Read more about the waste collection times.
View the operating hours over the festive season for the Administration Centre, Henderson Waste Recovery Park, Reuse shop, Libraries, Seniors Centre, Youth Centre and ARC.
The City of Cockburn invites expressions of interest to be part of Council’s Design Review Panel. Find out more.
The City regularly maintains the City’s streets, using street sweepers and road maintenance trucks. The City also maintains footpaths and undertakes road maintenance including potholes and drains.
Please contact us to report areas needing road sweeping, problems with potholes, blocked drains at the roadside, or damage to footpaths. You can also contact the City for help with road and pedestrian safety.
The Drainage Catchment Study can be found in related documents below.
Please contact Engineering Services for more information on roads, footpaths and drains on 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].