Children's Development

Children's Development supports and initiates projects and services that address the needs of families with children aged 0 to 12 years. 

Information is provided to the public and service providers via the City website, Cockburn Kids Parent eNews, school emails and email network groups. This service liaises with relevant service providers, including schools, P&Cs and P&Fs and chaplains.

Annual programs and events

  • Froggy's Fun on the Green - free outdoor playgroup sessions in the park
  • Skateboard coaching clinics - free summer sessions for 6-12 year olds
  • Teddy Bears Picnic, including the Hello Baby Corner, an annual community event for parents with toddlers
    and babies
  • Parent workshops and other one-off events, e.g. Coogee Live Loose Parts Pop-Up, family fun days, playgroup open days.

School Graduation Awards

Each year the City provides school graduation book awards to all primary and secondary schools with graduating students: one Community Services graduation award and an optional First Nations Award. You do not have to apply for the school graduation award; your school will automatically receive this, but we will check whether you want the additional award each year. Any requests for the Mayor and Councillors to attend or present these awards need to go via the Mayor's office (Executive Officer to the Mayor and Councillors) [email protected]

Children's Reference Group (CRG)

The CRG is a consultative group for child-related projects across the City and a means to develop children's interest in civic affairs for 7 to 12 year olds.

School Tours

We offer one tour per term for a school group of approximately 30 students. We provide a tour of council chambers, a presentation by our Mayor or another elected member and our Children’s Development officer and morning tea. Your school will be responsible for transport to and from the administration building in Spearwood. Please get in touch with the Children's Development Officer if you would like to arrange this for your school.

More information and Contact

Contact the Children's Development Officer on 08 9411 3444 or email.

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City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

The City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodjar. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to Elders, past and present.