Cat Registration Renewals

Renewing your cat registration

Registrations expire on October 31st each year. Lifetime registrations are exempt and will not expire. You will receive a Renewal
Form by post before your cat's registration is due to expire.
You can renew your cat registration online in the link below. Please refer to costs listed below.

Renew your cat registration 

Cat registration fees in Cockburn

Period of Registration Cost ($)
1 Year $20 ($10 Pension Consession)
3 years $42.50 ($21.25 Pension Consession)
Lifetime $100 ($50 Pension Consession)

Payment methods

If you wish to pay in person, the City’s Administration building can accept cash or credit card. If you wish to pay via post or email fill in your credit card details on the back of the Cat Registration Form or send a cheque or money order.

Cat Sterilisation Subsidy

The City of Cockburn provides a Cat Sterilisation Subsidy for residents to assist with the expenses of sterilising and microchipping a cat.

Apply for the Cat Sterilisation Subsidy

Domestic cat laws in WA

All domestic cats in Western Australia over six months of age need to be sterilised, microchipped and registered with their local government. The period of registration runs from 1 November to 31 October, regardless of when the cat is registered. Your cat will be required to wear a collar and registration tag to ensure they can be easily identified and returned to you if lost.

Please contact the City for more information on cat registration on 08 9411 3444 or at [email protected].

More information and contact

Please contact Ranger Services on 08 9411 3444 or email for more information.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.