Coolbellup Revitalisation Strategy

About the revitalisation strategy

The Coolbellup Revitalisation Strategy will guide the delivery of future residential development within the suburb and identify improvements and infrastructure required to support its growth. The Strategy is focused on identifying appropriate increased residential densities and strategies to encourage housing choice.

The Coolbellup Revitalisation Strategy is aligned to the State Planning Framework for Perth and Peel @3.5 million, and its urban infill targets. The Strategy is set within the context of the Town Planning Scheme No. 3.

The Revitalisation Strategy aims to ensure that Coolbellup is an attractive place to live and visit into the future and includes a program of renewal across the suburb.

The Coolbellup Revitalisation Strategy aims to:

  • Provide diverse opportunities for housing growth, to meet current and future needs
  • Align to the infill targets of the State Planning Framework.

What happens now?

The City’s draft Local Planning Strategy proposes the preparation of ‘Local Area Plans’ to identify actions to enhance the City’s established suburbs.
For the existing revitalisation strategy areas like Coolbellup, this will involve reviewing the recommendations and updating the Strategy into a ‘Local Area Plan’.
The scope of ‘Local Area Plans’ is yet to be determined, but they are likely to look at:

  • Enhancing a green, leafy streetscape character
  • Supporting more sustainable and active transport options
  • Improving safety and security
  • Supporting Activity Centres to become hubs for the community

At this stage the City is awaiting the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) approval of the Local Planning Strategy.  Once this has occurred, the City will prepare a scope and prioritisation plan for ‘Local Area Plans’. 

This will clearly identify the scope and process for community engagement, and will also prioritise their preparation and implementation, recognising there are suburbs that have not been subject to a revitalisation strategy.

When this process commences, we will let you know how you can be involved.  In the meantime, the City will continue to progress the actions of the Revitalisation Strategy.

For details relating to the ongoing status of our Local Planning Strategy please visit Comment on Cockburn: Planning the Best City - What do you think of our strategy?


Outcome area: Encourage and support appropriate development and diverse housing options

Action Status
Residential Density and Zoning Changes Complete
Undertake a drainage review Complete
Proposed changes to local planning policy Design Guidelines Complete
Work with the Public Transport Authority to undertake a review of bus services and routes                      Not yet complete

Outcome area: Improve the function and presentation of Coolbellup streets

Action Status
Revitalise Coolbellup’s key streets: Coolbellup Avenue, Counsel Road, Waverley Road, and Cordelia Avenue Underway
Investigate and prepare a City wide local planning policy to require new developments in revitalisation areas to contribute to streetscape upgrades Not yet complete
Prepare a City wide residential verge education brochure Complete
Facilitate the provision of underground power for the western side of Coolbellup by applying for the next round of funding through the State Underground Power Program
(Update: Under the new Targeted Underground Power Program areas are now selected by Western Power based on a network driven approach)
As identified by Western Power
Improve wayfinding signage, facilities and information relating to local bus services, cycle and pedestrian routes in and around Coolbellup Not yet complete

Outcome area: Protect and enhance the character and natural environment of Coolbellup

Action Status
Continue to support Coolbellup Shopping Centre landowners and managers in the development and upgrade of the town centre Ongoing
Continue to upgrade Len Packham Reserve and maintain the high quality public open spaces in Coolbellup Ongoing
Deliver a suburb wide Street Tree Strategy Underway- ongoing
Prepare a City wide Medium Density Good Development Guide Complete

Completed projects

  Description Cost
Major Infrastructure Projects Coolbellup Hub Redevelopment $4.7m
Coolbellup Hub CCTV project $190,000
Len Packham Club Rooms, tennis courts and skate park upgrade $2m
Streetscape upgrades $190,000
Parks and Streetscapes Jarvis Park $400,000
Rinaldo Reserve $250,000
Coolbellup Avenue Streetscape $190,000
Coolbellup/Cordelia Avenue footpath upgrades $100,000
Coolbellup Avenue Traffic calming measures (between Winterfold Road and Waverley Road) $125,000
Len Packham Nature Playground $500,000
Matilda Birkett Reserve $120,000

Context of the Coolbellup revitalisation strategy

The Coolbellup Revitalisation Strategy is aligned to the State Planning Framework for Perth and Peel @3.5 million and its urban infill targets. The Strategy is set within the context of the Town Planning Scheme No. 3.

More information and contact

Please contact the Strategic Planning for more information on the Coolbellup Revitalisation Strategy on 08 9411 3444 or at [email protected].



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.