Obtaining necessary approvals

Event Approval

When you have confirmation of your venue booking, you must obtain approval for your event. A Public Building Event Application is required for all events over 100 people. A temporary public building may not necessarily refer to an actual building but rather the area within which the event is held, indoor or out.

Application forms are required to be submitted 2-3 months prior to your event. Visit the Public event guidelines page for information about requirements. 

The City’s Health Services Team can provide guidance and advice to groups on complying with the law and minimising risk in organising an event for the community.

Depending on the size of the event and time proposed, Development Applications may also be required. Please contact the City's Statutory Planning Services Team on 08 9411 3444 for further guidance. 

Food stalls

If you intend to sell or give away food at your event this requires the vendor to obtain a Licence to Sell Food from a Temporary Premise to ensure you comply with the requirements of the Food Act 2008 and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (Australia Only). All commercial food vehicles and stalls operating from the event must have a current Food Business Registration and comply with the provisions of the Food Act 2008 and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (Australia Only).

The Application to Sell Food from a Temporary Premises Form can be downloaded from the City's website.

A checklist outlining the minimum standards for the operation of a temporary food stall can be downloaded from the Related Documents section below.

Approval for fireworks

If you’re interested in obtaining approval for holding fireworks at your event please contact the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

Laser light displays

If your event involves laser/s you must comply with the provision of Australian Standards 2211 “Laser Safety” and must be operated by a licensed Laser Safety Officer. For further information email the Radiation Health Branch at the Department of Health. The City will require copies of all applicable licenses and laser registrations. Also refer to the Code of Practice for the safe use of lasers in the entertainment industry.


If you intend on using a drone or remotely piloted aircraft you should be aware that the legislation regarding drones/RPAs has changed.


Event organisers proposing a circus should firstly familiarise themselves with the City’s Policy “Approval to Conduct Circuses” policy.


Concerts, cultural and entertainment type events held in the City add vibrancy, provide commercial opportunities to local businesses and are a source of entertainment to local residents. Event organisers should give consideration to the impact of noise on the local community. The City can take action if it considers the noise to be unreasonable. The Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 determine manageable noise levels for specific areas and times. They also recognise that in some cases sporting, cultural or entertainment events would lose character or usefulness if required to comply with the lower assigned level. Regulation 18 allows an application for non-complying events subject to noise management plans and conditions. Further information is available on the City’s website

As a courtesy to surrounding residents and businesses, we suggest that signs be erected at all entrances to the event detailing the nature of the noise, finishing times and contact number to record any noise complaints recieved. When setting up for the event, try to ensure sound systems face away from residents and in the direction of where it will have the least amount of impact. You can also write to nearby residents ahead of the event alerting them to the event/details.

Traffic Management and parking

It is important to consider the following when it comes to traffic management:

  • Is sufficient parking available at the venue? If not, is there additional parking available nearby that will be satisfactory?

  • Do patrons know where to park and where not to park? This is so the event does not cause unexpected congestion or safety issues for pedestrians. For further details see the City’s parking guidelines. 

  • Will a road closure be required? Road closures should be considered as a last resort and should be limited to times outside of peak periods.

If your event has the potential to effect traffic (vehicle or pedestrian) on a road or within a road reserve, the submission of a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will be required for review and approval by the City. TMPs must be prepared by persons with current Main Roads WA accreditation and will require review and approval by the City before a road closure and the event application can be considered.

An event TMP outlines any proposed changes or impact on existing traffic conditions, including lane closures, change of speed limit, traffic detours, barrier requirements and traffic signage.

If a road closure is required, an application must be made to the City’s Engineering Department on 08 9411 3444, at least six weeks prior to the event to give sufficient time for processing by the City and community/stakeholder notification by the event organiser.

Depending on the level of impact of the road closure the City will direct what actions need to be taken. It will be a requirement to notify the general public by way of a letter drop to the affected residents/ businesses a minimum of one week in advance of the event and it may be required to advertise the road closure in local newspapers to notify the general public.

Please consult the Main Roads WA website for further information about temporary traffic management for events.

The temporary closure or part closure of any of the City’s roads will also require the submission of the WA Police ‘Application for an order for a road closure’ form for sign-off by the City and submission to the local Police with payment of the relevant fee. Similarly, an event involving a speed test or racing on road will require a WA Police ‘Temporary Suspension of the Road Traffic Act/Regulations’ form to be signed off by the City and submitted to the Police.


If you wish to hold a procession through the streets of the City you will need to complete an application for a Permit to hold a Public Meeting and/or Processions - Section 7 of the Public Order in Streets Act 1984. This application form is available from the WA Police website and should be submitted to them.


Family events in parks including fund raisers are not permitted to have bars selling alcohol or BYO alcohol. The City’s position is that there is no need for alcohol at family events because there are numerous venues in the City that have liquor licences with all of the necessary safeguards in place.

These safeguards are commonly applied as conditions to the liquor licences granted to numerous sporting club premises and ensure that children’s access to alcohol is controlled.

Sale and consumption of alcohol at family events is not supported because it normalises alcohol in these environments and this goes against the principles of health and wellbeing and protection of children.

However if approved, the sale and consumption of alcohol is only permitted for certain enclosed events and a license to sell or supply alcohol must be obtained from the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor. The Department requires a letter of approval from the landowners to be submitted with your application.

Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor may seek comment from WA police and the City when determining application. A liquor license application may be obtained from Department of Racing Gaming and Liquor. 


Consider offering healthy food options at your event.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Language Support

Fire Danger Rating

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.