The City’s Land Management Strategy guides the management of the City’s land portfolio, including sales and land dealings, and outlines which land should be retained. The strategy supports the future economic growth of the City. Find out about the aim, key issues, context and status of the Strategy.
The City’s Land Management Strategy 2017 – 2022 has been created to:
- Facilitate the effective management of the City’s land portfolio
- Establish open and accountable processes for dealing with the City’s land, particularly ensuring that all land dealings are undertaken in accordance with legislative requirements
- Identify City owned land that has the potential to be sold in the short to medium term (rolling five year timeframe), in conjunction with the demand for such funds
- Identify development constraints and methodologies in order to establish land disposal priorities
- Appropriately plan both the financial and human resources required to undertake land disposal (such as rezoning, designing subdivision and constructing new lots)
- Set out where land should be held by the City, based on the principle of such land contributing to the delivery of services undertaken by the City to achieve the outcomes expected of it
- Identify City owned land that has value of a 'strategic' nature, to ensure development proposals optimise long-term financial benefits for the City.
The City owns various land assets within the district in freehold. Some of these have the potential to be sold to enable the land asset to be realised. This has been a long standing practice of the City, to utilise its land assets, including value adding, in the most optimal way possible. The Land Management Strategy enables the City to gain the greatest benefit from its land assets as possible.
The Land Management Strategy is related to the objective of City Growth in the Strategic Community Plan, and the specific aims of:
Planning for the population growth for our City and maintaining our strong financial position, to:
- Ensure sound long term financial management and deliver value for money
Please contact Property & Assets for more information on the Land Management Strategy by Phone 08 9411 3444 or email