Section made of corten steel
Art medium – Sculpture
About the artwork – This artwork draws inspiration from the rich physical elements of construction that occur in a new development and the interaction of this activity to the natural environment.
Location – Northern side of the lake, Aurora Drive, Atwell
Artists – Ben Jones and Buffy Hallam
Interleaf construction made of powder coated interwoven steel pipes
Art medium – Sculpture
About the artwork – This interactive sculpture was inspired by the reeds and sedges that grow naturally in the nearby lake. Working on the principal that the reeds and sedges filter nutrients in the lake, interleaf filters light through the interwoven steel pipes that is then filtered through the artwork to present an ever-changing pattern of shadows in and around the work. The shadows reflect the ever-changing elements of nature and the ongoing changes in the development of the land from bushland to rural to urban.
Location – Eastern side of the lake, Aurora Drive, Atwell
Artist – Dawn Gamblen
CSI look listen and imagine powder coated mild steel
Art medium – Sculpture
About the artwork – The purpose of this artwork is to engage the viewer, and user of Eco Park actively on the site. The artworks consist of three framed structures that allow the viewer to define a view or reference. This glimpse of the park encourages the viewer to remember the past inhabitants, observe environmental changes and appreciate the present.
Location – Eco Park at Harvest Lakes, Atwell
Artist – Louise Josephs
Metal eucalyptus leaves rising out of water
Art medium – Sculpture
About the artwork – Elemental Harvest explores the importance of water to sustainability. The stylised eucalyptus leaves rise from the water like germinating seeds drawing attention to the new life made possible by water. Locating the work in the water allows us to watch the rise and fall of the water levels and the interaction this has on the artwork as some pieces are submerged in the wetter months and then remerge in summer.
Location – Western side of the lake, Aurora Drive, Atwell
Artist – Rima Zabaneh
Above and below steel cut-outs mounted on a rendered wall
Art medium – Sculpture
About the artwork – The primary focus of this piece was to create an artwork that reflects the environmental focus of the Harvest Lakes community and that encapsulates the feeling of vitality and growth. Inspiration came from the restoration of the Harvest Lakes degraded wetlands which have once again become important habitats and nutritional filters.
Location – Wall dividing Harvest Lakes from Kwinana Freeway, Zodiac Loop, Atwell
Artist – Tunya Versluis
Steel stack for Harvest Lakes
Art medium – Sculpture
About the artwork – The freestanding perpendicular form has been created by stacking triangle shapes over an internal frame giving the artwork strength and the idea that each part is important to the whole. This artwork describes ecosystems and communities as having many integral parts, each dependant on the other to exist. This is highlighted through the repeated stacking of an element to encourage the viewer to consider how they as individuals are important to the whole of the community.
Location – Grassed area corner Harvest Lakes Boulevard & Harmony Avenue, Atwell
Artist – Jennifer Cochrane
The Oscillidex copper sheet
Art medium – Sculpture
About the artwork – This work is an installation of five forms tethered to the bed of the lake at Eco Park. Inspiration for the forms was from seeds collected in the park, drawing attention to the natural forms within the environment. The artwork makes comment on the passing seasons through the changes in the water levels and climatic changes such as wind and rain.
Location – Eastern side of Eco Park Aurora Drive, Atwell
Artists – Louise Morrison and Matt Dickmann |
Mosaic in a series of circles representing sustainability
Art medium – Mosaic
About the artwork – Working with the local school children and exploring the idea of sustainability and water conservation, Lesley King has created a mosaic using handmade tiles in a series of circles.
Location – Harvest Lakes Community Centre, Harmony Drive, Atwell
Artist – Lesley King |