    Complete the 'Application to Construct or Alter a Food Business' form and include:

    • ​Proposed floor plan and use of each room

    • Structural finishes of every wall, floor and ceiling

    • Position and type of every fitting and fixture

    • Number of chairs for patrons

    • Details of proposed sinks for hand washing, food preparation and dish washing or dishwasher specifications

    • All sanitary conveniences provided for staff and patrons, change rooms, storerooms, ventilating systems, drains, grease traps and provision for waste disposal 

    • Details of the mechanical exhaust system, if cooking is to take place in the food premises.

      Apply to Construct or Alter a Food Business

  3. Payable Fees & Timeframe

    Swipe to see more
    Application Fees (2024/2025 Financial Year)  
    Application to Construct a High or Medium Risk Food Premises  $545
    Application to Construct a Low or Very Low Risk Food Premises  $290
    Alterations to an exisiting Food Business Premises  
    Minor alterations to an existing Food Business Premises $198
    Major alterations to an existing Food Business Premises $370

    Your application will be assessed within 2 weeks 

    The City's Health Service will contact you should further information be required or if you need to amend your application.

  4. Arrange final assessment

    Prior to commencing operation of your food business, the City's Environmental Health Officer is required to inspect the completed premises. The purpose of the inspection is to ensure compliance of the premises and to provide further guidance on the sale of the food to ensure it meets the requirements of the legislation.

  5. Complete the Food Act 2008 Notification/Registration Form

    Complete the Food Act 2008 Notification/Registration Form

Setting up a home-based food business

In the interest of public safety, there are restrictions on the types of food that can be prepared in your home kitchen. All home-based food preparation will require approval from the City.

Types of food that may be approved

The following foods are generally approved:
  • Cakes and cake decorating (excluding cream), biscuits and flour products
  • Jams, chutneys, relishes, pickled onions and sauces
  • Food for sale for charitable events (we recommend excluding meat, cream and eggs)
  • Food for home stay and farm stay accommodation
  • Repackaging of bulk, low-risk confectionary.
  1. Obtain pre approval from the City

    Contact the City's Health Service on 08 9411 3444 or at [email protected]
  2. Determine if you require Planning Approval

    Contact the City's Statutory Planning Department on 08 9411 3444

  3. Complete application

    Your application must be accompanied by full recipe details for all of the foods to be prepared or manufactured.
    Please ensure that you include the following:

    • A full ingredient list of all products you wish to manufacture

    • Manufacturing process—details of each cooking step (including cooking time expressed in minutes and temperature used expressed in degrees Celsius)

    • Details of storage conditions for raw ingredients and finished product to prevent contamination

    • A copy of the label (if required) for the product, compliant with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code

    Residential Food Business Application to Prepare and Sell Food Application
  4. Payable fees & timeframe

    No application fee is payable at this time.
    Your application will be assessed within 2 weeks. 
    A Registration fee of $59 will apply after the premises had been inspected (step 5).

    The City's Health Service will contact you should further information be required or if you need to amend your application.

  5. Site inspection

    A Health Officer will contact you to arrange a time to meet you at your residential premises. The purpose of the inspection is to provide further guidance and ensure the area where food is being prepared/sold complies with the legislation.

  6. Complete the Food Act 2008 Notification/Registration Form

    Complete the Food Act 2008 Notification/Registration Form

Taking over an existing food business (without alterations)
  1. Determine if you require a 'settlement enquiry'

    If the food business you are taking over is currently operating, it is recommended that the City undertakes a ‘settlement enquiry’.  The City will carry out an inspection of the premises and provide a written report to the settlement agent, advising of any outstanding work orders and registration fees. Please note, there is a fee for this service.

    Contact the City's Health Service at [email protected] to request a settlement enquiry.
  2. Complete the Food Act 2008 Notification/Registration Form

    Complete the Food Act 2008 Notification/Registration Form

  3. Payable Fees & Timeframe

    Swipe to see more
    Swipe to see more
    Swipe to see more
    (2024/2025 Financial Year)  
    Exemp Food Business - Community or Charitable No Charge
    Commercial Operator $60

More information and contact

Please contact Health Services on 08 9411 3444 or at [email protected] for more information on setting up a food business in Cockburn.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.