On Thursday 20 February, the public waste drop-off moved to Dalison Avenue.
The reuse shop will be closed on Sundays. The shop is still open Friday and Saturday.
We are working with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to help stop the spread of invasive pest Qfly. Read more.
The Yangebup Revitalisation Strategy was planned to be the fifth of the City’s strategic suburb regeneration projects. The City did not proceed with the Strategy in light of the Minister for Planning’s decision to refuse the proposed recodings for the Lakes Revitalisation Strategy. The City was asked to focus on a broader, ‘whole of City’ Local Planning Strategy (LPS), which is a high-level plan to guide the growth and change of the City for the next 15 years. As part of the preparation of the draft Local Planning Strategy the City looked at the City’s housing needs into the future, which included an assessment of residential infill needs and opportunities. Yangebup was considered against the State Planning Framework (Perth and Peel @ 3.5million), and determined not to meet the criteria for infill. This means that residential codings and subdivision potential is proposed to remain unchanged.
The City acknowledges the three successful community forums held in 2018 with the Yangebup community. These forums looked at options for Yangebup, including improvements to streetscapes, parks, and transport. The City’s draft Local Planning Strategy proposes the preparation of ‘Local Area Plans’ to identify actions to enhance the City’s established suburbs, and the ‘Local Area Plan’ for Yangebup will take into consideration the feedback received through the visioning forums. The scope of ‘Local Area Plans’ is yet to be determined, but they are likely to look at:
At this stage the City is awaiting the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) approval of the Local Planning Strategy. Once this has occurred, the City will prepare a scope and prioritisation plan for ‘Local Area Plans’. This will clearly identify the scope and process for community engagement, and will also prioritise their preparation and implementation When this process commences, we will let you know how you can be involved. For details relating to the ongoing status of our Local Planning Strategy please visit Comment on Cockburn: Planning the Best City - What do you think of our strategy?
Please contact Strategic Planning for more information on 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected]