Funding your event

Funding your event

Sponsorship and other funding support is usally essential for a successful community event. Ensuring the financial viability of an event is particularly important if it is intended to conduct the event on an annual basis.

Event organisers should pursue several funding options as this will ensure the event can proceed if one source of funding becomes unavailable. Community groups that demonstrate resourcefulness and initiative in sourcing funds and support are viewed favourably by funding bodies.

Opportunities for support include:

  • Grants programs

  • Sponsorship from local business

  • Donations 

  • In-kind support.

Grants and Funding programs 

Government departments and other organisations have various funding programs designed to support a range of events. Each funding program has its own
eligibility criteria and conditions of funding, and it is important to consider these before submitting an application. Most grants and funding programs require
applicant groups to be incorporated or ‘auspiced’ by an incorporated organisation. 

Grants from the City of Cockburn

The City of Cockburn has several funding programs that are designed to support local groups and not-for-profit organisations who provide services that
benefit the Cockburn community. These include:

Small Events Sponsorship

Small Events Sponsorship is suitable for neighbourhood events such as movie nights, pop up events, Christmas carols and small fetes. Opportunities are open year-round.

Community Grants

Community Grants provide funds for “one-off” projects or events, pilot programs or establishment of a group or activity. A project will only be funded once. Applications are open each year in March and September for projects or events commencing a minimum of two months after the closing date.


Donations are a financial contribution towards a benevolent organisation’s day-to-day running costs, not for a specific project or activity. Funding is open twice a year in March and September.


Sponsorship is an arrangement where the City of Cockburn makes a financial contribution to a significant event, activity, service or endeavour and in return, the City receives public recognition for its contribution. Opportunities are available for groups to apply for funding twice a year in March and September. Individual applications that are for attending a significant event or activity at a National or International level, are open all year round.

Sustainability grants

Sustainability grants provide funding for not-for-profit and community groups for eligible projects within one of the grant themes including Giving Back, Protecting our Future, Strong Communities, Water, Energy and Waste, TravelSmart and Healthy Lifestyles. Funding is open annually with applications closing at the end of March.

Cultural grants

Cultural grants can be used for a range of purposes including but not restricted to, events, pilot programs, cultural and heritage programs and activities, workshops and residencies. Cultural grants need to embody one of the diverse art and cultural interests of the City of Cockburn through either Artist in the Community Program; Celebrating Community Program; Creative Community Program or Telling Community Stories Program. Funding is open twice a year in March and September.

Fremantle Ports Cockburn Community Projects Fund

Fremantle Ports Cockburn Community Projects Fund is where the City has partnered with Fremantle Ports to deliver the Cockburn Community Projects Fund. This fund supports youth and environmental projects such as the Annual Youth Visual and Performing Arts Festival. For more information, contact the Community Development Team on [email protected]

Advice for submitting funding applications

Be mindful that a funding organisation’s assessment process for applications can take up to four months, and retrospective applications (seeking financial support for events already held) are ineligible. Note the application deadline and plan a timeline to complete and submit your application. The need to gather supporting documentation may mean the application process is more time consuming than expected. Read the eligibility criteria and funding guidelines carefully and clarify any questions you have with the funding body well before the deadline. Propose a realistic and carefully considered budget. Be as detailed about the event’s income and expenditure as possible to ensure they add up correctly. Ensure all sections of the application are completed and all required documentation is attached. Complete the application checklist if one is provided.

Obtaining sponsorship

A sponsor is an organisation or a business that supports your event either financially or inkind in return for public recognition. This may include acknowledgement of support or logos on promotional material and publicity or signage at the event. Ideally, your sponsors will share your organisation’s values and objectives and have a target market similar to your organisation and event. When approaching a potential sponsor, (usually by correspondence) describe the event and its aims, theme, date and other relevant details. Describe the support you are seeking and the potential benefits to the sponsor that will result from their contribution.

Useful resources 

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City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Fire Danger Rating

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.