The City has a strong, 20 year history in taking decisive and responsible action on climate change.
Climate Change Strategy 2020 – 2030
The Climate Change Strategy is a commitment to continue the City of Cockburn’s 20-year role as a leader in climate resilience and sustainability.
In May 2020, we sought leadership direction from the community on how to create a sustainable and climate resilient future. The community shared their vision, aspirations and insights for a better tomorrow. The City has used this vision to develop the Climate Change Strategy 2020 – 2030 which sets a strong targets and actions to help us become carbon neutral and adapt to the impacts of Climate Change.
At the heart of the strategy is the ‘climate resilience roadmap’ with 14 objectives. The primary emissions reduction target is to achieve net zero emissions. Other targets include: zero non-hazardous waste to landfill, a zero emissions fleet and a transition to 100 percent renewable electricity.
To help reduce the impacts of climate change we will create a waterwise city, conserve biodiversity, increase the urban forest, undertake coastal adaptation, protect our community and infrastructure.
The strategy includes a comprehensive action plan that provides information on each of the 14 objectives and a set of actions to achieve the targets.
Coastal Adaptation Plan
The Coastal Adaptation Plan was developed in 2016 as part of the Cockburn Sound Coastal Vulnerability & Flexible Adaptation Pathways Project. The plan guides the City in managing risks and adapting to coastal changes in a sustainable and flexible manner.
The Coastal Adaptation Plan adopts a flexible adaptation pathway approach, which aims to implement management actions using risk-based triggers whilst prioritising measures that address the coastal risk without limiting future adaptation strategy options.
The adaptation plan has been informed by the Coastal Vulnerability Study (2013) and the Values and Risk Assessment (2014) undertaken by the Cockburn Sound Coastal Alliance.
It provides a best practice approach to coastal adaptation and details specific actions the City will take in the immediate (15-year) planning horizon to manage risk including coastal erosion and inundation.
Cockburn Sound Coastal Alliance
The City is a founding member of the Cockburn Sound Coastal Alliance (CSCA). The CSCA aims to take a regional approach to understanding and adapting to coastal hazards, so that methodologies to address climate change risks are consistent within the geographical area of Cockburn Sound and Owen Anchorage.
Future Climate, Future Home: Adaptive urban design strategies for WA
In 2023 the City signed on to be a project partner for the
Future Climate, Future Home research project with the Australian Urban Design Research Centre and UWA.
The project aims to improve understanding of the impact of changes in temperature and rainfall on urban areas, public open space and housing to develop evidence-based strategies to inform adaptation measures and Climate-Sensitive Urban Design that will assist governments to foster healthy and climate resilient communities.
The project is in partnership with State Government's Development WA, WA Planning Commission, Department of Planning Lands and Heritage, and Department of Communities, and seven local governments across WA's climate regions.
Cities Power Partnership
Cities Power Partnership (CPP) is Australia’s largest local government climate network, representing almost 11 million Australians.
Cockburn joined CPP in 2019 and was the first council in Western Australia to become a Cities Power Partnership champion.
The partnership provides the City with the opportunity to contribute to the national knowledge hub and collaborate with other councils.
Participating councils are required to identify five power partnership pledges. The City has selected the following five pledges which are addressed within the Climate Change Strategy 2020 - 2030:
- Set city-level renewable energy or emissions reduction targets.
- Roll out energy efficient lighting across the municipality.
- Identify opportunities to turn organic waste into electricity.
- Install renewable energy (solar PV and battery storage) on council buildings.
- Power council operations by renewable energy, and set targets to increase the level of renewable power for council operations.
What can I do to tackle Climate Change?
There are a number of actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint and to adapt to climate change impacts in your home and community.
Make your home more sustainable
Track your energy use and be ClimateClever
Sign up for the intelligent
ClimateClever Homes App to calculate your electricity, water and gas use, make quick cost savings and join a movement of people taking action on climate change. Cockburn residents receive a 50% discount.
Build a sustainable community
Collective households (2 or more home owners in a neighborhood), small business and local community groups can apply for a
Sustainability Grant of up to $4,000 towards a sustainability related project.
Drive less. Walk, ride and use public transport more
There are so many fun ways to get around our City. Try a community bike ride or local walking group, join the Cockburn Bicycle User Group or attend a bike maintenance session. Its
Your Move!
Get waterwise
Be a good sort and reduce waste
- Find out what you can place in each bin with our guide
- Find out where you can deposit containers for change
- Return your soft plastics to Coles or Woolworths be recycled by RedCycle
Get wild about wetlands
Plan for extreme weather such as bushfires and heatwaves
Find out how to
prepare your home for fire season and prepare a survival kit
Climate Clever
ClimateClever helps empower school, students and households to reduce their carbon footprint and save money.
The City joined ClimateClever in 2020 through the Local Government (LGA) Partnership Program.
Residents and Schools in Cockburn are encouraged to participate and can receive a 50% discount on Climate clever apps.
Join now for Households
Join now for Schools
More information and contact
Please contact the Sustainability Officer for more information on climate change by calling 08 9411 3444 or send an email
[email protected].