
You must have a permit to busk within the City of Cockburn.

How to apply for a busking permit

  1. Complete the and read the Busking Policy and Guidelines below
  2. We will acknowledge receipt of your application and process it within five working days
  3. We will advise you when your permit is ready or if we have refused your application for any reason
  4. We will post your permit
  5. Busking is permitted between 8.30am - 5pm. You may busk up to two hours at a time. If no one else turns up on the day, you may stay longer. 
Priority will be given to confirmed bookings

Busking Permit Application form

Important information for busking permit holders

The following information applies to all buskers who operate with a permit in the City of Cockburn.

Days and times permitted
  1. Monday to Saturday 9am – 10pm

Sunday and Public Holidays 11am - 9pm.
Performances are up to two hours; or two x 1 hours spots. Violins, recorders and children under 12 – half an hour only.

One permit will be issued for groups of up to 5. Larger groups will be assessed on a case by case basis but may be refused if pedestrian safety or access is compromised.
The permit holder shall

Prior to commencing busking ensure permit is approved and current.

  1. Busk only in permitted places at permitted times.

  2. Comply with the directions of authorised officers of the Council and/or Police and/or other emergency services.

  3. Comply with any additional conditions or variations to permit conditions.

  4. Carry the permit issued while performing and be able to produce the permit at the request of an authorised officer of the Council and/or Police.

  5. At all times observe all legislative provisions, Council by-laws and conditions of the permit.

  6. Perform in a manner that portrays a safe and responsible attitude. Safety must always be the prime consideration.

  7. Collect any donations from the public from a receptacle placed on the surface in a manner that does not cause risk or obstruction.

  8. Ensure all equipment and fixtures are installed safely and as close to their allocated position as possible.

  9. Keep and leave the site tidy.

The permit holder shall not
  1. Create a noise level that undesirably impacts on the operation of adjacent retail outlets or the enjoyment of the public or surrounding tenants.

  2.  Cause an undue obstruction or nuisance to pedestrian or vehicular movement or impede in any way entrances to shops or buildings.

  3.  Allow a Permit to be used by another person.

  4. Use dangerous implements or materials as part of any performance unless special permission from the local government has been sought and approval given. This includes sharp objects, knives, saws, swords, the use of fire or other flammable substances in any manner whatsoever as part of any performance.

  5. Offer for sale anything other than their own original CDs/ DVDs.

  6. Use animals or foul or offensive language or behaviour in their performance that may cause distress or embarrassment to the public.

  7. Be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

  8. Interfere with any approved entertainment or activity planned for that location.

  9. Forcefully solicit donations in appreciation of their performance.

  1. No permit will be granted to a child under the age of 15 years unless there is written consent provided by a parent/guardian agreeing to be in attendance and supervise any performance by the child and indemnify the City of Cockburn against any claims arising from or in association with any performance of the child.
  2. Any Permit granted to a child is valid only during daylight hours in which the child is not required to attend school in accordance with the Education Act, 1972.
  3. A Permit granted to any child up to the age of 15 is valid so long as the child performs together with and/or remains under the direct care and control of the parent/guardian.
  1. The City of Cockburn reserves the right to revoke any permit(s) issued in circumstances where the Permit conditions are breached.

  2.  Should there be a revocation of a permit(s) any permit Fee(s) shall not be refundable

  3. The City of Cockburn reserves the right to refuse to issue a busking Permit in cases where the safety and convenience of the public and retailers may be compromised or where a busker(s) has demonstrated continued non-compliance with permit conditions or behaviour not befitting a public place.

  4. The City of Cockburn reserves the right to restrict the number of busking permits issued in any one day or for any one type of activity.

Activity not permitted
  1. Selling (except as per 14)

  2. Promotions

  3. Political rallying

  4. Touting or spruiking

  5. Religious spruiking

  6. Tarot card reading, palmistry and fortune telling

  7. Massage or other physical manipulation

  8. Face or body painting

  9. Temporary tattoo applications

  10. Balloon sculptors.

Registered charities may apply for a permit to promote their activities or fundraise, as long as they are conducting what is deemed acceptable street entertainment, as above. We will allocate one slot per week for fundraising, at any day or time and this will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Busking location
Busking is currently only permitted in the designated area at Cockburn Central Town Square and Cockburn Central Train station park- Junction Blvd.

Council will insure ‘busking permit holders’ under a special Public Liability Policy obtained to cover buskers within the City of Cockburn.

Under the policy ‘busking permit holders’ are only covered by Council purchased insurance if they:

  • Hold a valid busker permit issued by the City of Cockburn.

  • Are operating at a designated busking/street entertainment area within the City of Cockburn.

  • Have adhered to the permit terms and conditions including operating only within the designated days and times.

The policy is limited to $10 million for any one loss and the busker is responsible for the first $250 of each loss.

Terms and Conditions

Performers who do not conform to the terms and conditions of their busking permit, or who do not have a permit, or whose activities are defined as dangerous (even if permitted by exception), are not covered by the Council purchased public liability insurance and must obtain their own public liability insurance cover for a minimum of $10 million for each occurrence.

More information and contact

For more information about busking, or applying for a busking permit, please call 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Language Support

Fire Danger Rating

Social Media

Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present.