Club Driven Facility Upgrades

The City of Cockburn is committed to providing safe, accessible, and versatile facilities for community groups and sporting clubs. As needs evolve, clubs may seek to modify these facilities to better accommodate changing membership or operational requirements. Modifications can range from minor upgrades to significant improvements, with clubs either:

  • Fully funding the upgrades, or
  • Contributing a substantial portion of the cost, with potential support from a City of Cockburn Capital Works Grant or other funding sources.

This information and application pack offers clubs and groups that lease or hire facilities from the City a clear process to outline proposed modifications for review and approval.

Prior to submitting this form, all applicants must discuss their proposed project with a City of Cockburn Officer:

  • For leased facilities, contact the Property and Assets team on 08 9411 3444 or [email protected]
  • For hired facilities, contact the Recreation Services team on 08 9411 3444 or [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: Club Driven Facility Upgrades (CDFU) application forms submitted without speaking to a City Officer will not be assessed.

Application Guidelines

When can I submit my application?

Applications can be submitted at any time. Approval timelines will vary based on the complexity of the project, the number of stakeholders involved, and the completeness of the information provided.

We encourage applicants to contact the City as early as possible to discuss their project, particularly if there are time-sensitive factors, such as season start or end dates, or special events (including those involving other users).

How do I apply?

How to apply

  1. The Club should consult with a City Officer to discuss the proposed work
  2. The project and proposed budget must be approved and recorded in the minutes of a Club committee meeting
  3. The Club should complete the Club-Driven Facility Upgrades Application (CDFU) and submit it to the City via email to  [email protected] for leased facilities, and [email protected] for hired facilities.
  4. The application form can be found at the bottom of this page under 'Related Documents'
  5. The City will review the application and inform the Club of the outcome.
  • The City may arrange a site meeting with the applicant if necessary.
  • Approval will be given once all additional supporting documents are submitted.

The assessment process

  • Your application will be reviewed by relevant City departments depending on the size and nature of the requested upgrades
  • The nominated contact person will be notified of the outcome via email. If the project is conditionally approved, the Club will need to provide any required supporting documentation before a Final Approval Notice is issued. This notice may include amendments, special conditions, project timelines, or further approvals/permits if necessary​
  • An authorised Club representative must sign and return the Final Approval Notice via email, confirming acceptance of any amendments or conditions attached to the project
  • The applicant, with support from the City, is responsible for applying for all necessary approvals and permits and covering any associated fees. The Final Approval Notice must be included with all planning or building permit applications
  • Work can begin once all necessary approvals and permits are in place, provided the agreed conditions are met. Any work started before development or building approvals are granted must be removed or rectified to meet the City’s standards, at the club’s expense
  • For smaller projects, such as installing TV brackets, hanging frames or club memorabilia, or mounting notice boards, clubs may proceed according to the conditions outlined in the Final Approval Notice
  • Projects involving structural changes (e.g., verandahs, new buildings, lighting) will be subject to specific project management conditions outlined later in this information pack
  • After completion, a City Facilities Officer will inspect the work. Any work that does not meet City approval must be removed or rectified to the City’s standards, at the club’s expense.

When assessing applications, the following factors will be considered, among others:

  • Impact on other user groups and casual hirers
  • Justification for the proposed works
  • Heritage, visual, and environmental impact
  • Cost vs benefit, including the benefit to the broader community
  • Evidence that the club has the financial capacity to fully fund the works (including GST) and maintain its ongoing financial stability
  • Alignment with the City’s Community Venues - Terms and Conditions, Facility User Agreements, or lease/license conditions (if applicable)
  • Permitted use of the land (e.g., Management Order)
  • Implications regarding relevant City plans
  • Potential effects on other scheduled maintenance or upgrades at the facility
  • The City’s ongoing liability for operation and/or maintenance costs
  • Compliance with relevant Australian Standards, building codes, and legislation, such as accessibility requirements for people with disabilities.

Planning and building approvals

If your proposed works require Development Approval or a Building Permit, these must be applied for after your Club-Driven Facility Upgrades (CDFU) application is approved. Please note, approval of this application does not guarantee that Development Approval or a Building Permit will be granted.

Development and building applications must include the Final Approval Notice and will be assessed against relevant statutory requirements. Applicants are responsible for paying the associated fees for each application.

For more information on Development Approvals or Certified Building Permits, including fees, visit:

Alternatively, contact the City at 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].

Project management of structural works

The City's involvement in project management will be determined on a case-by-case basis, influenced by factors such as the venue, project complexity, other ongoing works, and staff availability.

If the Club is authorised to manage the project, they must demonstrate that a suitably qualified or skilled person is overseeing the work. In such cases, the City will outline key project milestones, where inspections will be conducted before further progress can be made. These milestones will be detailed in the special conditions of the Final Approval Notice.

Important notes:

  • If the Club manages the project, it must develop a contractor site induction plan and conduct inductions for all contractors involved, providing evidence of this to the City
  • If the City manages the project, this may increase the overall cost and/or extend the completion timeframe
  • In some cases, the Club may need to engage a City-approved contractor due to their expertise in specific systems, such as access or security components. This could also impact project costs and timelines
  • To meet the City’s obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020, all contractors must provide the following documentation:
    • Public liability insurance
    • Workers compensation insurance (if other workers are employed)
    • Applicable licences and registrations (e.g., plumber or electrician)
    • Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
    • Professional Indemnity/Commercial Defects insurance (where required).

City of Cockburn Officers will review all SWMS plans before works commence. Officers may also request a Safety Management Plan and can perform safety inspections at any stage of the project.

Ongoing responsibility for maintenance and replacement

Small Projects
Items such as TV brackets, notice boards, and club memorabilia are considered temporary and do not become City assets. The Club is responsible for the ongoing maintenance and replacement of these items, including any damage caused by vandalism or graffiti. These conditions will be specified in the Final Approval Notice.

If the Club no longer uses the facility, no longer requires the equipment, or if the equipment is damaged or vandalised, the Club must handle removal and remediation. Clubs should also ensure these items are covered by their own insurance policies.

Large Projects
New structures or significant upgrades to City facilities will become City assets upon completion. Once the applicable defects period is finalised, these assets will be added to the City’s maintenance and asset replacement schedules.

Application Checklist

What documents are required for the application?

Primary documents

Please include the following with your application:

  • Site map, diagrams, sketches, concept plans, or photos of the proposed works
  • Club committee meeting minutes showing approval of the works, CDFU application, and associated expenditure
  • Letters of support from other facility user groups and the State Sporting Association (if applicable)
  • At least one written quote or cost estimate from a reputable supplier, itemizing project components and costs
  • For floodlighting projects, a lighting plan must be provided, detailing lux levels, configuration, rag bolt base construction, and sufficient power supply.

Secondary documents

These will be required for final approval if your application is conditionally approved:

  • Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)
  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency
  • Audited financial records of the club:
    • Previous financial year for projects up to $5,000
    • Previous three financial years for projects over $5,000
  • Written evidence of financial commitments from other funding sources (loans, donations, grants, other users)
  • Tradesperson’s documents as previously outlined
  • Any additional supporting documentation as requested by the City.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.